Collection Title: James Hand, Jr.
Collection Number: M031
Dates: Inclusive: 1931-1975
Bulk: 1967-1969
Volume: 1 box
Processor: C. Hite
Box # 1
Box / Folder
1 / 1 Photocopy of “Progress in the Mechanical Picking of Cotton” pages 79-82
Making Cotton Cheaper Can Present Production Costs Be Reduced? Bulletin No. 290 February 1931
Mechanical Cotton Picker Operation in the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta Bulletin 465 July 1949
Workstock vs. Tractors in the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta Bulletin 470 March 1950
Factors Affecting the Efficiency of Mechanical Cotton Pickers in the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta Bulletin 515 April 1954
Cotton Harvesting in the Yazoo-Mississippi Delta Bulletin 739 May 1967
1 / 2 Forestry Practices in Mississippi an Outline of Industry Guidelines
New Devices for Hill-drop Planting MSU Agricultural Experiment Station information sheet 804 April 1963
Box 1 / Folder 2 (continued)
Harvesting Cotton with an Experimental Combine (MAFES) Mississippi Agricultural & Forestry Experiment Station information sheet 1250 Vol.37 No.7 July 1974
1 / 3 excerpt from a publication titled “Canons of Social Science” page 41-42
Newspaper article titled “Country Fighting Hunger Problem”
Newspaper article titled “Senate Decides Poor Must be Fed Free”
Statement by Secretary of Agriculture Orvill L. Freeman on recommendations of the Board of Inquiry into Hunger and Malnutrition in the United States April 23, 1968
Newspaper article titled “Hunger Can’t Be Solved Simply Filling Stomachs” from the Jackson Daily News July 29, 1968
Return address for James Hand
Newspaper section titled “A Deltan’s Answer to the ‘Delta Ministry’” A Public Service Reprint from the Deer Creek Pilot of Rolling Fork, MS
Newspaper article titled “Malnutrition Said ‘Alarming’ Among Poor”
Newspaper article titled “Follow Through Pushes Progress”
Newspaper article titled “Alarming Health Problems Plaguing 5 Delta Counties”
Newspaper article titled “342,309 In State in Food Program” February 23, 1969
Newspaper article titled “Diet Deficiency of Negro Youth Shown in Survey”
Newspaper article titled “Malnutrition through Ignorance Blamed for ‘Hunger’” from the Mobile Press Register August 18, 1963
To End Hunger in America from the U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Secretary
Newspaper article continued from page 1 titled “State Study” for Delta Council News, Stoneville, MS
Newspaper article continued from page 1 titled “Hunger”
Newspaper article titled “Starvation Claim Refuted in House”
Box 1 / Folder 3 (continued)
Newspaper article titled CBS Hunger Show Labeled Dishonest” May 28, 1968
Newspaper article titled “Survey Reveals No Overt Evidence of Malnutrition”
Newspaper article titled “State Board of Health Releases Results of Malnutrition Study”
Letter from Isabelle Kelley to George C. Cartwright May 1, 1968
Photocopy of Memorandum on Needs of Poor May 1968
Photocopy of letter with news article Letter is to Thomas Abernethy from Jimmie January 27, 1969 and article is titled “Abernethy Sees Little Hunger in State; McGovern Disagrees
Letter from Gillespie Montgomery to James Hand January 31, 1969
Handwritten memo from E. Jere Turk regarding public health survey
Participation in USDA Food Programs Two Mississippi Delta Counties May 1967 Summary
Note from G.C. Cortwright to James Hand, Jr. May9, 1968
Special for Immediate Release for MS State Board of Health June 7, 1968 (2 copies)
Typed notice regarding Sharkey County’s food stamp program
1 / 4 Issued by Delta Experiment Station Stoneville, MS Service Sheet #16 November 28, 1928
Issued by Delta Experiment Station Stoneville, MS Service Sheet #16 January 22, 1932
MS Agricultural Experimental Stations State College, MS Service Sheet #136 September 27, 1934
Photocopy of Agricultural Engineering excerpt titled “Twenty-five Years of Cotton Picker Development” Vol.32 No.11 November 1951
Cross-Plowing of Cotton by MS State College Agricultural Experiment Station Service Sheet 423 April 1952
Box 1 / Folder 4 (continued)
Three Years of Variety Testing Under Mechanized Cotton Production in the Delta by MS State College Agricultural Experiment Station Service Sheet 573 January 1958
Oils Used as Mechanical Picker Spindle Moisteners May Affect Cotton’s Quality by MS State College Agricultural Experiment Station Service Sheet 774 August 1962
Performance of Cotton Gleaning Machines in the Delta by MS State College Agricultural Experiment Station Service Sheet 776 September 1962
Modifications and Improvements in Mechanical Cotton Pickers by MS State College Agricultural Experiment Station Service Sheet 813 May 1963
Biological Factors Affection Performance of Mechanical Cotton Pickers by MS State College Agricultural Experiment Station Service Sheet 970 April 1967
Harvesting Cotton with an Experimental Combine by MS Agricultural & Forestry Experiment Station Information Sheet 1250 April 1967
1 / 5 The University and Integration pamphlet
Mississippi is Education without integrating pamphlet
Questions Asked, and Answers Given, by Sovereignty Commission Volunteer Speakers
Information Sheet on Mississippi’s Racial Situation
The Message from Mississippi
1 / 6 Photocopy of The Delta Implement Company a Quarter Century Symbol of Progress
History of The Delta Implement Company
Letter from Gay Miley to James Hand January 1, 1953
Box 1 / Folder 6 (continued)
Photocopy of a letter from Jore Nash to Dan Boone October 14, 1940
Biography of James Hand, Jr.
Photocopy of Delta Council Reports Advisory Research a Report by James Hand, Jr. page 9-11 (with handwritten note at top of page 9)
Paper on the subject of mechanization
1 / 7 Letter from Erle Johnston, Jr. to James Hand, Jr. September 29, 1964
Letter from James Hand, Jr. to Governor Waller August 22, 1972
Letter from James Hand, Jr. to Dr. Cottrell November 1, 1972
1 / 8 Journal of Southern Commerce Vol.1 No.3 June 14, 1954
Photocopy of an excerpt from Farm Journal “They Grow Cotton for 17 cents” November 1954
The History of the First National Bank of Greenville (Booklet)
Photocopy from the Clarion-Ledger titled “‘Big Red’, Biggest Forest Fire in State, Recalled” September 22, 1974
Photocopy of an article from the Clarion-Ledger titled “State’s Largest Tree” September 14, 1975
Photocopy of an excerpt from a publication concerning Issaquena County Courthouse
Photocopy of an excerpt from the Daily News a picture of a harrow
Photocopies of two articles from Deer Creek Pilot titled “Glazier Has Seen Service under 4 Chief Executive”, and “A Backward Glance”
Photocopy of an article from Deer Creek Pilot concerning boat landings in Sharkey County
Hand drawn map of Rollin Fork, MS with emphasis on waterways
Photocopy of handwritten notes on History of Rolling Fork
Box 1 / Folder 8 (continued)
Newspaper article from The Clarion-Ledger titled “Dr. J.E. Walker-Physician, Banker, and Insurance Executive” July 27, 1975
Photocopy of The Story of Black Progress
Photocopy of a publication with foreword (4 pages)
Photocopy of Men of the Year for 1961 in Service to Mid-South Agriculture
Science for Better Farming
Section from The Commercial Appeal Magazine Mid-South Sunday edition
Excerpt from Fortune titled “The Negro’s New Economic Life” September 1956