Student entries for the Winning the Race writing competition are due by 5 PM on March 1.
Three winners will receive a cash prize and a place at the Writing Across the Curriculum-sponsored pre-conference panel that kicks off this year’s Winning the Race conference, which takes place March 24-26.
Length: at least 600 words. Topic: any substantive writing that engages with issues of race. Genre: wide open, from formal essays to policy proposals to discipline-specific forms and more.
Entries must be submitted as Word documents to Dr. Judith Coleman, chair of the Writing Across the Curriculum committee, at Any student enrolled at Delta State is eligible to enter. Winners will be announced no later than March 15.
The Writing Across the Curriculum committee, in conjunction with the QEP Diversity Initiative and the Winning the Race conference, sponsors this contest and the pre-conference presentation panel.