Planetarium Show

Wiley Planetarium

html, body {margin:0;padding:0;height:100%;-ms-content-zooming:none;}label {margin:0;padding:0;height:100%;display:block;overflow:auto;-ms-content-zooming:zoom;-ms-content-zoom-limit-min:10%;-ms-content-zoom-limit-max:500%;-ms-content-zoom-chaining:none;}img {display:block;max-width:100%;max-height:100%;cursor:zoom-in; }input {display:none;}input:checked + label > img {max-width:none;max-height:none;cursor:zoom-out;} Cosmic Safari The search for life in the universe begins as we travel to yet undiscovered planets in...

Lions District 30-M Midwinter Convention

Ewing Hall, Jacob Conference Center

This is the annual convention of the Lions of the north half of Mississippi (54 Lions Clubs, with attendance at the convention of about 100 people). Lions, of course, do...

Dedicated Statesmen Association Meeting

Capps Archives & Museum, Seminar Room

The Dedicated Statesmen Association will meet on Monday, 23 January at 3:30 pm in the Charles W. Capps, Jr. Archives & Museum's Lucy Somerville Howorth Seminar Room on the first...