Manuscript Collections
Last Name A - B
Adams, Mamie
This collection contains abstract of titles for five pieces of property in Shelby, Bolivar County.
Ali, Romero Collection
This collection contains the 2000 GSC National Championship Ring.
Allison, Mose Collection
The Mose Allison Collection contains numerous news clippings and magazine articles that highlight the life of blues and jazz singer/pianist Mose Allison. Tippo, Mississippi born, the songwriter/producer is listed in the Mississippi Music Hall of Fame and performs about 100 shows a year in the United States and abroad. The collection also includes a CD that tells his story and some of his music.
John Rupert Baird Collection
This collection contains correspondence between John Rupert Baird and his family during the time he was a student, and then a soldier in the Civil War. It also contains information about flooding that occurred in and around Sunflower County during that period. 1832 – 1866.
The collection contains documents concerning the Bacon, Messenger and Moore families of Warren County, Mississippi. The families operated the Baconhame Plantation. 1811 – 1888.
The David S. Bell Collection contains reels of home film footage during the 1966, 1967, 1968 period from Mobile to New Orleans, but the majority of it is the Biloxi/Gulfport area.
Bishop, F.W. Sr. “Wattie” Collection
This collection contains a paper written by Dr. John Thornell on F.W. “Wattie” Sr. Bishop’s reign as Cleveland Mayor during the period 1951 until 1969. It also contains an oral history of his life, as well as, a magazine article and picture submitted by Mayor Bishop about the Cleveland Christmas lights.
The Mary Blakeman Collection consists of programs and stamps from the DSU Mississippi and the Marshall Plan Commemorative Stamp Ceremony dated October 27, 1997.
Bolding, Sally Collection
The Sally Bolding Collection consists of photos of the Edward Hill Family, and other miscellaneous other photos, including her father’s rice operation and irrigation. It contains copies of portions of Mrs. Bolding’s books, unproofed dust jacket and a leather pouch inscribed “JEP Hill’s private papers”.
Bolivar County Board of Police Minutebook
This collection consists of one Bolivar County Board of Police Minutebook dated 1836 – 1856 which includes the first meeting of the county board whereby it lays out the meeting place, division of the county into districts, appointment of judges, and the setting of an election date for the election of countywide elective officers.
Bolivar County Drainage District Minutes
This collection consists of the six Minute Books of several Bolivar County Drainage Districts during the period Dec. 12, 1922 through June 30, 1945.
Bolivar County Historical Society
The Bolivar County Historical Records Collection contains information about the Society since its inception in 1972, correspondence, financial, board minutes and news clippings. It also contains detailed information about the Burrus House, Bolivar County’s only antebellum mansion.
Bolivar County Library Collection
The Bolivar County Library Collection (Director Ronnie Wise) contains a 1991 Archie comic book designed to promote literacy in Mississippi. It also contains miscellaneous library items and two photos.
This collection contains a large hard-bound book inscribed “Township Plats, Everman and Stone, Bolivar County, Miss.” It includes approximately 25 plats surveyed in Bolivar County from 1830 to 1848.
Bolivar County Tax Book
This collection contains one Bolivar County Tax Book that shows monthly tax collections from taxpayers during the period October 1892 through January 1893.
Bolling, Dr. Richard Collection
This collection consists of materials collected by Dr. Richard A. Bolling, First Presbyterian Church pastor, Cleveland, Mississippi (1926-1962). Files include programs and news clippings of weddings, funerals and memorials.
Bouchillon, Barry Collection
The Barry Bouchillon Collection consists of a book The Timeless River: A Portrait of Life on the Mississippi 1850 – 1900, copyright 1981 by Burny Myrick. It contains Myrick’s drawings, paintings, and stories of life on the Mississippi.
Boyd-Walters-Bobo Family Papers
The Boyd-Walters-Bobo Family Papers contains papers from sisters Dr. Eleanor Boyd Walters and Ruth Boyd Bobo. They were born and reared in Gunnison, MS. Dr. Eleanor Walters taught for many years at Delta State. Ruth Bobo had a teaching degree but retired and was better known for her dedication and work to the Farm Bureau Federation. She was married Jim Ed Bobo who was a Bolivar County Supervisor for many years. In addition to genealogical information about the family and family photos, the papers contain many photos of the early agricultural life of the Delta, life on the Mississippi River, beginnings of the levee system, flooding in the Delta, and WWI letters from their brother. There are several scrap books detailing the political career of Jim Ed Bobo, and numerous news clippings of interest to the sisters. There are books, professional letters, diplomas and certificates, material associated with the masonic lodge of Gunnison, and African art that was collected during travels.
Brand, Eulalie Wilson
This collection consists of a DSU belt buckle worn by GI Wayne E. Brand, a 1948 DSU graduate.
Last Name C - D
Capps, Charles W. Collection
The Charles W. Capps, Jr. Collection contains correspondence, news clippings, and numerous other papers, plaques and awards from Capps’ career as District 28 Mississippi House of Representatives from which he served from 1976 to 2005.
The Andrew Carr Collection contains letters from a soldier, James Le Barnes, to members of the Carr Family during the civil war in which he describes life as a soldier.
The Gladys Castle Collection contains documents and photographs during Miss Castle’s long tenure at Delta State University.
Dr. Ira C. Castles was a Professor Economics at Delta State from 1937 to 1978. This collection contains his several volumes of his poetry, as well as, college papers and his thesis.
This collection contains a manuscript about WWII and several military related magazines.
Chinese Baptist Church Collection
Many photo’s of special events of the Chinese Baptist Church, listing of Church members, hymnals, and miscellaneous other articles.
Clark, Mrs. Charles W. Jr. (Grace) Collection
This collection contains three diaries kept by Charles W. Clark, Sr. during his travels to England and Scotland in 1914.
Cleveland Chamber of Commerce Papers
This collection contains scrapbooks, maps, photographs, and miscellaneous documents that were kept by the Cleveland Chamber of Commerce. 1953 – 1981.
This collection consists of the Cleveland Enterprise newspapers from February 27, 1908 through December 31, 1908.
