Feed-A-Family Program Food Donation List
Canned Hams (NOT Refrigerated)
Boxed Stuffing
Canned Vegetables
Cranberry Sauce
Canned Fruits
Canned Yams or Sweet Potatoes
Cornbread Mix
Pudding or Jello Mix
Cake Mix & Icing or Muffin Mix
Tea Bags or Large Kool-Aid Mix
Sugar (small bag or bottle)
*Other non-perishable items will be accepted, but the above items are preferred. Remember, this is to provide a Thanksgiving meal for a family in need. Please ensure that none of the food items you donate have an expired shelf date.
If you know of a staff member in your area with a need, please provide their names to Jeff Slagell at jslagell@deltastate.edu on, or before, November 13th. Food Bags will only be provided to the staff members who have had their name turned in by the 13th. All names will remain confidential.
If you need more bags contact Julie Jackson (4151), or Rhonda Loper (4041).