Collection Title: The Florence Sillers Ogden Papers
Collection Number: M017
Inclusive Dates: 1860 – 1972
Bulk Dates: 1935 – 1972
Volume: 22.45 cu. ft. Dis An’ Dat Column August 2, 1970
Biographical/Historical Sketch:
Florence Sillers Ogden (1897-1972), daughter of Walter Sillers, Sr., wrote the column “Dis ‘n’
Dat” for the Delta Star in Greenville and the Clarion Ledger, in which she not only related local
social news but also commented on political, economic, and social issues. She was also active in
the Mississippi Delta Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution and Women for
Constitutional Government. Her correspondence reflects her interest in politics, agricultural and
governmental affairs, participation in the D.A.R., and social activities, as well as response to her
Scope and Content:
This collection consists of clippings collected by Florence Sillers Ogden, from various
newspapers, and also copies and drafts of her column Dis ‘n’ Dat. It also contains
correspondence and other miscellaneous materials.
Box Inventory:
Box 1
1. Correspondence from May 31, 1913-December 29, 19?
2. Correspondence to Mr. George McLaren May 26, 1923
3. 4 copies of suggestions for plays, The Battle of Maubilla (booklet), a postcard, and
correspondence from 1924
4. Correspondence from Palmer Literary Agency May 7, 1926
5. Correspondence from Daughters of the American Revolution Feb. 15, 1930
6. Correspondence to Governor Connor
7. Correspondence to Greenwood, MS Dec 23, 1933
8. Correspondence between 1935-1970
9. Correspondence from 1936, Financial Statement March 9, two Pageants; “Tragedy of the
Woods and A Natchez Party”
10. Correspondence from 1937
11. Library of Congress Copyright Congress 1939 Examiner’s Report
12. Correspondence from 1940
13. Correspondence from 1941, newspaper clippings, Immigration, Travel of the Spa, and DisN-Dat by Florence Ogden
14. Correspondence from 1942 and Congressional Record Appendix
15. Copy of letter Bolivar County Blood Plasma (Nov. 2, 1943)
16. Counter Resolution (March 27, 1944), newspaper clipping and correspondence from1944
17. Correspondence from 1945
18. Correspondence from 1946 and newspaper clippings
19. Correspondence from 1947 and Congressional Record Appendix
20. A letter from the MS State Democratic Party (April 3, 1948), and correspondence from 1949
21. Postcards and correspondence from 1949
Box 2
22. Correspondence from 1950
23. Daughters of the American Revolution Press Digest newspaper clippings, postcards and
correspondence from 1951
24. Postcards, Meet the Duchess by Florence Ogden
25. Newspaper clippings, Correspondence and postcards from 1952
26. St. Albans School 45th Commencement Program (June 5, 1954), newspaper clippings, The
National Society of the Colonial Dames of America in the State of MS (Nov. 12, 1954), and
correspondence from 1954
27. Newspaper clippings, a copy of “The Evolution of World Council of Churches;
Congressional Record and Correspondence from 1955
28. Synopsis of Discussion at Rotary Club (Apr. 21, 1955), postcards, booklet on speeches of
Hon. James O. Eastland (May 26, 1955), clippings from Congressional Record, and
correspondence from 1955
29. Kate Duncan Smith (D.A.R.) School News and correspondence from 1955
Box 3
30. Correspondence and newspaper clippings from 1956
31. Western Union Telegram (July 20, 1956), newspaper clippings, postcards, and
correspondence from 1956
32. Newspaper clippings, book (Scenic South), “Mighty Missy”, and correspondence from 1956
33. Constitution and bylaws of the Delta Debutantes, postcards, newspaper clippings, and
correspondence from 1957
34. Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Managers of the National Society of Colonial Dames
of America (Nov. 5, 1957), Registration of Firearms (1958), newspaper clippings and
correspondence from 1958
34a. Yearbook 1958
35. Newspaper clippings and correspondence from 1958
36. Birthday card, First Biennial Report State Highway Dept. (Apr. 14, 1916 – Dec. 12, 1917),
and correspondence from 1958
37. Card, newspaper clippings, Congress of Freedom, INC. (Feb. 23, 1959), and correspondence
from 1959
Box 4
38. Booklet (The Vicksburg Campaign, a Story of Perservance), and correspondence from 1959
39. This was Good Law in 1859 who changed it? Seminars on American Cultures
40. Newspaper clippings, Civil War Centennial Commission (July 30, 1959), correspondence
from 1959
41. Copy of part of the MS River, postcards, and correspondence from 1959
42. Correspondence from 1960
43. List of Textbook Authors, excerpt from American Bar Association Journal (October 1960
pages 1081-1082) and correspondence from 1960
44. Civil War Centennial Commission (Mar. 1, 1961), newspaper clippings, telegrams from
Senators (Aug. 30, 1961), article on Restoring Claiborne Home with picture, and correspondence
from 1961
Box 5
45. Correspondence and newspaper clippings from 1962
46. Newspaper clippings, correspondence from 1962, and telegrams from Ross R. Barnett (Oct.
14, 1962)
47. Correspondence from 1962, Jackson Central Lions International Club (1962-63), and
newspaper clippings.