Cole, Donnie and Judy Collection
This collection consists of 17 yearbooks from Glen Allan High School, Mississippi.
This collection contains a Bolivar County, Mississippi Election Return for Brigadier General dated November 1, 1841.
The Dr. Sammy Cranford Papers contains information about National Archives, Mississippi Archives, Delta State, but primarily information about his research work on the Fernwood Columbus and Gulf Railroad and thesis papers.
The Milburn Crowe Collection contains historical information about the City of Mound Bayou, Mississippi, that was founded by slaves.
The Sue Gordon Cruse Collection contains 31 Commercial Appeal newspapers ranging in dates from 1925 to 1941.
The Jerry Dallas Delta Cooperative Farm Collection
This collection contains many sources that Dr. Dallas, History professor at Delta Sate, used for his research on cooperative farming in the Delta. 1936 – 1987
Daughters of the American Revolution
This collection contains the yearbooks, annual proceedings, reports, and magazines of the DAR during the period 1931 through 1999.
The collection contains various materials collected since the Delta Council’s beginning. These materials are Delta Council directories, newspapers, booklets, pamphlets, brochures, annual reports, progress reports, and photographs. 1938 – 1985.
Delta Kappa Gamma, Iota Chapter
This collection contains one scrapbook of the Delta kappa Gamma, Iota Chapter during the period 1963 – 1965.
Delta State Postcard Collection
This collection contains postcards of Delta State Buildings, likely from the 1940’s.
Delta State Teachers College National Youth Administration Records
Collection contains documents concerning the NYA project at Delta State in the late 1930s. The project was titled “A Plant and Animal Survey of the Mississippi Delta.”
The Signa Doe Collection contains a brochure of the history of Doe’s Eat Place located in Greenville, MS and a Doe’s T Shirt.
Doro Plantation Archaeological Artifacts and Reports
Artifacts and reports from the archaeological dig at Doro Plantation near Beulah, Mississippi, in the late 1980s.
Last Name E - F
The Jessie Eatmon Collection contains one news clipping of Jessie’s father picking cotton near Mound Bayou, MS.
Dr. Sidney Eckert’s The Consumer’s World Collection
Materials in this collection were donated to the Delta State University Archives by Dr. Sidney Eckert. Dr. Sidney Eckert was a former professor of Business at Delta State University. This collection is a compilation of Eckert’s research during the 1970’s.
This collection contains a scrapbook that belonged to Cora Erwin, a 1928 graduate of Delta State Teachers College. The scrapbook contains information specific to that particular year and includes photos and comments from her friends. It lists class colors, class officers, and class members.
The Emily Erwin collection consists largely of the Erwin Family Genealogy, but also a 1949 issue of “Life” Magazine, stereo view card of a cotton picking scene on a southern farm.
This collection consists of counter checks from Erwin Hardware Store, Duncan, Mississippi.
This collection consists of a cotton sack from Delta Pine Land, circa 1959.
Etheridge, Jonathan Collection
The Jonathan Etheridge Collection contains a book written by Etheridge “A Brief Look Back” which contains the history of Tallahatchie County and Charleston, as well as, copies of materials related to Coffeeville, MS.
The J.M. Ewing Scrapbooks contain photos and news clippings from four scrapbooks, many during his tenure as President of Delta State College and covers the period 1933 to 1947.
The Exchange Club of Cleveland Collection contains several scrapbooks, a yearbook and several photo albums that reflect the activities of the club.
The Philip Farr Collection contains a Sigma Theta Psi Scrapbook containing photos and news clippings of the beginning of the fraternity that began October 9, 1957. Mr. Farr was a charter member of Sigma Theta Psi Fraternity.
Ferriss, David M. “Boo” Collection
This collection contains artifacts, photographs, correspondences, clippings and magazines, plaques and awards, and video/audio relating to David M. “Boo” Ferriss’ life and history with baseball. From his early years in Shaw, Mississippi, through college, his service in the military, and his professional years with the Red Sox, to his coaching years at Delta State University.
This collection contains news clippings from local newspaper which features local cooks and their recipes, including the candy business of Vicki Fioranelli. The collection also contains a cookbook of Delta area rice recipes that was compiled by local residents.
Furniss, Senator Delma Collection
The Senator Delma Furniss Collection contains a book of the Rena Laura Baptist Church and a song “My Home Mississippi” all written by him.
Last Name G - H
The Garst Collection contains information relating to the farming plantation of the Anthony Reinhart Estate of Clarksdale, Coahoma County, MS. Included are merchandise invoices dating from 1903 to 1953, tenant and cotton ledgers and photos.
Gibert-Knowlton-Lytle Family Papers
Collection contains personal correspondence, photographs, and memorabillia from the Gibert-Knowlton-Lytle Family. Collection also contains the art papers of Emma Lytle, noted Delta artist. 1871 – 2000
This collection contains an aerial photograph taken in the mid 1950’s of Cleveland/Delta State.
Pat and Michael Grandi Collection
This collection consists of a 1968 Delta State University Beenie Hat.
Florence Carson Graves Letters
Personal letters to Florence Carson Graves from her father James Graves and one letter from her sister’s sister-in-law Harriet Warfield Bell. These letters give a description of family life in Natchez in the 1880’s.
This collection consists of birth and death records kept by long time physician in Benoit, Mississippi for the period 1947 to 1982.
Greenville, Mississippi Boycott
This collection contains ten reel-to-reel recordings of the Greenville, Mississippi Boycott ca 1960’s.
Greenville, Mississippi Pictorial History of the Harbor Construction
This collection is a pictorial history of the construction of the Greenville Harbor. The earliest photograph is dated 1889. Photos are marked “Coovert – Gville, Miss”
Gunn-Castle Delta State Pictorial History
The Gunn-Castle Pictorial History contains the manuscripts, publications and photos that were part of the Delta State Pictorial History book. It contains a history of Delta State and Delta State events through the years.
