Collection Title: H.R. Reynolds Collection
Collection Number: M156 / 03-005
Dates: Inclusive 1912 to 1999
Bulk 1941 to 1944
Volume: 3.75 Linear Feet
Processor: B. Bell
Scope and Content:
This collection was a series of scrapbooks that contained photos and memorabilia of the World War II service of H.R. Reynolds, several years of reunion photos and clippings.
Box # 1
Box / Folder
- The National World War II memorial postal card, 21 Sovereign nations of the Pan American Union; Letter addressed to H.R. Reynolds about reunion from John My.
- USS New York Reunion 0 June 15, 1981 letter.
- Pearl Harbor – USS Arizona Memorial, an eyewitness account, Story of the USS New York at the Crossroad (historic account)
- Black and white photos of USS New York BB34-1914; black and white photos of Reynolds; photos of living quarters; certificate to Reynolds
- Black and white photos – scenes of Camp Andrew; USS New York crew 1945
- Reynolds and fellow shipmates,; Reunion photos of Reynolds and shipmates (enlarged)
- Newspaper article on USS New York 40th Reunion, letterhead from Pete Murdic, (3) photos
- Enlarged black and white photo of KUSS New York BB34 (1946), American Battleship Association Membership card, USS New York BB34 sticker; The History of NY BB34 program and black and white photo, reunion envelope addressed to Reynolds
- United States map; several pictures; USS New York BB34 History Book page; picture of Reynolds
- 4th Region USS New York napkin; Asheville, N.C. 1981; picture of Reynolds; USS New York attendees photos; USS New York BB34 road map (1916-1946)
- Reunion photos; Indianapolis road map; newspaper articles (2)
- Pictures of memorabilia; black and white photo of USS Wyoming,; reunion letter
- USS NY reunion October 7-9, 1983 (Hampton, VA) New York, February 1942; USS NY 1st reunion, 1960 dry in dock black and white photo
- Photos of Reynolds and reunion; Chesapeake Bay road map; photos of reunion
- Virginia photos (black and white photo of ship; reunion photos continued
- Memorial page “Operations Crossroads 1946” article on Harold F. Tinley (personal review), USS New York BB34 reunion pamphlet; William H. Dole memorial newspaper article
- Knickerbox news; 1985 Dinah Shore letter addressed to Reynolds; black and white autographed photo addressed to Reynolds
- USS New York BB34 reunion, Nashville, TN October 3-6, 1985
- Obituaries – Gulfport 1914 sailor “Pappy” ticket to USS New York dinner dance, road map of Nashville, photos continued
- Road map of Kansas City, state of reunion Reynolds; newspaper article “Waves of Memories”
- Letter to shipmates from F.C. Frazier 12-12-85; letter to shipmates reunion contact; US Navy Log Brochures
- Photos of reunion
Box 2
Box / Folder
- Picture of Reynolds and shipmates, black and white photo of “Launching of USS NY October 30, 1912
- Black and white photo of the Raising of the 2nd Flag; USS NY Track Chart-WWII,; several black and white photos on USS NY/ Newspaper articles
- Black and white photo of Reynolds; Memorial Cross; Pictures of memorabilia; USS NY BB34 reunion certificate; membership card American Battleship Association
- USS NY Reunion Pensacola, FL (October 24, 1987 pamphlet)
- Picture of Cooperstown, NY; Season’s Greetings Holiday Card; photo of Reynolds,; Reynolds emblem; BB34 Reunion photos
- USS New York 11th reunion letter; reunion photos; Ruleville news article 11-2-88; reunion photos continued
- Reynolds drivers license; USS Navy “short/sweet” photo; Judge Red Ribbon; American Battleship Reception and Dinner; photo of car clipping article “Shorty’s and Odean Reynolds” envelope; Albany 1988 Holiday Inn Map
- Photos of reunion; Concord New Hampshire road map; photos continued; photos of reunion; enlarged photo of shipmates (1988)
- USS NY BB34 photo; Georgia Stone Mountain Park postal card; reunion page 1989; Navy Veterans honored – newspaper article, photos of Reynolds, black and white photos of ship; battleship newspaper articles USS NY February 1942 – October 1945; photo of Reynolds; Veterans History Book insert; USS New York – Reunion Coordinator; Envelope addressed to Reynolds; Battleship NY Reunion 2000 (Houston TX)
Box 3
Box / Folder
3 / 1. “National Separation from US Naval Service”; “Authority to Discharge Letter”; Certificate of Honorable Discharge; Letter to Mr. Reynolds from the Carter Center; Newspaper article on H.R. Reynolds; several photos; 1989 reunion article October 19-22 in Atlanta, GA; American Battleship membership card.
