Web Enhancement Project
Delta State is undergoing a major effort to improve the appearance and functionality of the DSU website. The final result will provide a new look and feel to our web presence, including improved navigation, enhanced search capabilities, and additional capacity for multimedia content. In order to facilitate this project, the University has created the Web Enhancement Steering Committee. This group of individuals is charged with representing all areas of the campus to foster a more appealing, interactive website that is geared towards our students. The new website will launch prior to the fall semester. After extensive work over the summer, and the involvement of a number of individuals across the campus, the new website will launch on August 9, 2010 at 6:00 a.m. CST. The following individuals have been appointed to the committee:
Chair: Jeff Slagell, Dean, Library Services
Dr. Vicki Bingham, Chair, School of Nursing and Associate Professor
Ms. Laura Fleeman, Graphic Designer, Communications and Marketing
Ms. Beverly Fratesi, Chief Information Officer
Mr. Michael Gann, Director, Communications & Marketing
Mr. Mathew Harris, Student Government Association
Mr. Nathaniel T. Hein, Assistant Professor of Art
Dr. Deborah Heslep, Dean, Enrollment Services
Dr. Scott Hutchens, Chair, Counselor Education and Psychology, Associate Professor
Ms. Julie Jackson, Director, Housing and Residence Life
Dr. Ann Lotven, Provost and VP of Academic Affairs
Mr. Matt Jones, Director of Athletic Communications
Mr. Matt Logan, Technical Director, OIT
Dr. Albert Nylander, Dean, Graduate & Continuing Studies
Mr. Brett Oleis, Instructor in Commercial Aviation
Mr. Stephen A. Patton, Electronic Services Librarian, Assistant Professor
Mr. Greg Redlin, VP of Finance & Administration
Dr. Michelle Roberts, VP of University Relations
Ms. Suzanne Simpson, Coordinator of Institutional Research
Dr. Myrtis Tabb, Associate VP Finance & Administration
Ms. Liza Vaughn, Assistant Director of Alumni