Faculty Staff Directory

Name Phone Department
James Griffing jgriffing@deltastate.edu 662-846-4625 Performing Arts Center
JaWanda Griham jwgriham@deltastate.edu 662-846-4040 Registrar
Severine Groh sgroh@deltastate.edu 662-846-4245 Math and Sciences
Murat Gur mgur@deltastate.edu 662-846-4760 Admin Information Technology Servcs
William Handly Not Available 662-846-6083 Commercial Aviation
Holly Haney hhaney@deltastate.edu 662-846-4255 Nursing
Craig Hankins shankins@deltastate.edu 662-846-4246 Biological Sciences
Tomeka Harbin tharbin@deltastate.edu 662-846-4200 Dean of College of Business
Margaret Harper mharper@deltastate.edu 662-846-4740 Custodial Services
Reba Harrell rharrell@deltastate.edu 662-846-4370 Biological Sciences
Tijuana Harris tmharris@deltastate.edu 662-846-4009 University Accounting
Gary Michael Harrison gharrison@deltastate.edu 662-846-4522 Geospatial Information Technology
FaDerricka Harvey fbharvey@deltastate.edu 662-846-4050 Institutional Research
Robert Harvey tharvey@deltastate.edu 662-846-4205 Commercial Aviation
Abby Havard ahavard@deltastate.edu 662-846-4300 Athletic Trainer
Crystal Haynes rhaynes@deltastate.edu 662-846-4345 General Library
Jack Haynes jthaynes@deltastate.edu 662-846-4740 Maintenance of Buildings & Grounds
Regina Haynes rhaynes@deltastate.edu 662-846-4345 Instructional Resources Center
Teresa Haynes thaynes@deltastate.edu 662-846-4255 Nursing
Amber Hays ahays@deltastate.edu 662-846-4760 Admin Information Technology Servcs
Alexa Hayward Not Available 662-846-4844 Arts Education
David Hebert dhebert@deltastate.edu 662-846-4508 Math and Sciences
Jennifer Herren jamckee@deltastate.edu 662-846-4040 Registrar
Addie Herrod aherrod@deltastate.edu 662-846-4274 Nursing
Rolando Herts rherts@deltastate.edu 662-846-4311 Delta Center Culture and Learning
Ryan Hewitt rhewitt@deltastate.edu 662-846-4740 HVAC
Stephanie Hodnett shodnett@deltastate.edu 662-846-4259 Nursing
William Hodnett whodnett@deltastate.edu 662-846-4268 Nursing
Kyla Holcomb kholcomb@deltastate.edu 662-846-4268 Nursing
Cristyn Holder cholder@deltastate.edu 662-846-4625 Performing Arts Center
Janet Horne jhorne@deltastate.edu 662-846-4448 General Library
Abigail House abhouse@deltastate.edu 662-846-4315 Child Development Center
Jake Hovarter jhovarter@deltastate.edu 662-846-4205 Commercial Aviation
Veverly Howard vhoward@deltastate.edu 662-846-4740 Custodial Services
Timothy Hubbard thubbard@deltastate.edu 662-846-4205 Commercial Aviation
Leslie Hudson mhudson@deltastate.edu 662-846-4574 Student Success Center
Keelee Huff khuff@deltastate.edu 662-846-4300 Softball Women
Katherine Hughes kwhughes@deltastate.edu 662-846-4276 Nursing
Elizabeth Hunter ethunter@deltastate.edu 662-846-4200 Dean of College of Business
Kotishma Hunter khunter@deltastate.edu 662-846-4740 Custodial Services
Harold Irvin wirvin@deltastate.edu 662-846-4300 Tennis-Men
Jayla Isom jaisom@deltastate.edu 662-846-4615 Music
Austin Jackman atjackman@deltastate.edu 662-846-4300 Soccer
Janice Jackson jdjackson@deltastate.edu 662-846-4740 Custodial Services
Jeffrey Jackson jajackson@deltastate.edu 662-846-4740 Electrical
Julie Jackson jjackson@deltastate.edu 662-846-4740 Director Facilities Management
Loretta Jackson ljackson@deltastate.edu 662-846-4407 Social Work
Pamela Jackson pjackson@deltastate.edu 662-846-4040 Registrar
Thomasa Jackson tnjackson@deltastate.edu 662-846-4190 Management, Marketing & Bus Admin
Gina Jenkins gjenkins@deltastate.edu 662-846-4110 Speech & Hearing Sciences