3 / 2. Black and white enlarged photo of USS NY BB34; US Navy Foundation and Naval Heritage Center business card; Atlanta postal card; envelope addressed to Reynolds from US Naval Institute; 1989 photo of crew
3 / 3. Map of Metro Atlanta; “Shorty” business card; picture of wife Odean; envelope; holiday
3 / 4. Season’s Greeting Card Lymon G. Bloomingdale; pictures of Reynolds; business card for Carver Dole Short
3 / 5. Photos of reunion continued; Eugene Pigg business card; Georgia’s Stone Mountain Park Post Card
3 / 6. “Ship’s Name is Heroes Award” newspaper clipping; black and white photo of crew 1989 (copied); envelope addressed to Reynolds from Captain J.M. Bleusch; USS NY reunion sheet; Chasin (CG 65) Christened Magazine article
3 / 7. USS NY BB34 reunion 1990; season’s greetings Lyman S. Bloomingdale; picture of Reynolds and family; USS NY address label, 13th reunion photos; US Ship Certificate; (7) Orlando, Florida post cards; Kissmomee, FL post card
3 / 8. Pictures of 13th reunion in Florida
3 / 9. Summary of reunion written by Reynolds and Odean; Navy Badge; picture of ship; for Liberty “Wild West Dinner Show” advertisement 10-5-1990
Box # 4
Box / Folder
4:1 Address Label, NY BB34 Reunion flyer, USS NY Annual Reunion page, Letterhead to Ole Salts Digest Editor, Hilton Suites of Lexington Green name card, Photos
4:2 Photos, newspaper article, USS NY BB34 Reunion program 1991, address label, Boxers and wrestlers photo 1933
4:3 Reunion photos continued, (2) Navy vs. bowling green tickets
4:4 (4) groups shots taken in Bloomingdale, USS NY BB34 Reunion Sept 26th- 29th, 1991 (Annapolis, Maryland) Last Cruise Certificate to Reynolds
4:5 Reunion information, Letter to Reynolds from USS NY reunion coordinator, Kingsley Inn Sticker 1992, photos, itinerary for USS NY Reunion Sept 17-20, 1992, Paul and Dolly Merideth Reunion address label, postcard in 1992, Downtown Detroit flyer
4:6 Reunion photos
4:7 Henry Ford Museum ticket, USS NY Odean Reynolds Card, Photos, Letter to Reynolds from Jim Brown (Christmas 1992)
4:8 Long Beach Travel lodge brochure 1993, post cards, Reynolds Happy Holiday post card, John L. Whitmeyer address label, San Pedro Hotel 1929 article, Marina Café brochure, Reunion information continued
4:9 Photos of reunion
4:10 Christmas card from Bill and Teedee Ludwick 1993, reunion photos, Reunion Inc. check for $14.00, 120 Church Street address
4:11 Naval & Servicemen’s Park military flyer
4:12 Photos of Reynolds and wife, American flag with picture, Program of USNSCC
4:13 14th USS NY BB34 pamphlets, Letterhead for reunion, Statue of Liberty post card
4:14 Photos of Reunion convention continued
4:15 US Navy sticker, photos, The Reynolds Book, USS NY reunion 1995, Mike Crecelius business card, article on USS NY, Christmas Letter 1994, Veterans Monument Dedication Ceremony May 22nd, 1999, Letter from Reynolds and wife to kids 11/11/95
Box 5
Box / Folder
5.1 USS NY Reunion sheet, 1995 photo album, NY Reunion hotels/motels travel map
5.2 Envelope addressed to Reynolds, Itinerary of Reunion, Black and white photo of crew cleaning up, USS NY Reunion letter from Ken and Barbara S., Black and white photo of ship, List of attendees in St. Louis, MO (1995)
5.3 Photos of Reynolds and wife Odean, reunion pictures continued
5.4 Reunion photos continued, Envelope from Cullen and Marjorie Clauser
5.5 Thank You card from Marjorie, Local/Region “Sailors See Changes following Gulf War”newspaper clipping, Picture of commander/planes, IS your Sea bag packed for heaven newspaper article