48. Correspondence from 1962, National Legislative Conference Committee on Federal – State
Relations (Dec. 6, 1962), and newspaper clippings
49. Correspondence from 1963, article America Must Know the Terror That is Upon Us, and
newspaper clippings
50. Newspaper clippings, telegram from James L. Whitten (Feb. 12, 1963), correspondence from
1963 and Hargis’ Newsletter 1963
51. Newspaper clippings, cards, correspondence from 1963
52. Newspaper clippings, booklet on Race Rights, article The World, and correspondence from
Box 6
53. The Manion Forum (Apr. 21, 1963) and correspondence from 1963
54. Correspondence from 1963, Telegram (Sept. 6, 1952), Civil War Centennial Commission
(Sept. 16, 1963)
55. Newspaper clippings, Draft Goldwater Petition, Who Owns America? and correspondence
from 1964
56. Correspondence from 1964, MS Women for Constitutional Government
57. Correspondence 1964, The National Survey of Historic Sites and Buildings, National Park
Service, postcards, the Oelwein Daily Register, newspaper clippings, Mortgage Bankers
58. Newspaper clippings, Congressional districts of Mississippi, voting-record of all the
members of both Houses of Congress, and correspondence from 1964
Box 7
59. Postcards, newspaper clippings, correspondence of 1965, and Annual Columbus, MS
60. Cards, telegram, picture from Tom Jarvis, correspondence from 1965
61. Newspaper clippings, MS Population Statistics by County 1963-65 (Projected), a
composition from Gladys Hailes, OLE Miss Progress Negro Haters are Doomed.
62. A copy of People at Work, Mississippi The Keystones of States Rights, newspaper clippings,
postcards, Why Dumbarton House Needs More Income (Sept. 7, 1965), article Improved
Southern Image Needed, picture of “Peacewood Mansion” For an Independent Candidate,
postcards, and correspondence from 1965
63. Correspondence from 1966, House Resolution # 1, occasion honoring Walter Sillers,
newspaper clippings
64. Greeting cards, article U.S. a Soviet State under U. N.?, Campus Moments, and
correspondence from 1966
Box 8
65. Greeting cards, postcards, and correspondence from 1966
66. Newspaper clippings, Vietnam War (article) Jan. 1, 1966, “Lawsuits tried in the courts of the
First Judicial District of Bolivar County, MS”, and correspondence from 1966
67. In the News (Jan. 30, 1964), a newspaper clipping, 20th Century Madness, pictures of
Peacewood home and Judge? and correspondence from 1966
68. Newspaper clippings, greeting cards, A tribute from the Women for Constitutional
Government (Oct. 29, 1966) and correspondence from 1966
69. Correspondence from 1966, Memorial Service Dec. 1, 1966, Development of the Southern
Heritage Foundation, and postcards
70. Newspaper clippings, History of Statue of Liberty (Booklet), Congressional Record –
Appendix (Nov. 1, 1966), and correspondence from 1967
71. Newspaper clippings, and correspondence from 1967
72. Newspaper clippings, Happy Birthday MS 1817-1967, postcards, and correspondence from
73. Newspaper clippings and correspondence from 1967
Box 9
74. Newspaper clippings, First General Assembly (Oct. 28, 1967), and correspondence from
75. Greeting cards and correspondence from 1967
76. Correspondence from 1967
77. Newspaper clippings, Opposition to International Control of the Ocean Floor, and
correspondence from 1967
78. Postcard, newspaper clippings, Testimony of James E. Mena (Feb. 9, 1968), and
correspondence from 1968.
79. Purpose of Southern Heritage Foundation, Daily Prayer, postcard, greeting cards, and
correspondence from 1968
80. “Would-Be Presidents Back Dissolution of U.S.”, newspaper clippings, postcards, and
correspondence from 1968.
81. Greeting card, postcards, newspaper clippings, and correspondence from 1968
82. Newspaper clippings and correspondence from 1969
83. Greeting cards, newspaper clippings and correspondence from 1969
Box 10
84. Tentative, Proposed Resolutions (Apr. 16, 1969), U.S. Constitution vs. U.S. Treaties Your
Column (Apr. 20, 1969), newspaper clippings, and correspondence from 1969.