The earlier part of this collection is personal and military correspondence and telegrams to and from Major General Ben McCollough dating back to 1851. The majority of the collection contains the papers and items collected during the military career (both active and reserve) of Jack Gunn, a U.S. reconnaissance pilot during World War II. The collection contains military orders, soldiers, both U.S. and Asian, military publications, and miscellaneous articles such as dog tags, uniform jacket, helmet, photos and handbooks. Another part of these papers are numerous personal family photographs of mainly his wife, and her family, the Holt’s, Brown’s and Wofford’s.
Conducted in 2019, this project was funded through the MS Humanities Council with the University Archives serving as the repository of record for materials collected throughout the project. A number of individuals contributed their photographs, manuscript materials, spoken and video recorded memories. In as far as the contributors are aware, they have transferred educational reproduction rights to the materials found in this collection.
Please Note: Fair Use Doctrine allows for limited and reasonable uses as long as the use does not interfere with owners’ rights or impede their right to do with the work as they wish. Note that the written permission of the copyright owners and/or other rights holders (such as publicity and/or privacy rights) is required for distribution, reproduction, or other use of protected items beyond that allowed by fair use or other statutory exemptions. Responsibility for making an independent legal assessment of an item and securing any necessary permissions ultimately rests with persons desiring to use the item.
The A.V. Henry Collection consists of a May 1976 issue of The Bolivar Commercial featuring the Town of Rosedale. It also contains a World War I hat worn by Mr. Henry’s uncle, Mr. Carmon Valentine, who was a long time attorney for the City of Cleveland.
This collection contains a photo of the 1949 Graduating Class of 1949 and another photo of two identified students playing ball.
These papers contain the life story of Eliza Jane Poitevent Holbrook the first newspaper woman in the State of Mississippi. She wrote poetry under the pen name “Pearl Rivers.” The papers came from Delta State University’s Language and Literature Class (Elizabeth Sarcone).
The Maxine Boggan Holcombe papers contain numerous photo albums, certificates, awards, and poetry during the period of time that Mrs. Holcombe taught art at Delta State and co-chaired the Delta State Art Department. The Holcombe-Norwood Art Annex is partially named for her.
The Rachel Hooper Collection contains books and news clippings related to the Civilian Conservation Corps formed 1933 – 1942.
Lucy Somerville Howorth Collection
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Lucy Somerville Howorth (1895 – 1997) from Greenville, Mississippi became the first female to serve in the Mississippi Legislature. She was appointed as a judge and served on several national boards advocating civil rights for minorities and women. Collection contains personal and professional papers of Lucy Somerville Howorth. 1940 – 1997
Benjamin Grubb Humphreys Collection
The Benjamin Grubb Humphreys Collection contains a letter and news article and a book relating to the service of Benjamin G. Humphreys in the U.S. House of Representatives representing Mississippi. After his death in 1925 he was noted as having been elected ten times to the U.S. Congress representing Mississippi, more than anyone else at that time. His most valuable work to Mississippian’s was his knowledge and committee work on the Mississippi River and the levee system.
The Trent Hutcheson Collection contains 1962-1985 issues of the official publication of the Garden Club of Mississippi, as well as the yearbooks dated 1957-80 of the Magnolia Garden Club of Greenville, Mississippi.
Last Name J - K
1937 Thesis by Maurice Elizabeth Jackson “Mound Bayou—A Study in Social Development” submitted to the University of Alabama
This collection consists of the legal and personal experiences of Charles C. Jacobs, Jr.; plantation life in Bolivar County; and an accounting of the Mississippi River flood in 1882; miscellaneous books; and the military and political history of Charles Clark through news clippings and letters.
These papers were the personal papers of Dr. Henry Judson Jacob, 1929 graduate of Delta State and professor. The collection contains photos and certificates of his accomplishments.
Jewish Educational Research Project
This collection was a DSU Advanced Research Writing Class Project that focused on the experiences of the Jewish people of the Mississippi Delta.
Papers and information from four generations of the Kamien Family make up this collection. The collection contains genealogical information, educational programs, news clippings of community theatre and other civic events, awards and certificates, Exchange Club and Rotary Club Charter information, Rotary booklets and bulletins, Cleveland Garden Club, Delta Garden Club yearbooks, and a record album collection.
This collection contains a single letter from Delta State President William Kethley to Ben Levingston regarding support for Delta State appropriations.
Last Name L
Latham, Billy and Sue Collection
This collection contains information about the Town of Merigold and school days of Merigold Consolidated School during the period 1937-1941 through yearbooks, reunion booklet, news clippings. Also included are miscellaneous business statements during the period 1957-58 and also a railroad letter dated 1900 to the Merigold Agent.
This collection contains Iraq military headwear and objects obtained during the time Layten served in the U.S. Marine Corps during Desert Shield Desert Storm February 1991.
This collection contains historical information relative to the history of the Leflore County Courthouse and the Confederal Memorial Monument located there. It also contains miscellaneous items such as courthouse ornaments and a map.
Eugene Leftwich was the unofficial historian of Bolivar County and served in the Bolivar County Historical Society. This collection contains various items concerning the Delta and Mississippi history. 1832 – 1990s. This collection contains genealogical information on many families and church and cemetery records. Among other records, it includes news clippings related to the German POW camps in Bolivar County and other parts of Mississippi and Tennessee.
The Sam Long Papers consists of the papers of Sam Long, a Bolivar County planter, who provided leadership in the formation of the Bolivar County Community Action Program in 1965. The program brought cooperation between the races and it handled millions of dollars of taxpayer money in its poverty programs.
The Evelyn C. Lyon Collection contains a single black and white 8 x 10 photo of a large group of men who are part of a work crew going to Florida or North Carolina to pick fruit or tobacco. Circa 1940.
Last Name M - O
Marshall Ramsey Political Cartoons
A collection of political cartoonist Marshall Ramsey’s works concerning Mississippi legislator Charles W. Capps, Jr.
Personal letters from Roth Kelso Mathewson and Eliza Mathewson concerning family in Ireland and Montreal Canada.
