Collection Title: Dr. Sidney Eckert’s The Consumer’s World Collection
Collection Number: M057
Dates: ca. 1970s
Volume: .90 cu. Ft.
Biographical/Historical Sketch:
Materials in this collection were donated to the Delta State University Archives by Dr. Sidney
Eckert. Dr. Sidney Eckert was a former professor of Business at Delta State University. This
collection is a compilation of Eckert’s research during the 1970’s. In this collection, Eckert
discusses the rights and responsibilities of today’s consumer. He stresses the importance of
being knowledgeable of the various aspects of the American marketplace. He also discusses the
need for consumers to become aware of the false advertisements and misrepresentations that
many manufacturers use to sell their products. In addition, Eckert provides a list of factors to
consider before purchasing home appliances, houses, automobiles, food, and clothing. Dr.
Eckert also discusses the significance of money management, insurance, and consumer credit.
Scope and Content:
This collection is broken down into four units. Each unit is composed of several chapters written
by Dr. Eckert. Each chapter covers a particular idea about the marketplace and how it affects
the American consumer. While some chapters deal with the importance of consumers being
aware of the various aspects of the American marketplace and the misrepresentations and false
advertisements that manufacturers use to sell their products, other chapters deal with factors
to consider before purchasing houses, automobiles, and clothing.
Box 1:
Folder 1 The Dilemma of the Consumer
Folder 2 Functioning in the American Marketplace
Folder 3 The Changing Role of the Consumer
Folder 4 Using Services
Folder 5 Consumer Credit
Folder 6 Purchasing Clothing
Folder 7 Buying Food
Folder 8 Sundry and Dangerous Products
Folder 9 Automobiles
Folder 10 Buying Household Furnishings and Appliances
Folder 11 Housing
Folder 12 Money Management
Folder 13 Consumer Savings
Folder 14 Investments
Folder 15 Life Insurance
Folder 16 Local, State, and Federal Taxes
Box 2:
Contains a duplicate of every chapter in Box 1.