Welcome To Erasmus+!
Since 2014, DSU and John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin (KUL) have partnered to provide academic exchange opportunities for students, faculty, and staff. In 2015, DSU hosted one faculty member and four students from KUL during a 10-day visit. In 2016, four students, Dr. AHM Ali Reza, and one staff member from DSU went to KUL for a 10-day exchange. In 2018, Dr. Gabriel Scala went to KUL with Erasmus+ to teach for one week, and Dr. Anna Antonowicz came to DSU to teach. In spring 2019, Dr. Jacqueline Goldman and Dr. Urszula Niewiadomska-Flis completed Erasmus+ exchanges between KUL and DSU. Also, DSU hosted its first Fulbright Scholar-in-Residence, Professor Katarzyna Maćkowska from KUL, in spring 2019. During the pandemic, KUL and DSU have participated in collaborative online international learning (COIL) activities.
PLEASE NOTE: The Erasmus+ application is currently closed.
Michelle Johansen
Assistant Coordinator, International Student Services
Union 200; DSU Box 3232
Cleveland, Mississippi 38733
P: 662.846.4574
- Apply for or renew your U.S. Passport
- Learn more about KUL and Erasmus+
- Learn more about Lublin, Poland
- Learn more about 2016 DSU cultural exchange trip to KUL
DSU Faculty Teaching Mobility for Erasmus+ 2022-2023 in Poland
Duration of the Mobility
- The duration of the proposed mobility should be planned for seven days: five business days stay and two additional days for international travel to be executed between January and June 2023.
- Faculty are required to conduct at least 8 hours of teaching activity during 5 business days at KUL.
- Please list a preferred week as well as a second-choice week to give KUL more opportunities to approve your application.
Faculty Eligibility
- Tenured, tenure-track, and non-tenure track faculty in the following degree programs: Biological Sciences, Computer Information Systems, English, History, Social Work, Sociology, Social Justice and Criminology, and Psychology.
- Written approval to apply (email is best) from department/division chair and dean.
Stipend from Erasmus+
- Through the Erasmus+ partnership, DSU participants will receive a fixed amount of 2,480 Euros (approximately $2,408.00 as of 10/11/22 exchange rate) for mobility travel and daily expenses such as meals and lodging. The stipend will be paid in cash (Euros) to the participant in Lublin on the Monday of the mobility. DSU is not responsible for exchange rate fluctuations which may occur before the mobility.
- DSU does not guarantee funding for any travel-related or work-related costs such as travel insurance; visa applications (U.S. citizens do not need a visa to Poland unless staying longer than 90 days); mileage to and from U.S. airports; airport parking fees; baggage fees; medical expenses; rental vehicles; public carrier transportation; and meals and lodging.
Application Requirements
Send completed application and CV to Michelle Johansen at
Application Process and Timeline
October 11-23, 2022 – Applications and Review
- DSU faculty in Biological Sciences, Computer Information Systems, English, History, Social Work, Sociology, Social Justice and Criminology, and Psychology may apply for an Erasmus+ teaching mobility (academic exchange), from October 11 to October 23.
- DSU faculty will submit applications (attached) to Michelle Johansen, who will forward applications to KUL for department review – DSU faculty may not send the applications directly to KUL.
- By October 24, KUL department Erasmus+ coordinators will have DSU applications to ensure the proposed teaching by DSU faculty is appropriate for the department. Factors in determining appropriateness include proposed mobility dates, content, and pedagogy.
- Once KUL department Erasmus+ coordinators complete the review and approve, the DSU applications are forwarded to the DSU Erasmus+ Recruitment Committee.
November 1-15, 2022 – Final Reviews
- The recruitment committee will review and rank the DSU applicants.
- The top two DSU applicants will have their applications sent to Dr. Novobilski and President Caston for approval.
- If approved by Dr. Novobilski and President Caston, the nominated DSU faculty members will have their applications and nomination letters submitted to KUL for final approval.