The McCool Collection contains a 50th Anniversary Edition of the Bolivar Commercial printed in 1966, as well as, 1957 clippings of the Main Dormitory Fire at Mississippi State University.
The McCormick Collection contains a wide range of research materials, physical items, and photographs that pertain to the history and culture within Greenville, Mississippi and surrounding Delta area.
The Charlie McGuffee Collection contains a book and memorabilia of former Red Sox pitcher and Bolivar County native Dave “Boo” Ferriss. The collection contains several 1946 items, as well as 2002 Red Sox Hall of Fame items.
This collection contains the writings of Mrs. Keith Frazier Somerville. Mrs. Somerville wrote for The Bolivar Commercial during World War II to the servicemen in a series called “Dear Boys.” She also documents her life, including the period that her father was the Governor of Tennessee. The collection contains other writings, including a book that she wrote, and miscellaneous correspondence and some photos of the Delta at sunset.
The Dr. Edith Cameron McMillen Collection contains various old magazines, medical related handbooks and menus.
The Betty McMurchy Collection consists of a large Bible formerly owned by the Duncan Methodist Church. The last service in the Church was Nov. 29, 1998 with nine active members.
Dr. Miller’s collection contains photographs and miscellaneous documents concerning the National Youth Administration Project at Delta State Teachers College, 1936 – 1938. See also the DSTC National Youth Administration Records.
This collection contains detailed reports of the prisoners and conditions under which they lived at the Camp Merigold and Camp McCain Prisoner of War Camps in 1945-46. Included in these reports are labor reports of the agricultural activities within these camps. Also included are five letters from former POW’s from the Merigold Camp.
This collection contains a ca 1934 photo of the Merigold Consolidated School football team and a photo ca 1890-1910 of W.B. Parks Store in Merigold, MS, as well as a brief biography of Walter B. Parks.
Merigold School Reunion Photo Albums
This collection contains four albums of the Merigold School Reunions for Classes 1934 – 1943. Each photo is identified.
The Carolyn R. Meyer Collection contains a World War II French Army coat.
Lower Mississippi Delta Development Commission Papers
The Lower Mississippi Delta Development Commission was created by congress in 1989 with the purpose of discovering and examining the problems of the Lower Mississippi Delta. Collection contains commission working papers, reports and news clippings. 1989-1990.
Mississippi Governor’s Collection
This Collection contains a large photo of the governor’s staff during the tenure of Governor William “Bill” Waller. The collection also contains a pen with the governor’s name engraved on it.
Copies of Mississippi School Bulletins and teacher directories. 1923-1986.
Maps, tourist pamphlets/brochures from the Mississippi Coast, Natchez, Vicksburg, and Jackson. 1948-1976.
Mitchell, Stephen H. Collection
The Stephen H. Mitchell Collection contains a book entitled “Great Uncle Crosby Smith’s Newly Discovered Testimony to the 1955 Murder of Emmett Till in Mississippi.” The book contains newspapers accounts, interviews, and magazine article related to the 1955 murder of Emmett Till.
Montroy – Fuqua – Jones Collection
This collection contains records from the J.D. and Ella Montroy Estate, great-grandparents to Jacqueline Fuqua. Included is Letters Testamentary, Deed of Trust for sale of land, and other miscellaneous records. The collection also contains items used by Seabron Jones b. 1836.
The Pamela Moore Collection contains documents pertaining to various organizations and development initiatives in the lower Mississippi Delta region including the Mid Delta Empowerment Zone / Enterprise Zone Alliance, as well as other related topics.
This collection consists of a single book “75 Years – A look at Greenwood’s front page news 1904 – 1979” that was distributed by the Bank of Commerce in Greenwood, MS.
This collection contains photocopies of the daybooks of Harriet Clark Myles. It details the day-to-day home events during the period 1868 to 1891.
This collection contains a t-shirt from the 1973 DSU Summer Festival.
This collection contains the family history of Edward Joseph Nott and Maude Alice Gray Nott, originally from Illinois who married and moved to Cleveland, Mississippi in 1902. They were parents to five daughters.
This collection contains two DSU letterman sweaters and a jacket.
H.L. Nowell graduated Delta State in 1943 and after serving in the Korean and World War II, served Delta State from 1949 until 1987 in many roles. He was instrumental in the Greek organizations beginning at Delta State, and the collection contains documents relative to those organizations. He served as the first Director of the Delta State Union, thereby the Union is named for him. His career at Delta State is told through the collection of documents, photos, and clippings. Included in this collection is a book “Memoirs of the 58th Fighter Group” dated 1945.
Nugent, Lily Warfield Collection
This collection contains 1888 personal correspondence and manuscripts written by Lily Warfield Nugent.
Florence Siller Ogden (1897-1972) was the daughter of Walter Sillers, Sr. She wrote the “Dis & Dat” columns for the Delta Star in Greenville and the Clarion Ledger. Clippings and articles concern state and national politics and agriculture. 1935-1971, 1860-1861.
Our Lady of Victories Catholic Church
This collection contains the history of the Our Lady of Victories Catholic Church located in Cleveland, Mississippi; priest history; membership and miscellaneous other documents.
Last Name P - R
General A.G. Paxton Collection
Pearson, Mrs. John (Katherine) Collection
The Mrs. John Pearson Collection contains a handwritten document “The Flag of Bolivar Troop” thought to be written 1861 and also recipe books and song books from the 1930’s and 1940’s, as well as, magazines from the mid to late 1960’s and early 1970’s.
Pharis, Alice Sullivan Collection
The Alice Sullivan Pharis Collection contains photos and news clippings of Delta State’s dance troupe, the Delta Belles.
This collection contains a poster from the 1997 Mississippi Senate Reunion.
This collection contains two black and white photos of Prentiss, Mississippi, a west Bolivar County town submerged when the Mississippi River changed course. The town is only exposed during very low stages of the Mississippi River.
This collection consists of four photos taken during the August 6, 1945 nuclear bombing of Hiroshima, Japan.
This collection consists of several albums of World War II photos and memorabilia, including several years of reunion photos and news clippings.
