Faculty Staff Directory

Name Phone Department
Lauren Powell lpowell@deltastate.edu 662-846-4623 Performing Arts Center
Anjanette Powers apowers@deltastate.edu 662-846-4406 Field Experience
Levi Pressnell lpressnell@deltastate.edu 662-846-4060 Languages & Literature
Stella Pruitt spruitt@deltastate.edu 662-846-4740 Custodial Services
Jennifer Pugh jpugh@deltastate.edu 662-846-4400 Child Development Center
Conrad Puozaa cpuozaa@deltastate.edu 662-846-4202 Management, Marketing & Bus Admin
Maria Ramiz mramiz@deltastate.edu 662-846-4740 Custodial Services
Anne-Gaëlle Ravetto agravetto@deltastate.edu 662-846-4615 Music
Holly Ray hray@deltastate.edu 662-846-4676 Communications & Marketing
Syed Raza sraza@deltastate.edu 662-846-4180 Accountancy
Marilyn Read mread@deltastate.edu 662-846-4700 Continuing Education
John Redman jcredman@deltastate.edu 662-846-4462 Mens Basketball
Jeffrey Reed jreed@deltastate.edu 850-293-8024 Biological Sciences
Jeremy Ricks jricks@deltastate.edu 662-846-4024 University Accounting
Christy Riddle criddle@deltastate.edu 662-846-4675 Communications & Marketing
Andrew Rincker arincker@deltastate.edu 662-846-4300 Baseball
Jacinda Roach jroach@deltastate.edu 662-846-4315 Family & Consumer Science
Becky Roberson brobersn@deltastate.edu 662-846-4405 Field Experience
Michelle Roberts mroberts@deltastate.edu 662-846-4000 Vice Pres for University Relations
Amanda Robinson arobinson@deltastate.edu 662-846-4709 Alumni
Jacnita Robinson jlrobinson@deltastate.edu 662-846-4006 University Accounting
Tony Robinson trrobinson@deltastate.edu 662-846-4740 Maintenance of Grounds Horticulture
Aaron Rogers Not Available 662-846-6083 Commercial Aviation
Valerie Rogers vrogers@deltastate.edu 662-846-4320 Child Development Center
Austin Rutledge arutledge@deltastate.edu 662-846-4579 Delta Music Institute
Debra Saia ksaia@deltastate.edu 662-846-4784 Student Affairs
Joseph Saia csaia@deltastate.edu 662-846-4864 Communications & Marketing
Joseph Saia jsaia@deltastate.edu 662-846-4238 Commercial Aviation
Charles Salazar csalazar@deltastate.edu 662-846-4781 General Library
David Salinero dsaliner@deltastate.edu 662-846-4438 General Library
Isaac Samples Not Available 662-846-4300 Golf
James Sanders jsanders@deltastae.edu 662-846-4740 Custodial Services
Lisa Sandifer lsandifr@deltastate.edu 662-846-4180 Accountancy
Gregory Sassenrath-Cole gcole@deltastate.edu 662-846-4430 General Library
Charles Seeman cseeman@deltastate.edu 662-846-4233 Accountancy
Holly Senter hsenter@deltastate.edu 662-846-4844 Performing Arts Center
Mari Shannon mshannon@deltastate.edu 662-846-4268 Nursing
Joyce Shelton jshelton@deltastate.edu 662-846-4004 Vice President for Finance
Changsub Shim cshim@deltastate.edu 662-846-4180 Accountancy
Kumiko Shimizu kshimizu@deltastate.edu 662-846-4122 Music
Jung-Won Shin jshin@deltastate.edu 662-846-4123 Music
Mark Shirley mshirley@deltastate.edu 662-846-4300 Softball Women
Christan Sledge csledge@deltastate.edu 662-846-4190 Management, Marketing & Bus Admin
Brandy Smith bsmith@deltastate.edu 662-846-4270 Nursing
Britnee Smith besmith@deltastate.edu 662-846-4555 Health & Physical Ed & Recreation
Daphne Smith ddsmith@deltastate.edu 662-846-4370 Teacher Education, Leadership, and Research
Donald Smith dsmith@deltastate.edu 662-846-4740 Carpentry
Earnest Smith elsmith@deltastate.edu 662-846-4740 Custodial Services
Jamie Smith jcsmith@deltastate.edu 662-846-4000 Office of the President
Megan Smith mlsmith@deltastate.edu 662-846-4670 Student Financial Assistance
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