More than 200 middle and high school band students from around the region will participate in the annual Delta State University Honor Band Clinic that runs Jan. 17-19.
The clinic begins on the evening of Thursday, Jan. 17 and cumulates with a concert on Saturday, Jan. 19 at 2 PM in the Bologna Performing Arts Center. The concert is free and open to the public.
DSU Honor Band students will perform in one of three bands: the DSU Honors Wind Ensemble, directed by guest clinician Dr. Patrick Dunnigan of Florida State University; the DSU Honors Symphonic Band, directed by DSU Director of Bands Dr. Erik Richards; and the DSU Honors Middle School Band, directed by Delta State music alumnus Jennifer Sills of Madison Central High School.
The Delta State Honor Band Clinic is hosted each January by the DSU Department of Music. Middle and high school band students from around the region are selected to participate in the DSU Honor Bands by a competitive audition process. Students who pass the audition are invited to spend two days on the Delta State campus to rehearse with guest clinicians, receive master classes on their instrument from the DSU music faculty, and receive information about the university.
For more information, contact Dr. Erik Richards at