5.6 Cupid article “An N.J. Veteran has Memories of every age”, photo of Bill
Letter of Separation from US Naval Service
5.7 Black and white photos, The institute on WWII and the Human Experience Brochure, Black and white photos of ship and crew
5.8 WWII losses
5.9 “1988” Naval History volume 2, #4, “In honor of men who served” flyer
5.10 Newspaper articles, Certified by the US Navy bumper sticker
Box 6
Box / Folders
6:1 1996 Reunion in Mobile, AL October 12th, 1996, reunion envelope addressed to Reynolds, pictures of Reynolds, family, and friends, Reynolds’s name tag, cross
6:2 Photos of reunion, List of names deceased, picture of wreath, W. VA. Insurance Co. Business card, Bellingrath Gardens post card, schedule of activities 10/11/96, The Conservatory in Bellingrath Gardens post card
6:3 Photos, Morrow painting with facts, “I Support the Flag and Vote” sticker, Preston Allen Texas State Commander business card
6:4 Photos of reunion continued
6:5 USS NY Shipmates and guest list attending Reunion Oct 10-13, 1996, Roberts Sheet Metal Shop, Inc. Business card, Reunion articles, Myrtle Beach Martinique brochure, Reynolds and shipmates photos
6:6 Myrtle Beach Martinique Bill statement, photos
6:7 Photos of reunion continued, 1997 Letterhead for USS NY BB34 reunion, Letter to Reynolds from Louise and Eugene, envelope addressed to Reynolds from Eugene Pigg, Memorial Service List, USS Reunion 1997 letterhead, Rainbow for Happiness poem, The Nashville Network brochure in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
6:8 Copy of article titled “Glamour Title on Ship Held by Mascot Dog”, photo of reunion group eating at table, photos of USS New York Reunion continued, Naval Memorial Association card for Reynolds
Box 7
H.R Reynolds WWII Photo album/collection
Box / Folders
7:1 U.S.S New York Reunion (2001) Picture of Reynolds and men, back of letter to reunion, Bumper Sticker 1984 (Pittsburg,) John Simpson Host, landscape drawing, 2 pictures, road map of Pittsburg
Pictures of Reunion, USS New York (BB-34) Sept 23, 24, & 25 1999- reunion (pictures of Reynolds and wife, picture of memorabilia), Certificate to Henry Raymond Reynolds “Doctor of Motors”
7:2 American Battleships Association, brief profile on Reynolds, 2 address labels, Certificate of Panama Canal November 28th, 1944 presented to Reynolds, U.S. Naval Institute members, Picture of Reynolds and others, Picture of Reynolds and group BB-34, letter of entitlement by B.A. Wilson, Reynolds Career Record
7:3 We remember “The U.S.S. Arizona Memorial of Pearl Harbor”
USS New York- 13th reunion picture in Florida “The Sunshine State”
Certificate to Reynolds “United States Naval Institute”
Photos of U.S.S New York
More photos from 1914, 1915, 1918, and 1932, 1944-45
Black/white photo of Crew working on Deck
Photo of crew – Shenbocks at Equation near Manus in 1945
7:4 Card “The Old Lady of the Fleet” Picture of U.S.S. New York
New York (BB-34) photograph
4 pictures of History 4th Atomic explosion
2 more pictures of explosion
USS Saratoga CV-3 pictures (2) and explosion shots (2)
Three explosion shots, USS New York 23rd Reunion (letter), black and white photo of Reynolds 1944-46
Military connections letter written to Reynolds from Heather Fenton, picture of memorial site, picture of Reynolds and friend
United States Navy (Season’s Greeting Postal Card, Shorty Reynolds)
7:5 Battleship New York Reunion 2000, Houston, TX Oct. 4-8th, 2000
BB34 USS New York 2001 Reunion listings