85. Newspaper clippings, greeting cards, Local Women Listed In Who’s Who in America (article
Sept. 18), and correspondence from 1969.
86. Newspaper clippings and correspondence from 1969
87. “Is it Really Supreme?” and correspondence from 1970
88. Closer Up (booklet), newspaper clippings, and correspondence from 1970
89. Pictures, newspaper clippings, Tentative Proposed Resolutions (Apr. 22, 1970),
correspondence from 1970.
90. “Message of Genocide” (booklet), newspaper clippings, and correspondence form 1970
91. newspaper clippings, The Natchez Trace Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow by Florence
Sillers Ogden, and correspondence from 1970
92. Newspaper clippings, The Nixon Welfare Plan (pamphlet), and correspondence from 1971
Box 11
93. History of Bolivar County, MS, greeting cards, and correspondence from 1971
94. The Confederacy Collection (magazine), Cotton Disposition Inquiry (1971-Crop), and
correspondence from 1971.
95. Newspaper clippings, envelopes from 1965-1967, The Myth of De`tente
96. Envelopes from 1963-1984
97. Newspaper clippings, and correspondence
98. Newspaper clippings and correspondence
99. Telegram, newspaper clippings, and correspondence
100. Newspaper clippings, postcards, telegrams, and correspondence
Box 12
101. Purpose and Plan for Chairman of 1st and 2nd District
102. Fiction of MS by Florence Ogden, notebook, Welcoming Address to the United Daughters
of the Confederacy. (1938)
103. Civil Rights Speech 1947-48
104. Speech (1952), Speech (Eisenhower Meeting)
105. World Government and the United States for Yazoo Chapter, Lake Village
106. “Spiritual Values of the United Nations
107. Speeches (National Defense and Rotary)
108. Newspaper clippings, speech (Congress of Freedom)
109. Speech (American History 1959)
110. Newspaper clippings, speech (Gen. U.S. Grant III), and correspondence from 1960
111. Paper (Building Responsible Citizens through Knowledge and Appreciation of our Country
and its History) Feb. 20, 1961
112. Papers: U. N. National Defense Council (Jan. 25, 1962), The U. N. and its Specialized
Agencies (Oct. 19, 1962), David Holmes Chapter (Oct. 26, 1962), Women for Constitutional
Government (Oct. 30, 1962), speech given in Louise, MS (Nov. 19, 1962), and newspaper
113. Women for Constitutional Government (Mar. 5, 1963), (Feb. 20, 1963), speeches: Flag Day
(Jun. 14, 1963), Montgomery, Alabama (Jan. 17, 1963)
114. Annual Report (Oct. 29, 1963), U. N.- Panel Discussion (Sept. 6, 1963), Women for
Constitutional Government (June 25, 1963), Stars and Stripes Forever (June 14, 1963), Civitans
(Mar. 10, 1964), and papers from 1963
115. Papers from 1964: Greetings of State Regent (Feb. 25, 1964)
Box 13
116. Speeches and papers from 1965
117. Newspaper clippings and speeches from 1966
118. Report of Rosalie Curator (Feb. 24-26, 1969), paper: Sensitivity Training (Jan. 9, 1969),
Clayton Rand (Feb. 25, 1969)
119. Newspaper clipping , U.S. Constitution (Speech) and papers
120. Papers and speeches by Florence Ogden
121. Notebooks and papers by Florence Ogden
122. Notebook entitled “Yellowstone Park Trip”
Box 14
123. Papers by Florence Ogden “A Story of Rare Old Books”
124. Legal pad entitled “Decoration Day” (Apr. 25, 1866), Resolutions Mississippi Society DAR
125. Financial Statement with note on it (June 30, 1961)
126. Paper (Natchez Trace Parkway)
127. An article written by Florence Ogden on Jan. 22, 1942
128. Newspaper clippings, House Resolution # 15, Senate Bill # 1740
129. Newspaper clippings, and Resolution on Immigrants
130. Work suggestion and Historian’s suggestion (1945-57)
131. Notes by Florence Ogden
132. Notes from meeting on April 5, 1955
133. The Little Girl and the Queen by Florence Ogden
134. Newspaper clippings, The Eyes of the Delta are Upon You and Miss Rosalie goes to
Washington by Florence Ogden
135. Autobiography of Florence Sillers Ogden
136. Fiction in MS
137. Manuscripts by Florence Ogden ( Now and Then, Fire in the Woods)
138. Autobiographies of Mary Carson Warfield and Matilda Clark Sillers, suggestions
procedures for Women for Constitutional Government, and Martha Washington by Florence S.