The Naomi Rhoden Collection contains news clippings of Jewish Holidays, a poem written by Mrs. Rhoden, and miscellaneous clippings related to her love of sunflowers.
The Ann Bishop Ruscoe Collection contains four scrapbooks that belonged to her father, F.W. “Wattie” Bishop Sr., who was mayor of Cleveland from 1951 to 1969. Contained in the collection is a 1950 booklet published locally with a history of local businesses, and a 1955 City Directory with business photos and information about businesses and Cleveland citizens. Also in the collection are items pertaining to Hill Demonstration School, including a 1933 class photo, 1932-33 Year Book, and other miscellaneous information including a grammar school graduation certificate, a play, and the donor’s memories about the school.
Last Name S
The Willard and Penny Samuels Collection contains one copy of Delta State College newspaper “Miss Delta” dated May 1959.
The A.W. Shand Papers contain memoirs from the travels of Mr. Shands a Cleveland attorney and a member of the American Bar Association. Mr. Shands was a key figure in the site of Delta State and was a friend and supporter of the college.
J.P. Sharp was the treasurer of the Bolivar County Cotton Company during the early part of the 20th Century. The collection contains mainly miscellaneous papers concerning the operation of the company.
Florence Warfield Sillers was the daughter of Colonel Elisha and Mary Carson Warfield and married Walter Sillers, a lawyer and planter of Rosedale. Florence was devoted to civic organizations, and founded the Bolivar County Daughters of American Revolution, and was responsible for the printed history for Bolivar County.
Walter Sillers, Jr. (1888-1966) was an attorney, planter, and state legislator. He represented Bolivar County from 1916 – 1966 and served as Speaker of the House for twenty-two years. He was a leader of the Dixiecrat movement in the late 1940s. The collection contains his personal, legal, and political papers. 1900-1966. Finding Aid in repository.
Click here to visit the Walter Sillers Jr. Collection at the Mississippi Digital Library.
The John Slater Estate collection consists of three ledgers dating from 1882 to 1911. Mr. Slater was from Issaquena County and was the great-grandfather of Mrs. John (Katherine) Pearson.
The Senator P. Nevin Sledge Collection contains reports and letters to the Higher Institution of Learning regarding education and financial matters as well as political announcing Sledge for State Senate. it also contains a news article featuring Sledge and his Apple Farm.
Nellie Nugent Somerville Lecture Series
This collection contains information about the establishment of the Nellie Nugent Somerville Lecture Series and programs of subsequent annual lectures. It also contains remarks and tapes of some of the lectures.
Robert Somerville Autograph Book
This collection consists of a 1862 autograph book that belonged to Robert Somerville. Included are autographs to nine year old Robert Somerville, a page, from the Virginia Senate
The Allen Spragins Collection contains a collection of the exact copies of the letters of Private John H. Crittenden that he wrote back home to his family and friends. He was with the Company G Jeff Davis Rangers, 9th Regiment Alabama Vols, Richmond, Virginia. He was nineteen years old when he was killed in the battle of Sharpsburg in 1862.
This collection consists of several photos, several are unknown, but some are the Dockery Family.
The Tom Steele Collection consists of a petrified giant sloth claw which was found on the Mississippi River.
Last Name T - V
The Thigpen Papers are papers that belonged to J.A. Thigpen Jr. and Sr., both of whom served in the Mississippi House of Representatives.
Virginia Thompson Papers
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Virginia Thompson served as secretary to the president during the 1940s and 1950s. The collection consists of written correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs, and a small number of miscellaneous items relating to the lives of the faculty, staff, and students of Delta State Teachers College. 1930s-1950s
The Dr. John Thornell Collection contains photos from the 1927 flood, Hill Demonstration School Year Books, education certificates from the late 1920’s, memorabilia from the 1996 Olympics held in Atlanta, GA, and Army uniform and articles that belonged to his brother who was killed in the Viet Nam War.
The Nita Thornell Collection contains a photo of Main Street (Sharpe Avenue) Cleveland, MS ca 1910-1915, a photo of Delta State’s Laurie Doolittle and Maud Cain from ca 1930’s, and a 1943 DSU commencement program.
Tidwell, Mrs. Jimmie Collection
This collection contains detailed geneaological information on the Leon Kamien family, born 1852 in Poland. It also contains several First Baptist Church of Cleveland church directories, history of the King’s Daughters and Sons, Lawrence Welk photo album, and bicentennial copies of newspapers and other miscellaneous items.
Tonos, Billie Rossie Collection
The Billie Rossie Tonos Collection contains memorabilia from her days as a Delta State student, including photos, programs from class plays, plays and manuscripts, news articles, and personal correspondence.
The David Turner Collection contains videos, navigation maps, books, and clippings related to the Mississippi River. It also contains numerous Corps of Engineers videos on the Mississippi River and pamphlets of Mississippi Lakes.
Turner, Shirley Lamb Collection
The Shirley Lamb Turner Collections contains news clippings which headlines the Hurricane Camille devastation on the Mississippi Gulf Coast in 1969, as well as news articles of the Bolivar County Ice Storm Disaster February 10, 2004. Also included is a poster of “Rosie the Riveter.”
The Jonett Valentine Collection contains portions of various newspapers and information and a VHS in the Bolivar County Ice Storm 1994, a railroad spike, a book on Cleveland’s History 1886 – 1986, a pictorial history of the governor’s mansion, a book of the history of Mississippi libraries and various other printed material and miscellaneous items, including public grade school workbooks that belonged to her mother. It contains DSU related information about President Lucas, homecoming program, alumni directories. It also contains pageants by Miss Ethel Cain put on by the Delta State Physical Education Department. Also included are newspaper clippings relating to the establishment of the Peavine Awards and recipients, programs and flyers from the Peavine Awards.
Last Name W - Z
Review this collection online at the Mississippi Digital Library
Items pertaining to Ms. Wade and her basketball coaching career at Delta State. 1972-1979
This collection contains a booklet compiled in 1999 for the Drew, MS Centennial “Recollections by the Descendants of Early Settlers of Drew, Mississippi.”
