The Mississippi Delta Chinese Heritage Museum (MDCHM) is the recipient of a $7,000 grant from the New England Foundation for the Arts (NEFA).
Emily Jones, Delta State archivist and ex-officio with MDCHM, was instrumental in securing the grant.
“This award will support New York’s H. T. Chen Dance Company’s performance of ‘South of Gold Mountain’ that will be held at Delta State University in February of 2015 and will coincide with the celebration of Chinese New Year,” said Jones.
Susan Chow, MDCHM treasurer, was present when Jones was notified of the award.
“Thanks to Emily, NEFA recognized the importance of this project,” said Chow. “It’s such an honor to have NEFA support the efforts of MDCHM. This dance presentation is based on historical stories from Chinese in the American South and will offer a great cultural experience.”
For more information about Delta State archives and the Chinese museum, visit