The State Room of the H.L. Nowell Union was filled to standing-room only with students, faculty, and staff for the DSU College of Business Lecture Series “Greatest Financial Market Turmoil since the Great Depression, and its impact on Mississippi and the Delta” held Oct. 9.
The panel consisted of, from left, John Allison, Jimmy Clayton, John Phillips, and Frank Howell. Allison was appointed by Gov. Barbour in 2008 to continue the duties of Commissioner of the Department of Banking and Consumer Finance, a position he has held since 2000. Clayton is Chairman of the Board and C.E.O. of Planters Bank in Indianola and a member of the Mississippi State Board of Banking Review. Phillips is Vice President of Professional Development of the Miss. Association of Realtors and acts as state education director of the Mississippi Realtor Institute. Howell has been the Director of the Delta Council Development Department since 2002, prior to which he served seven years as Director of Public Affairs and Communications for Delta Council.
The panelists responded to questions about the current financial meltdown, such as “How did we get into this?”, “Have you or your colleagues changed lending requirements?”, “Will the bailout passed by the U.S. Congress work?”, and “Does Mississippi have a financially sound economy?”
The program was called to order by DSU College of Business Dean, Dr. Billy C. Moore. A welcome and comical explanation of the financial meltdown was presented by Dr. Gökhan Karahan, DSU Associate Professor of Economics.
The members of the panel were introduced by Dr. Michelle Matthews, DSU Assistant Professor of Economics, and Dr. Paul Starkey, DSU Chair of Entrepreneurship in Business Technology acted as moderator.
The College of Business Lecture Series was a “Year of Partnerships” event.