The Hugh Ellis Walker Collection consists of one newspaper article “Land is Foundation for Dignity in the Delta” dated 1980.
Walker, Hugh Ellis (2) Collection
This collection consists of a 1970 DSU Booster Club blazer worn by Hugh Ellis Walker.
The Jeanne R. Walker Collection consists of a 1940 Sterling Department Store salespaper and a 1983 issue of “Mississippi Supervisor” magazine whereby Bolivar County was featured.
Consist of photographs, slides and negatives of Delta life taken by Pete Walker and Bill McCaslin in the early 1970s.
This collection contains photocopies of the diary of Rebecca Dillman Walt during the period 1854 to 1857. The diary chronicles the everyday life of an upper middle class woman of the mid 1800’s. She describes her sewing, visiting, attending church, and her readings on self-improvement and religion.
This collection consists of a scrapbook that belonged to Mrs. Lyde Carson Ward, sister of Mary Carson Warfield. The scrapbook consists of news articles collected over a period 1875 to 1900, many from the St. Louis Republic.
The Mary Carson Warfield Papers includes a Civil War Commission for her husband, Elisha Warfield, Certificate of Membership for Mary Carson Warfiled to the United Daughters of the Confederacy, unpublished novels, personal correspondence. Her daughter was Florence Warfield Sillers, wife of Walter Sillers of Rosedale.
West Delta Chapter of the American Red Cross
The West Delta Chapter of the American Red Cross Papers contains the reports, minutes, news clippings, photographs and other documents of the organization headquartered in Greenville, MS. It also contains the history of the chapter, including information about its directors and key members, as well as disaster work information and fund raising events. There is also information about the Gray Ladies and Red Cross hospital recreation activities across the United States and Japan collected by Miss Hazel Breland, who served Red Cross for many years.
The David Wickens Collection contains one Delta State athletic jacket.
The Wiggins Papers consist of cards and letters written mainly from military personnel to Mrs. Sylvia Wiggins during the war.
Williams, Harry Family History
The Harry Williams Family History is a collection of Cleveland Enterprise news clippings and film for the period 1899 to 1904 that contains information about Harry Pelham Williams and his family.
This collection contains 1960, 1961, and 1965 copies of Delta State College Newspaper “Miss Delta” a silhouette of H.L. Nowell, postcard “Raising Wheat on Campus”, and photocopy of The Mill.
Wilson, Cleone Tranum Collection
The Cleone Tranum Wilson Collection contains handwritten graduation invitation/card for the 1928 graduating class of Delta State. It also contains a 1947 group photo of the Delta State Home Management Program.
This Collection consists of a book on electricity and a Delta State College Catalog and Divisions of Instruction dated 1958-59.
This collection consists of a record “Farmers Prayer” recorded by W.D. “Doc” Griffin.
World War II Educational Research Project
This collection was a DSU Advanced Research Writing Project that focused on World War II veterans and the lives of the people on the home front during World War II.
Wyatt, Kent and Roger Collection
The Roger and Kent Wyatt Collection contains a reel of film of 1947 DSU/MSU Southern Tennis Tournament and an outdoor reception which includes DSU President Kethley. It also contains a photo of the 1948 2nd grade class of Hill Demonstration School as well as other DSTC related photos.
This collection contains the personal papers of the Yates Family of Shelby, Mississippi 1941-1945. Included are photos of Cleveland and Shelby and the history of Shelby, First Baptist Church of Shelby and the Shelby Library. There is information about the Delta Kappa Gamma Society, the Daughters of the American Colonists, the Governor Winthrop Sargent Chapter of Cleveland, Mississippi, a Horse and Pony Show sponsored by the Cleveland Rotary Club. This collection also contains four volumes of Mississippi History.
The Zeigel-Winters Collection contains numerous items that give information relative to the life and work of Dr. William H. Zeigel, who was the first academic Dean at the Delta State Teachers College during the period 1925 through 1947. Included in this collection are papers written by William Zeigel concerning overview of Bolivar County schools dated 1926, a 1934 paper in relation to DSC teacher training, and a Purview of Delta State College which reviews and compares Delta State to other schools. Also included are building dedications, and 50th Anniversary Homecoming Program and a folder that highlights others at Delta State including Jim Broom, Mary E. Mollie Bedwell, Miss Katie Durelle Mauldin, Miss Laurie Doolittle, Gladys C. Castle, Carol Brumby, Kenneth Daughrity, Dr. William M. Kethley. There is a scrapbook of photos of Dr. Zeigel and his family.
