Delta State University will honor employees who are retiring and award service pins to others at a Retirement Service Award Ceremony on Friday, May 1, at 2 p.m. in the State Room of the H.L. Nowell Student Union on campus.
Debbie Fullilove Abide, Director of Orientation; Janice Kent Arnold, Senior Secretary History; Bevaline Voorhees Black, Director of Student Health Services; Linda Gant Douglas, Senior Secretary Social Sciences; Betsy Bobo Elliott, Director of Community College Relations; Lavonne Organ Ervin, Administrative Clerk, Facilities Management; Kathleen Blackwell Jenkins, Assistant Professor of Leadership and Research; Mary Lucille McCool, Senior Secretary Social Work; Walter McKnight, Assistant Mechanic, Facilities Management; Margie S. Millican, Purchasing Coordinator; Jimmy Boyd Muzzi, Grounds Supervisor, Facilities Management; Sandra Darlene Pittman, Senior Secretary Graduate of WIA; Jackie Kendall Roberts, Workforce Development Administrator; James Elbert Robinson, Jr., Professor of History; and Mildred Smith, DSU Laundry Services; Jimmie , Rose Strahan, Chair, Department of Mathematics and Professor of Mathematics; and Laura Jane Waldrup, Head of Circulation, Roberts-LaForge Library, will retire at the close of the 2008-2009 academic year.
Also slated to be recognized for their years of service to Delta State University, Sara K. Boyles, Administrative Secretary of Graduate and Continuing Studies; James Ohl Brown, Instructor in Insurance, Mary Lenn Buchanan, Professor of Music ; Diane Smith Coleman, Library Assistant, Roberts-LaForge Library, Sam Dunning, DSU Golf Coach; Donna Nix Fitzgerald, Payroll Officer ; Judy Dianne Haney, Senior Secretary, School of Nursing; Deborah C. Ingram, Senior Secretary Health Physical Education and Recreation, Arlene Story Sanders; Instructor in Political Science, Frances Jones Scarborough, Library Assistant, Roberts-LaForge Library; Dianne Sowell Serio, Accounts Payable Analyst, and Alinda Capps Sledge, Chair, Department of Social Work and Professor of Social Work, will receive their 20-year service pins.
Elsie Lynn Ervin, Assistant to the Vice President of Student Affairs and Director of Student Life; Susan Allen Ford, Professor of English; Collier Bethea Parker, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences and Professor of Art; Dorothy Louise Seals, Associate Professor of Nursing; John Dickins Tiftickjian, Professor of Biology; and Clinton Frank Wood, Professor of Business Law, will receive their 25-year service pins.
Patti Wilson Boswell, Senior Secretary Field Experiences; Linda Holland Ross, Director of H.L. Nowell Union; and Billy Silas, Painter, Facilities Management, will receive their 30-year service pins.
Hazel J. Hilley, Transcript Clerk; and Barbara Story McKnight, Customer Service Representative, will receive their 35-year service pin.
James Elbert Robinson, Jr., Professor of History, will receive his 40-year service pin.
Family and friends of those being honored are invited to attend the ceremony and reception. For more information, contact Communications and Marketing at (662) 846-4675.