The Department of Music is proud to announce Tuba-Euphonium Day 2019, Delta Tuba-Euph Fest! The event will be held on the DSU campus on Saturday, March 30, 2019 and includes two free concert performances by world-renowned guest artists.
Our featured guests for this special day-long event will be euphonium soloist, Dr. Gail Robertson, assistant professor of tuba and euphonium at the University of Central Arkansas, and tuba artist, Dr. James Shearer, professor of tuba and euphonium at New Mexico State University.
As part of the festival, both guest artists will be performing solo recitals. Robertson will be performing a euphonium recital at 11:30 AM, assisted by pianist Dr. Jung-Won Shin, associate professor of music at Delta State. Shearer will perform a tuba recital at 3:30 PM, assisted by pianist Dr. Kumiko Shimizu, professor of music at Delta State. Both performances will feature a special appearance by Dr. Douglas Mark, associate professor of music at Delta State.
Robertson will perform works by Ponchielli, Piazzolla, York, Verhelst and Taylor.
Shearer’s performance will feature selections by Kellaway, Parks Grant, Ewazen, Holloman, Mendelssohn and James Grant.
The recitals are free and open to the public. For more information, contact 662-846-4606.