Subject Guides
African American Churches
- Oral Histories
- Pete Walker Photograph Collection [M037]
- Rosedale African American Church Histories [M087]
Blue Mountain College
Civil War and Reconstruction
- Bacon-Messenger Family Papers [M138]
- John Rupert Baird Collection [M205]
- J.G. Brumby Letter [M034]
- Andrew Carr Collection [M207]
- William Cash-Lucy Howorth Collection [M045]
- Charles Clark Letters [M085]
- Doro Plantation Archaeological Artifacts and Reports [M044]
- Gibert-Knowlton-Lytle Family Papers [M113]
- Jack Gunn Collection [M036]
- Charles C. Jacobs – Library (
- A.G. Paxton Papers
- Ira Ratliff Letter [M091]
- Allen Spragins Collection [M232]
- Mary Carson Warfield Papers [M015]
Cotton Farming
- Bolivar County Plat Book [M272]
- Boyd-Walters-Bobo Family Papers [M100]
- Delta Council Collection [M050]
- Doro Plantation Archaeological Artifacts and Reports [M044]
- Emily Erwin Collection [M210]
- Tom Erwin Collection
- Garst Collection [M211]
- James Hand Papers [M031]
- Hollis-Sherman Papers [M074]
- Bill McCaslin Photograph Collection
- Oral Histories
- James Pipes Sharp Papers [M106]
- Walter Sillers, Jr. Papers [M004]
- Walter Sillers, Sr. Papers [M001]
- Hugh Ellis Walker Collection [M188]
- Pete Walker Photograph Collection [M037]
- James Winters Collection [M228]
Delta Council
- William Cash-Darrel Lewis Collection
- Delta Council Collection [M050]
- Delta State University Archives
Delta State University
- Romero Ali Collection [M239]
- Bedwell Family Collection [M059]
- Mary Blakeman Collection [M173]
- Boyd-Walters-Bobo Family Papers [M100]
- Gladys Castle Papers [M256]
- Dr. Ira C. Castles Papers [M255]
- Dr. Sammy Cranford Papers [M259]
- Delta State Teachers College National Youth Administration Records [M056]
- Hill-Cassibry-Smith Family Papers [M104]
- William Kethley Letter [M120]
- Oral Histories
Depression Era
- The Jerry Dallas Delta Cooperative Farm Collection [M209]
- Delta State Teachers College National Youth Administration Records [M056]
- Melbourne Miller Papers [M064]
- Oral Histories
Desegregation/Race Relations
- The Jerry Dallas Delta Cooperative Farm Collection [M209]
- Greenville, MS Boycotts
- Sam Long Papers [M234]
- Florence Sillers Ogden Papers [M017]
- Oral Histories
- Walter Sillers, Jr. Papers [M004]
- Walter Sillers, Sr. Papers [M001]
- Lottie Baldwin Scott Papers
- Lucy Somerville Howorth Papers [M103]
- Rochie Kinebrew Papers
- Oral Histories
- Florence Warfield Sillers Papers [M002]
- Danny Wilson Collection
- Jonett Valentine Collection [M171]
Ethnic Groups in the Delta
- Chinese Baptist Church [M229]
- Chinese Video Collection
- Milburn Crowe Collection [M217]
- German POW Camps
- Kamien Collection [M243]
- Oral Histories
- Our Lady of Victories Catholic Church [M227]
- Tidwell, Jimmie Collection (Jewish)
- Barrett, Ed Oral History (Sorghum)
- Sally Bolding Collection
- Boyd-Walters-Bobo Family Papers [M100]
- The Jerry Dallas Delta Cooperative Farm Collection [M209]
- Jessie Eatmon Collection
- Garst Collection [211]
- Gibert-Knowlton-Lytle Family Papers [M113]
- Hollis-Sherman Papers [M074]
- Bill McCaslin Photograph Collection
- Oral Histories
- Nevin Sledge Collection
- Pete Walker Photograph Collection [M037]
- James Winters Collection
Floods and Flood Control
- John Rupert Baird Collection
- Boyd-Walters-Bobo Family Papers [M100]
- Flood of 1913 Account
- Gunn, Jack Collection 1912 & 1913 Flood Photos
- Charles Jacobs, Jr. Collection [M119]
- J.C. Coovert/Greenville (Miss.) Photographs
- Lower Mississippi Delta Development Commission Papers [M040]
- Oral Histories
- Photos of 1927 Flood
- Walter Sillers, Jr. Papers [M004]
- Walter Sillers, Sr. Papers [M001]
- Meredith Spencer Collection
- John Thornell Collection [M185]
- David Turner Collection
Hill Demonstration School
- Richard Asa Bolling Papers [M182]
- Eulalie Wilson Brand Collection
- Delta Kappa Gamma, Iota Chapter Scrapbook [M198]
- Delta State Postcard Collection
- Delta State University Archives
- Cora Erwin Scrapbook [M023]
- James Ewing Scrapbook [M086]
- Philip Farr Collection
- Pat and Michael Grandi Collection
- Jack Gunn – Gladys Castle Pictorial History [M036]
- Hill Demonstration School [M021]
- Dr. Henry Judson Jacob [M233]
- William Kethley Scrapbooks [M027]
- Charlie McGuffee Collection
- Charles Nored Collection [M231]
- Billy Nowell Collection
- H.L. Nowell Papers
- Alice Sullivan Pharis Collection [M260]
- Ann Bishop Ruscoe Collection [M129]
- Willard & Penny Samuels Collection
- Nevin Sledge Collection
- Nita Thornell Collection [M175]
- Jonett Valentine Collection [M171]
- Margaret Wade Collection [M231]
- David Wickens Collection
- Nell Williams Collection
- Cleone Tranum Wilson Collection
- Danny Wilson Collection
- Kent and Roger Wyatt Collection
- Dr. William H. Zeigel – Winter Collection
Korean Conflict
- John Rupert Baird Collection
- Philip Cascio Collection
- Steven Craddock Collection [M225]
- Gibert-Knowlton-Lytle Family Papers [M113]
- Jack Gunn Collection [M036]
- A.V. Henry Collection [M237]
- Rachel Hooper Collection
- Fella Layten Collection
- Oral Histories
- A.G. Paxton Papers
Mississippi Politics & Legislation — 19th Century
Mississippi Politics & Legislation — 20th Century
- Charles W. Capps Jr. Collection
- Dr. Sammy Cranford Papers [M259]
- Benjamin Grubb Humphreys Collection
- Malcolm Mabry Slides Governor Alcorn’s Grave
- Mississippi Governor’s Collection
- Oral Histories
- Walter Sillers, Jr. Papers [M004]
- Walter Sillers, Sr. Papers [M001]
- Nevin Sledge Collection
