Collection Title: Camp Merigold and McCain POW Camps
Collection Number: M146 / 02-006 / 2006.209
Inclusive Dates: 1945-1948
Bulk Dates: 1945-1948
Volume: .0025 Cubic Feet
Processor: W. Ray
Scope and Content:
This collection consists of labor and inspection reports during the period March 31, 1945 through January 31, 1946. The reports are very detailed that regarding the condition of the camps and the activities and work within the camps. Also included are five letters from former occupants of the Merigold Prisoner of War Camp located at Merigold, Mississippi to Mr. E.D. Rayner, Merigold, Mississippi
Box / Folder
1 1 Prisoner of War Camp Labor Report for Camp Merigold and Camp McCain for
the period March 31, 1945 through January 31, 1946.
2 Unclassified Reports of inspection of camps and detailed reports of prisoners.
3 Letters from former Merigold POW Prisoners to Mr. Rayner:
From Herrn, Berlin, February 28, 1946
From Johannes Ralei, Berlin, September 3, 1946
From Roy Clark, Drew, MS September 19, 1946
From August Eisenmann, Munich, December 30, 1947
From Herbert Voss, Delmenhorst, Germany, February 10, 1948