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January Employee of the Month – Sydney Pittman

By January 31, 2024

Job title, department: Interim Director of Admissions; Office of Admissions

Education:  Hinds Community College, Associate of Arts (Pre-Nursing), 2014; Mississippi University for Women, Bachelor of Science in Public Health Education, 2016; Mercer University, Master of Education in Higher Ed Leadership: Student Affairs, 2022; Delta State University, Doctor of Education in Professional Studies, Higher Ed Leadership, Fall 2023-Current

What does this award mean to you? Being awarded “Employee of the Month” is not just a recognition; it symbolizes hard work, dedication, and a commitment to excellence. It is a testament to the values of teamwork, innovation, and consistently going above and beyond expectations. To me, this recognition signifies that my contributions have made a meaningful impact here at Delta State and that my efforts are valued and appreciated. It serves as both motivation and affirmation, inspiring me to continue striving for excellence and contributing positively to the campus community and more.

What do you like best about your job? The most rewarding part about my job would be relationship building and my contributions to helping students in their walks of life – helping them find their purpose, passion and interests. I often reflect on my time as a student and the guidance I had from mentors. I’ve charged myself in my profession and personal life to always pay it forward and build onto the next person.

What do you like best about Delta State? The family-like feeling. The diverse community and the warm embrace from others around campus feels welcoming.

What do you like best about living in the Mississippi Delta? The Delta is rich in natural and cultural heritage but the two that speak to me are music and history. Additionally, something about the Delta feels like “home.” I’m a native of Jackson, MS and as a child, my family visited the area often because my mother is from Clarksdale. Coming to the Delta was peaceful and full of the best memories.

Something most people don’t know about you? I love to sing! It’s not something that I tell often typically because others ask for me to sing immediately after, and I an extremely shy. But I am a master at car karaoke! Road trips are always a concert with me!

Something not asked you want to answer? I find ventriloquism to be very interesting!