- Thigpen Papers
- John Thornell Collection [M185]
Natchez, Mississippi — 19th Century
Plantation Operation
- Bacon-Messenger Family Papers [M138]
- Doro Plantation Archaeological Artifacts and Reports [M044]
- Garst Collection [M211]
- Jack Gunn Collection [M036]
- Charles Jacobs, Jr. Collection [M119]
- Florence Sillers Ogden Papers [M017]
- Florence Warfield Sillers Papers [M002]
- Walter Sillers, Jr. Papers [M004]
- Walter Sillers, Sr. Papers [M001]
- W.R. Austin – Other Oral History
- Boyd-Walters-Bobo Family Papers [M100]
- Chinese Baptist Church [M229]
- Jack Gunn Collection [M036]
- Eugene Leftwich Collection [M042]
- Betty McMurchy Collection
- Our Lady of Victories Catholic Church [M227]
- Mrs. Jimmie Tidwell Collection – Baptist Directories
Serials & Publications
- Bacon-Messenger Family Papers [M138]
- Barnard-Davis Deed
- Doro Plantation Archaeological Artifacts and Reports [M044]
- Charles Jacobs, Jr. Collection [M119]
Vietnam War
Women — 19th Century
- Harriet Clark Miles Daybrooks [M014]
- Gibert-Knowlton-Lytle Family Papers [M113]
- Holbrook Family Collection [M221]
- Lucy Somerville Howorth Papers [M103]
- Mrs. Keith Dockery McLean Delta Photos
- Lily Warfield Nugent Collection [M013]
- Anna Baldwin Scott Letters
- Lottie Baldwin Scott Letters
- Florence Carson Sillers Papers
- Diary of Rebecca Dillman Walt [M121]
- Mary Carson Warfield Papers
Women — 20th Century
- Daughters of the American Revolution [M230]
- Fioranelli Collection
- Gibert-Knowlton-Lytle Family Papers [M113]
- Hill-Cassibry-Smith Family Papers [M104]
- Lucy Somerville Howorth Papers [M103]
- Oral Histories
- Florence Warfield Sillers Papers [M002]
- Jimmie Tidwell Collection
- Jonett Valentine Collection [M171]
World War I
- Boyd-Walters-Bobo Family Papers [M100]
- Garst Collection [M211]
- A.V. Henry Collection [M237]
- Hill-Cassibry-Smith Family Papers [M104]
- Eugene Leftwich Collection [M042]
- A.G. Paxton Papers
World War II
- Bedwell Family Collection [M059]
- William Orlando Darby Papers
- Phillip Cascio Manuscript & Mags
- Gibert-Knowlton-Lytle Family Papers [M113]
- Jack Gunn Collection [M036]
- Hills-Cassibry-Smith Family Papers [M104]
- Lucy Somerville Howorth Papers [M103]
- Eugene Leftwich Collection [M042]
- Merigold/McCain POW Camps
- Carolyn R. Meyer Collection [M146]
- William E. Middleton Memoirs
- H.L. Nowell Collection
- Virgil Redd Photos
- H.R. Reynolds Collection
- Virginia Thompson Papers [M066]
- World War II Oral Histories
Bolivar County
- Bolivar County Board of Police Minute Book
- Bolivar County Drainage District Minutes
- Bolivar County Historical Society Records
- Bolivar County Library
- Bolivar County Plat Book
- Bolivar County Tax Book
- Barry Bouchillon Collection
- Boyd-Walters-Bobo Family Papers [M100]
- Charles W. Capps Collection
- Steven Craddock Collection [M255]
- George Green Family Papers [M178]
- Jack Gunn Collection [M036]
- A.V. Henry Collection [237]
- Charles Jacobs Jr. Collection
- Eugene Leftwich Collection
- Sam Long Papers [M234]
- McCool Collection
- Oral Histories
- Pamela Moore Collection
- Prentiss, MS, Photos
- Walter Sillers, Jr. Papers [M004]
- Walter Sillers, Sr. Papers [M001]
- Shirley L. Turner Collection
- Yates Family Collection [M139]
Cleveland, MS
- F.W. “Wattie” Bishop Collection
- Richard Asa Bolling Papers
- Dr. Richard Bolling Collection
- Cleveland Chamber of Commerce Papers
- Cleveland Volunteer Fire Department
- Hill-Cassibry-Smith Family Papers [M104]
- Cora Erwin Scrapbook [M023]
- James Ewing Scrapbooks
- Exchange Club of Cleveland
- Janice Gillis Collection
- Jack Gunn-Gladys Castle Pictorial History [M036]
- Kamien Collection [M243]
- William Kethley Scrapbooks [M027]
- Ann Bishop Ruscoe Collection
- Nita Thornell Collection [M175]
- Jimmie Tidwell Collection
- Jonett Valentine Collection [M171]
- Yates Family Collection [M139]
Coahoma County
Greenville, MS
- J.C. Coovert, Greenville Photographs
- McCormick Collection [M325]
- Jonett Valentine Collection [M171]
Gunnison, MS
Harrison County, MS
Issaquena County
- Bacon-Messenger Family Papers [M138]
- Rolling Fork Collection
Leflore County, MS
Merigold, MS
- Billy and Sue Latham Collection [M226]
- Latham & Meyer Oral History [OH#351]
- Eugene Leftwich Collection [M042]
- Merigold/McCain POW Camps [M146]
- Merigold Photographs
- Merigold School Reunion Photo Albums [M149]
- Westerfield Oral History [OH#352]
Mississippi-Yazoo Delta
- Lower Mississippi Delta Development Commission Papers [M040]
- Pamela Moore Collection
- Pete Walker Photograph Collection
Mound Bayou, MS
- Jackson-Wolfe Collection
- Wolfe Collection [M183]
Natchez, MS
Rosedale, MS
- Bacon-Messenger Family Papers [M138]
- A.V. Henry Collection [M237]
- Eugene Leftwich Collection [M042]
- Florence Sillers Ogden Papers [M017]
- Oral Histories
- Prentiss, MS Photos
- Rolling Fork Collection
- Rosedale African American Church Histories [M087]
- Walter Sillers, Jr. Papers [M004]
- Walter Sillers, Sr. Papers [M001]
Sharkey County
- Rolling Fork Collection
Shaw, MS
Shelby, MS
- Mamie Adams Papers
- Eugene Leftwich Collection [M042]
- Yates Family Collection [M139]
Sunflower County
Tallahatchie County
Vicksburg, MS
Warren County
Washington County
- Bacon-Messenger Family Papers [M138]
- Donnie Cole and Judy Cole Venegoni Collection
- West Delta Chapter of the American Red Cross
- Signa Doe Collection [M179]
- Greenville, MS Pictorial History of the Harbor Construction
- Trent Hutcheson Collection
- Oral Histories
- Jonett Valentine Collection [M171]