After November 15– Notification
- Notification by DSU to faculty about the recruitment results and selections.
- If approved by KUL, the nominated faculty will begin international travel paperwork process with assistance from DSU International Education office.
November/December onwards — Preparation
- DSU International Education office support will be provided to the outgoing faculty with regard to the pre-departure preparation/organization of mobility/documents, etc.
Spring 2023 — Mobilities
- DSU faculty mobilities will occur.
- Through the Erasmus+ partnership, DSU participants will receive a fixed amount of 1,800 Euros (approximately $2,091 at 10/1/2018 exchange rate) for mobility travel and daily expenses such as meals and lodging. The stipend will be paid in cash (Euros) to the participant in Lublin on the Monday of the mobility. DSU is not responsible for exchange rate fluctuations which may occur before the mobility.
- The funds will be paid out to the traveling faculty member upon arrival in Lublin, Poland in cash in Euros.
- DSU will not fund any travel-related costs such as travel insurance; visa applications (U.S. citizens do not need a visa to Poland unless staying longer than 90 days); mileage to and from U.S. airports; airport parking fees; rental vehicles; public carrier transportation; and meals and lodging.
Expected Outcomes of the Program
The program activities are expected to produce the following outcomes:
- Broaden understanding of practices, policies and systems in education, training, or youth across countries;
- Impact internationalization of our curricula, education, and service activities at departmental, college, and campus levels;
- Increase global competencies of students, faculty, and staff;
- Increase capacity to trigger changes in terms of modernization and international opening within their educational organizations;
- Greater understanding of interconnections between formal and non-formal education, vocational training, and the labor market;
- Greater understanding and responsiveness to social, linguistic, and cultural diversity;
- Increase ability to address the needs of disadvantaged;
- Increase opportunities for professional and career development; and
- Improve foreign language competencies.
Eligible Activities Abroad
The host and home institution shall insure that the visiting faculty’s contributions will be an integral part of a current curriculum at the host institution. Priority will be given to activities which
- Will support the development of new teaching material
- Will lead to the strengthening of the link between home and host institution.
Submission of Applications
- All applications will be reviewed by a selection committee and ranked. The chair of the DSU selection committee will give the recommendations to the Provost and President who will make the final selections.
- The list will be shared with the host institution in Poland, the John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin, Poland. The host institution will make the final approval of proposed teaching activity.
- Applicants will be notified about the application decision within four weeks after the application deadline by the chair of the selection committee.
Pre-Requisites of Participation:
- The home and host institution must have agreed in advance of the program of the activities to be delivered by the visiting faculty members in a Mobility Agreement – prior to the start of the mobility period.
- These agreements define the target teaching outcomes for the teaching period abroad, specify the formal recognition provisions, and list the rights and obligations of each party. Faculty member must sign the agreement in order to be eligible to participate in the exchange.
Avoid These Dates Due to KUL’s Academic Schedule and Holidays
- 05-11 April 2023 (Easter Break)
- 01-03 May 2023
- 08-09 June 2023 (Corpus Christi)
- 16 June 2023 (KUL Patronal Feast)
All Erasmus+ applications must be received by DSU Study Abroad Coordinator by October 18, 2022.
DSU Study Abroad Office
Michelle Johansen, Study Abroad Coordinator
Union 204 ● DSU Box 3232 ● 662-846-4170 ●
Welcome to Delta State University!
Helpful DSU Links
- Delta State University
- Division of Mathematics and Sciences
- Division of Accountancy, Computer Information Systems, and Finance
- Division of Languages and Literature (English)
- Division of Counselor Education and Psychology
- DSU International Student Services
- Division of Social Sciences and History
- Department of Social Work
- DSU Academic Calendar
Holidays for Delta State in the spring are:
Monday, January 16th- Martin Luther King Day
March 13th- 16th- Spring Break
April 7th- Good Friday
Our Spring Semester begins January 9th and ends April 28th.