Delta State University is proud to announce its fourth annual Winning the Race Conference scheduled for March 27-28.
The 2017 conference theme is “Advancing Education in the Mississippi Delta.”
With support from the Casey Family Programs and the Mississippi Humanities Council, the 2017 schedule will highlight current issues related to education, social justice, and community healing, while providing opportunities for sustained community action, awareness, and mobility.
Highlighted speakers for this year’s conference include Dr. Ivory Toldson, President/CEO of the Quality Education for Minorities (QEM) Network, and Dr. William C. Bell, a Delta State University graduate and President/CEO of Casey Family Programs. Conference breakout sessions will feature educational topics focused on Social Justice, Civil Rights & Law, Economic Opportunities, Education & Community, and Culture & Community. Leaders from around the state of Mississippi and nation will guide these sessions. Additional activities include poster competitions for high school and college students, a special presentation by the ROOTS of Sunflower County, performances by the Delta Blues Museum Band, and the roll out of our first High School Leadership Forum!
Professional development credits are available for teachers and counselors. Contact Mrs. Elizabeth Joel for more information @ (662) 846-4871 or
Pre-conference activities include an open house and press conference, March 26th, 2017 from 2:00 – 6:00 p.m. at the Amzie Moore House Museum and Interpretive Center located at 614 South Chrisman Avenue in Cleveland. The press conference, honoring the work of Veterans of the Mississippi Civil Rights Movement, Inc., will take place at the house at 3:00 p.m.
All events are free and open to the public! Conference activities will begin on campus at 8:00 a.m., March 27th, in theBologna Performing Arts Center at Delta State University in Cleveland, MS. Early registration is strongly encouraged!
The inaugural program, spearheaded by Delta State University President William N. LaForge in 2014, was designed as an innovative academic conference with a focus on engaging, promoting and rekindling conversations in hopes that Delta-area communities can move toward greater equity, forward thinking and reduced racial tensions. In recognition of this work, Delta State received the 2014 Civil Rights and Social Justice Award accepted by President LaForge at the fourth National Civil Rights Conference in Philadelphia, Mississippi – an honor the university holds in high regard.
Should you have further questions, please contact Dr. Temika M. Simmons via phone (662-846-4365) or email ( Conference updates, registration and additional information are available at
“Lunch & Learn” with Judge Jaribu Hill at the Coahoma County Higher Education Center, Lewis Building, Room 301 (109 Clark Street in Clarksdale) on March 23 at 12:15 p.m.
Open House and Press Conference at theAmzie Moore House Museum and Interpretive Center (614 South Chrisman Ave. in Cleveland) on March 26 from 2 to 6 p.m. The press conference will begin at 3 p.m.
DAR HE: The Story of Emmitt Till at the Bologna Performing Arts Center on April 4 at 7 p.m. Admission is free, but tickets are required.
20th Annual Sammy O. Cranford Memorial History Lecture, in Jobe Hall Auditorium on April 6 at 7 p.m. With additional support from the Mississippi Humanities Council & the DSU Quality Enhancement Plan.
Marco Pave & Alfred Banks: Hip Hop Concert, Luncheon, and Panel Discussion in the Baioni Conference Center on April 11 at 11 a.m. With additional support from the DSU Quality Enhancement Plan & the Delta Center for Culture & Learning.