139. Manuscripts by Florence S. Ogden
140. Papers by Dorothy Perkins and Florence Ogden
Box 15
141. Hell and Highwater, Answer to School Administrators, and The Marin Story by Florence
142. Notebook entitled DAR Resolution – ETC, Walter Sillers, Sr.(paper), Florence Sillers
Ogden Autobiography
143. Parts from Old MISS, I Ain’t No Beau, Overflow, Hell and Highwater, Death comes to the
Big House and Wedding Bells ( stories written by Florence S. Ogden)
144. Stories written by Florence S. Ogden
Box 16
145. Palmer Handbook of Scenario Construction vol. 2
146. Trophy Loose-leaf notebook containing notes for novel
147. Book ( Modern Authorship; Palmer Institute of Authors)
148. Notebook entitled Exercise Book
Box 17
149. Book (English Expression; Palmer Institute of Authorship)
150. Notebook filled with notes for novel and stories
151. Book (English Expression; Palmer Institute of Authorship)
152. Palmer Handbook of Scenario Construction vol. 2
Box 18
153. Notes and manuscripts of novels and short stories
154. Notebook filled with notes for stories, writing assignment by Florence S. Ogden
155. Stories and excerpts of stories by Florence S. Ogden
156. Palmer Course in English Expression Exercises
157. Book by Florence
Box 19
158. Newspaper clippings, poems and stories written about Christmas
159. Newspaper clippings, papers about Walter Sillers, correspondence from 1960
160. Poems (Down in the Dixieland, Shop Talk, etc.) by Florence S. Ogden
161. Stories (Broken Soles etc) by Florence S. Ogden
162. Pageants (A Tragedy of the Woods) notebook filled with notes on DAR History Pageant
Box 20
163. Newspaper clippings, pictures of Mrs. Letitia and daughter Amy, story (Aunt Letitia), and
164. History of Railroads in Bolivar County, MS, Showboats by Margaret Allen Green, 1836-
Bolivar County’s Centennial-1936, Imperial Bolivar (Florence Ogden), Modes and Manners of
the Early Bolivar County
165. Business Forms, Ogden Plantation Roosters, Buckridge Plantation Deed, and other business
Box 21
166. Manuscripts of Dis-N-Dat, newspaper clippings, Commission of Budget and Accounting
Summary, a tribute to Mrs. Ella Jones Shelby and other manuscripts
167. Newspaper clippings, Dis-N-Dat, and notebook full of information on articles
168. Delta Weddings, Thoughts While Farming, Second Resolution-Farm Bureau, newspaper
clippings and other manuscripts written by Florence Ogden
169. Dis-N-Dat, The Armistice written by Florence Ogden
Box 22
170. 6 Stenographer notebooks
171. Dis-N-Dat, newspaper clippings, notes for stories
172. Dis-N-Dat articles
173. Dis-N-Dat, 3 stenographer notebooks
Box 23
174. 6 stenographer notebooks, Dis-N-Dat articles
175. 3 stenographer notebooks, Dis-N-Dat articles
176. Dis-N-Dat articles
Box 24
177. 7 stenographer notebooks
178. Legal pad filled with notes, newspaper clippings
179. Stories and articles written by Florence Ogden
180. Dis-N-Dat articles
Box 25
181. 1 stenographer notebook, newspaper clippings and articles written by Florence Ogden
182. Newspapers clippings
183. Newspaper clippings and articles
Box 26
184. Manuscripts of a book by Florence Ogden
185. Chicago, Chicago, Chicago by Florence Ogden
186. Mama 1st Draft Revision and Notes for Book -FSO
187. Plantation 1st Draft Revision and Notes for Book-FSO
188. Mary’s Beau 1st Draft, Revision, and Notes for book -FSO
Box 27 189. Grandma 1st Draft, Revision, and Notes for book -FSO
190. 1st Drafts, Revisions, and Notes for book – FSO
191. Court 1st Drafts, Revisions, and Notes for book – FSO
192. Home
193. Neighborhood
194. Greeting Cards
Box 28
Dis ‘n’ Dat, 1970 – 1971
Box 29
Dis ‘n’ Dat, 1963 – 1966
Box 30
Dis ‘n’ Dat, 1967 – 1970
Box 31
Clippings from various newspapers, 1960 – 1964
Box 32
Dis ‘n’ Dat, 1956 – 1959
Box 33
Dis ‘n’ Dat, 1952 – 1956
Box 34
Clippings from various newspapers, 1970 – 1971 and undated
Box 35
Clippings from various newspapers, 1860 – 1861 (Reprints), 1924 – 1959
Box 36
Clippings from various newspapers, 1964 – 1968
Box 37
Clippings from various newspapers, 1968 – 1970
Box 38
Various clippings from 1971 – 1972 and Dis ‘n’ Dat from 1937 – 1951
Box 39
Dis ‘n’ Dat, 1960 – 1962