Administrative Staff Council

Administrative Staff Council

The Administrative Staff Council shall serve as a liaison between the administration and the staff of Delta State University to provide a formal process for staff to discuss issues involving University policies and procedures and to forward ideas, recommendations, and opinions to the President.

Staff Council shall be dedicated to excellence in service and the continued growth and development of Delta State University.

Professional growth through service to our campus, community, and colleagues. Throughout the year, we will strive to impact the campus in every endeavor to push ourselves and DSU forward. Let’s make it a great year!

Staff Council is composed of designated delegates and at-large members to represent all areas/departments on campus. An executive committee leads the group’s function and monthly meetings. Four standing committees carry out the programs and projects set in place by the organization. The council is governed by a set of bylaws updated annually.

Standing committees carry out projects and programs like “Employee of the Month,” a Textbook Award program, Thanksgiving Feed-a-Family, Christmas Toy Drive, Staff Development Day and volunteer/service projects and staff fellowship.

Incentives and Recognition
Oversees and provides incentives and recognition to deserving staff members. Included but not limited to, Employee of the Month Award, Smile on You Award, Years of Service Award.

Projects –
Oversees and organizes stewardship projects hosted by the Administrative Staff Council. Included but not limited to, Thanksgiving Feed a Family, Christmas Adopt a Child, Staff Development Day Picnic.

Salaries and Benefits –
Oversees and organizes methods to provide alternative non-monetary benefits to staff and research potential opportunities for salary growth for all employees. Included but not limited to, Textbook Awards.

Staff Development
Oversees and organizes professional development opportunities for all staff. Included but not limited to, various workshops and the annual Wayne Blansett Staff Development Day.

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