Listing continued 2-11
USS New York BB34 History Book advertisement
7:6 Letter – Happy Holiday Season,Trust to Help Young Victims of Violence Worldwide article (picture of Mary and Albert Vittek), Picture of Teedee and Bill Best Wishes, Navy League 100th edition page, Robert A. Clonton F. 940-44-99 postal card to Reynolds, Picture of Boat, USS New York 25th Reunion/2002, Reunion page continued, Reynold’s address
7:7 Letter from Turner Publishers, USS New York, Decease Listing, Listing continued, VFW Magazine reunion envelope addressed to Reynolds
7:8 United States/Navy Memorial Foundation, picture of memorabilia, Card of death – Hezekial Walker (friend) letter deadline for reunion 2002, Naval Affairs Magazine March 1994 volume 73 # 5
7:9 Fleet Rescue Calendar 1999, Envelope to Reynolds from Bill Gunn, add for USS New York (BB34) Veteran’s History Book, Commanders Club in Grateful Appreciation to H.R. Reynolds, Enlarged Photo, National WWII Memorial, two pictures, Picture of Reynolds and others, Northern Kentucky
7:10 Northern Kentucky proudly welcomes, USS New York, page in Cincinnati, Ohio 1998 Reunion, USS New York Reunion 1998- letter and several pictures, More pictures, USS New York BB34 Sticker, Veteran of Foreign Affairs, Article and Picture of Reynolds and Wife, Article continued with black and white photos of Reynolds, USS New York BB-34 Reunion, Letter from F.C. Frazer, picture of group, Several pictures of Reynolds
7:11 United States Navy Memorial Card of Reynolds, Two Shipmate Memorial Card
Request to obtain Military Records, Photos
7:12 Certificate of Appreciation H.R. Shorty Reynolds August 4th, 1999, Fleet Reserve Association, picture of H.R. Reynolds, Official Holiday Greeting Card from President George and 1st Lady Laura Bush (2001), Picture of Reynolds, Battleship Texas BB35 State Historical Park flyer, listings page
7:13 Several pictures of Memorabilia, USS Wyoming BB32 Association Membership card, USS New York Reunion 1993, The Reynolds Book page, Governor Commission of U.S.S Wisconsin BB64
7:14 Picture of Reynolds, USS Wisconsin BB64 black and white photo, Article on Reynolds in The Bolivar Commercial Wed, May 30th, 1990, Photo of Seaman Jim Hollis, Letter to Reynolds from Captain Jerry, USS Wisconsin BB64 Decommissioning September 30th, 1991 booklet and photos, Texas Travel Passport, Department of Transportation, Photo of couple, Letter from Andrew and Natalie, Check to Reynolds from USS New York Reunion, General Fred Woerner, Pictures of Reunion 1999
7:15 Shipmates and Guest Listings of those attending 1999 USS New York Reunion
Membership card of USS Wyoming BB32 Association, The Reynolds Book, Reunion 1993
Certificate to Reynolds from 34 Club USS New York (BB34), Silver Card, USS New York BB34 sticker, 2 pictures, Travelodge Hotel Resort and Marina in Long Beach brochure
Several pictures of Reynolds, family, and friends in Long Beach, CA
7:16 Several pictures of Reunion continued, The Second Decommissioning United States Battleship Missouri March 31, 1992 Long Beach, CA, World War II Certificate to Reynolds, Long Beach photos continued, Newspaper picture of WWII ceremonies, pictures of Reunion, USS Missouri Seating Card Decommissioning Ceremony, March 31st, 1992, More pictures USS Missouri The Mighty Mo, Pearl Harbor, HA, article William Cody Dunn, A Tribute to USS Missouri
7:17 Pictures of Christmas Cards from friends, Battle Stars and Naval Awards, Korean War Certificate to Reynolds
