Courtesy Committee
The Courtesy Committee is a non-profit organization composed of a group of faculty and staff who maintain the family atmosphere of the university by remembering all full-time faculty/staff when there is a wedding,birth, adoption, illness, and death in our Delta State Family throughout the year. Dues are collected in the Bologna Performing Arts Center lobby at the Faculty and Staff Opening Session in August. Contributions of $10.00 or more may be paid or later mailed to Lisa Sandifer, Box 3222, Broom 343 on campus. Without these donations, we can not remember our “family” when there is a need. Please pay your dues in August when we start collecting. Thanks in advance for supporting this committee.
Listed below is a list of 2017-2018 Committee members. Please let a committee member know of any of the above events. If you prefer you can fill out a form online using this link.
Debra Allen | Jeffrey Farris | Kim Pongetti |
Lacey Blessitt | Addie Herrod | Anjanette Powers |
Liza Bondurant | Janet Horne | Lisa Sandifer |
Lynn Byrd | Cora Jackson | Thomas Taylor |
Lisa Cooley | Gwen Meador | Mary Varner |
1. A gift shall be sent to faculty/staff who are hospitalized (including out-patient surgery). If they are in an out-of-town hospital, the gift may be delivered when they return.
2. A casserole or fruit basket shall be sent to the family upon the death of faculty or staff member.
3. A memorial shall be sent to the DSU Foundation upon the death of a DSU Emeritus faculty or staff member.
4. A gift certificate shall be sent to new babies born to or adopted by faculty or staff members.
5. A memorial shall be sent to the DSU Foundation upon the death of a member of a faculty/staff member’s family (spouse, child, grandchild, parents, brother or sister).
6. A gift shall be given to a faculty or staff member who marries.
7. A gift shall be sent on the retirement of a faculty or staff member. Committee members may volunteer to select gifts for retirees whom they know personally. (Depending on our finances.)
8. A card shall be sent for any special occasion indicating remembrance – such as faculty/staff hospitalized out-of-town, serious illness of spouse or child, illness of retired faculty/staff, etc.
9. Any other act of courtesy deemed in order by the committee.
This page is maintained by Courtesy Committee.