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Record Groups

The University’s records are organized by Recrd Groups.  These Record Groups have been created to reflect the administrative and academic arrangement of the University.  Below are two options for viewing Record Group arrangements.  The first Record Group option describes the current physical condition of the collections housed in the Archives.   The second Record Group option describes the arrangement of administrative and academic departments.  Given that the University continues to grow, departments and offices merge and new programs are established, the Archives is in the process of bringing the original Record Group arrangement to accurately reflect the current organizational chart for the University (2009).

Some Inventories are now available.  Inventories of each department’s records currently housed at the Archives will be available soon.

Record Group Organizational Chart

RG # Office/College/Department/Division
1 Office of the President
2 Provost and Vice President of Academic Affairs
2A Director of Institutional Research
2B Directors of University Relations
2C Director of Security
3 Office of the Dean of Students
3A Dean’s Papers
3B Assistant to Dean of Students
3C Director of the Union
3D Health Services
4 Office of the Financial Secretary and Business Manager
4A1 Accounting
4A2 Auxiliary Enterprises
4A3 Physical Plant
4A4 Purchasing
4B Assistant VP for Partnerships and Special Projects
5 Office of the Dean of Admissions and Records
5A1 Office of Admissions
5A2 Office of Placement
5A3 Office of Records and Registration
5A4 Office of Student Financial Aids
6 Office of the Dean of the University
7 Office of School of Education
7A1 Division of Behavioral Sciences
7A2 Division of Educational Services
7A3 Division of Elementary Education
7A4 Division of Health, Physical Education and Recreation
7A5 Division of Secondary Education and Foundations
7A6 Division of Field Experiences
7A7 Division of Home Economics
7A8 Healthy Campus Initiative
8 Dean of the School of Arts and Sciences
8A Department of Art
8B Department of Biological Sciences & Physical Sciences
8C Division of Social Sciences & History
8D Division of Language and Literature
8D1 Speech & Drama
8E Department of Mathematics
8F Department of Music
8H Division of Social Work
9 Dean of the School of Business
9A1 Department of Accounting
9A2 Division of Business Administration and Economics
9A3 Department of Business Education and Secretarial Studies
10 Dean of the School of Graduate Studies
11 Dean of the School of Continuing Education
12 Director of Library Services
12A Instructional Resources Center
12B Archives & Museum
13 Dean of the School of Nursing
14 Director of Counseling and Testing and Clinical Services
15 Director of Athletics
15A Director of Sports Information
15A1 Football
15A2 Baseball
15A3 Women’s Basketball
15A4 Men’s Basketball
15A5 Golf
15A6 Tennis
15A7 Track and Field
16 Papers of DSU Presidents, Administrators, Faculty, Staff & Alumni
16A Presidential Series
16A1 William M. Kethley Papers
16A2 James M. Ewing Papers 
16A3 Aubrey K. Lucas Papers
16A4 Forest Kent Wyatt Papers
16B Administrators
16C Faculty
16C1 LaForge
16C2 Norwood
16D Staff
16D1 Staff Council
16E Alumni
17 Faculty Organizations
17A Courtesy Committee
17B American Association of University Women (AAUW), Cleveland Branch
17C Faculty Wives
17D Southern Literary Festival Papers
18 Alumni & Foundation
18A Alumni
18B Foundation
19 DSU University Clipping File
20 DSU Artifacts, Memorabilia, and Misc.
21 DSU Photographic Archives
21A1 Campus
21A2 Classroom Scenes
22 Campus Events (e.i. 1969 Sit-In and Demonstrations)
23 Student Publications
23A1 Miss Delta/Delta Statement
23A2 The Broom
23A3 Confidante
23A4 The Delta Guidebook
23A5 Mississippi Delta Heritage and Issues (ENG 102 Selections)
24 Student Organizations
24A Academic Honor Societies
24A1 Kappa Pi Art
24A2 Mu Phi Epsilon
24B Veterans Club of Delta State Teachers College
24C Panhellenic/Pan-Hellenic Organizations
24C1 Phi Mu Alumnae
24D Interfraternal Council (IFC)
24D1 Kappa Alpha Order
24E Student Government Association – SGA
25 DSU Special Functions & 75th Anniversary
25A1 Commencement Exercises, Bulletins
25A2 Baccalaureate
25B Homecoming
25C Concerts & Plays
25D Special Programs (Honors Day, Music Program Bulletins, Orientation Program, Retirement Programs,  Nellie Nugent Lecture Series, etc.)
26 Oldest DSU Records- found in attic of Kethley Bldg.
 27 Campus publications (flyers; campus newsletters; promotional brochures)
27A Campus Bulletin
27B Student Handbook
27C Faculty/Staff Directories & Campus Phonebooks
27D Faculty Publications (Tapestry; Grace Before Books)
27E Delta Scenes Magazine; Go Green
27F Alumni Magazine
27G Personnel Policies
27H Campus Newsletters
27H1 Arts & Sciences
27H1a Geography
27H1b Languages & Literature
27H1c Art Department
27H1d Music
27H2 Office of Public Information/University Relations
27H3 Continuing Education Newsletter
27H4 Human Resources Newsletter
27H5 Technology & Information Newsletter
27H6 Academic Affairs Newsletter
27H7 Student Affairs Newsletter
27H8 College of Educations Newsletters
27H9 Robert E. Smith School of Nursing
28 Bologna Performing Arts Center (BPAC)
29 Delta Music Institute
30 Delta Center for Culture and Learning
31 DSU Oral History Collection
32 Student Success Center
32A Okra Scholars Program
33 Gertrude C. Ford Center for Teaching & Learning