7:18 Navy Log online, Black and White photos, Hampton Inn Reservation Letter for Reunion
Newspaper article on the battleship of Missouri, Article on Battleship in Hawaii, The Missouri expected in Pearl Harbor newspaper photo
7:19 Panama Canal, photo, Membership Card USS Wyoming BB32 Association, Broadside number 4 volume 5, picture of couple, newspaper article and photo
7:20 Certificate to Reynolds, American Battleship Association letter, check to Association, photo of Reynolds, Activities Reservation Form USS New York Reunion Mesa, AZ
1998 Reunion shipmates and spouses well wishes card, Mason Insider of the Year H.R. Shorty Reynolds
Box 8
Box / Folders
8:1 Black and white photo of Reynolds (present), Black and white photo of Reynolds (44-45) sailor uniform, Panama Canal certificate, WWII certificate to Reynolds, USS NY BB34 sticker, Boatswain’s Call Song and photograph, Reynolds’s address label
8:2 USS NY BB34 Navy Day Celebration, October 27th, 1945 in New York City, National Memorial Charter Member sticker, address label, Memorabilia photograph, USS Wisconsin BB64 certificate presented to Reynolds, American Battleship membership card from 1944-46, Reynolds address label
8:3 Certificate of Decommissioning March 31st, 1992, Reynolds certificate, United States Navy Memorial Visitors Center flyer, Certificate given to Reynolds from The History Department at Florida State University, 1998 Reunion name tags for Reynolds and wife Odean, picture of two, certificate to Reynolds in Appreciation from the United States Navy Memorial Foundation,
8:4 Reynolds flyer for Candidate of Department Commander, January monthly 1998, post card of Reynolds, picture of memorabilia, Black and white photo of Shorty in 1944 and recent in 1988, photos of Reynolds and shipmates, Letterhead addressed to Reynolds, USS BB34 NY black and white photo taken in 1946, 18th annual USS NY Convention in Cobington, Kentucky, Mississippi PBA 1999 Booster, Memorabilia wall photo, Black and white photo of crew working on USS Memorial BB63
8:5 Publishers Turner black and white photo of crew, WWII 1999 Charter Member card, USS NY BB34 Nametag cards, Black and white photo of US Super dreadnought, NY
8:6 A Brief history of the American Battleship Organization, photos of Reynolds’ personal memorabilia, article on Harold F. Twilley, USS NY BB34 article, Certificate of Appreciation to Reynolds from National WWII Memorial in Washington, D.C, USS NY West Palm Beach Reunion 1999 booklet, The History of USS NY, black and white photo of Reynolds
8:7 Naval Affairs magazine Jan, 1999, card, picture of reunion, map of United States along with state flags, picture of Reynolds
8:8 United States Memorial log photo, Newsletter 1996 “Is your sea bag packed for heaven?”, Enlarged photos of Reynolds and shipmates, USS NY Reunion page and photos
8:9 Picture of American Flag, Stone Mountain Scottish Festival and Highland Games ticket, Robert Wright newspaper article, R. Wright newspaper article, picture of Missouri ship
Box # 9
Book “On Wisconsin”
Box / Folders
9:1 Plank Owner Certificate: 1st and most illustrious Navy crew
USS Wisconsin Reunion Biloxi, MS October 20-23 1988
Program book cover
Wisconsin: The Milwaukee Journal Magazine Cover October 16th, 1988
Picture of H.R. Reynolds
Newspaper article w/ picture of Wisconsin ship
A letter by Charles “Chuck” Lgerszen
9:2 A letter from Dale J. Bolle Wisconsin State Legislature
News Release from Litton Ingalls shipbuilding
Letter and envelope from Lt. Commander E.L Ahlwardt Jr.
