Collection Title: Dr. Henry Judson Jacob Papers
Collection Number: M233 / 2006.218
Inclusive Dates: 1970 to 1989
Bulk Dates: 1971 to 1974
Volume: .0025 Cubic Feet
Processor: W. Ray
Scope and Content:
These are the personal papers of Dr. Henry Judson Jacob and contain certificates of accomplishments and photos.
Box / Folder
1 1 Photos:
8 x 10 Dr. Henry Judson Jacob
8 x 10 Nell and Henry Jacob and Rep. David Bowen
8 x 10 Group Picture Class of 1929 Golden Anniversary
3 ½ x 5 Unknown Subject
1 2 Certificates presented to Henry J. Jacob:
Certificate of Appreciation DSU Student Government April 26, 1974
Certificate of Appreciation DSU Alumni Association April 26, 1974
Certificate of Appreciation Wahabi Temple for Circus Mom and Dad Program Feb. 22, 1977
Certificate of Appreciation City of Cleveland/DSU Bicentennial Committee July 1, 1976
Certificate of Appreciation Grenada Kiwanis Club October 12, 1976
Certificate Fifty Year Button-Master Mason-March 30, 1939 to March 30, 1989
Certificate certifying selected to appear in 1971 Edition of Personalities of the South
Certificate certifying selected to appear in 1971 Edition of Community Leaders of America
Certificate certifying selected to appear in 1970 Edition of Outstanding Educators of America