Envelope from Captain Jerry Blesch Commanding Officer
Letter from the department of the Navy with check
Invitation to the decommissioning of US ship Wisconsin
Pink ticket to the Decommissioning
American Battleship Association ticket
Part of a letter from Dale J. Bolle
9:3 “A Thank you” letter from Astrid Skofteland
News letter from the governor’s commission in the USS Wisconsin
Invitation to the 1st reunion
Picture of crest
Newspaper clipping of ceremony
Program of United States ship Wisconsin back on watch
Pink ticket to the Decommissioning
American Battleship Association tickets to reception and dinner
Newspaper clipping: USS Wisconsin Returns to duty
Color strip of Army, Navy, Air Force, and Navy Coast Guard Crest
Address Label
Program for the Decommision Divine Service USS Wisconsin
Signed black and white picture with H.R. Reynolds
Picture of Reynolds in 1990
Picture with Walter at Wheel, built St. Louis Arches
9:4 Newsletters from governor’s commission on the USS Wisconsin
Certificate of individual contribution
Newspaper clipping “Return of a Veteran”
Newspaper clipping Phalanx Block I Goes to Sea
Picture of H.R. Reynolds in Captain Chair
Picture of Connine Tower
Picture of H.R Reynolds in front of flag container
Picture of Blue jacket of the year parking spot
Protestant Divine workshop program
Framed Autograph picture of ship
Plank owner certificate
Black and white picture of H.R Reynolds crew
Commander Newel Base special guest pass
9:5 Picture of ship chains
Picture of smaller Wisconsin
Random picture of the ship and surrounding 17 of them
Newspaper article of Reynolds 2 of them
9:6 Random pictures of ship inside and outside 40 of them
Pictures of cannons being shot in ship
(4) Picture of H.R. Reynolds in front of a train in pictures of former captains of ship
9:7 Letters from Dave Graham 1990
Letter written to Trent Lott in 1990
Copy of Newspaper article on Reynolds & old picture of him in 1944
Letter written to Captain Jerry M. Blech
“She sails again” written by Charles Szerszen
USS Wisconsin History
9:8 Newspaper article on the Wisconsin in Gulf War
Newspaper article with Colin Powell and Dick Chaney
Invitation to the decommissioning of Wisconsin & Guest passes
Post card of USS Wisconsin
Picture of H.R Reynolds and friends in full uniform
Post card of Chesapeake Bay Bridge-Tunnel
1996 article of Wisconsin when Novel Ship yard closed
Pictures of Sailors on ship (4)
Naval Base Norfork map
Picture of guest from Norfolk
Post card of waterside
Membership card for American Battleship Association
Battleship Wisconsin Decommissioning Post Card
9:9 American Battleship Association Ole Salt Digest
Now and Then pictures of Reynolds
9:10 (13) Picture from Banquet
(2) Picture of USS Alabama BB60
(3) Pictures of Lexington Department of MS American Legion Colors
(5) Pictures of Pensacola Naval Aviation Museum
Flyer for the National WWII Memorial
9:11 Picture of Uncle Sam “I want you”
Pictures of Joint Chiefs of Staff and Pictures of enlisted officers, 2000
For those who still remember “Battle stations!” Painting advertisement
Index of US Navy, US Marine Corps, US Coast Guard
“When it comes to satellite communications at sea, there are two sides to every story:”
Sea tel Advertisement
US National Defense Command structure pg (pictures)
Office of the secretary of defense
9:12 The Joint Staff page, Department of the Navy, Chief of Naval Operations
Headquarters, US Marine Corps, US Coast Guard, Department of Transportation, Maritime administration
Congress page, (pictures and bio)
Committee on Armed Services/US Senate
Committee on Armed Services/US House of Representatives
Committee on Appropriations/US Senate
Committee on Appropriations/US House of Representatives Congress
Committee on Commerce, Service, and Transportation/ US Senate
Committee on Commerce and House of Representatives
Committee on Commerce Transportation and Infrastructure and US House of Reps; Pictures of USS Wisconsin (BB64)
(4) Pictures of back home of Valley Hill & of Greenwood, MS (1990)