DSU Continuing Education will offer their Summer Lego Camp as a virtual camp this summer due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic. The virtual camp will be held July 20-23 and cost $75. All Legos will be provided.
Virtual Lego campers will hold a 20-30 minute Zoom meeting each morning with the instructor to receive their teaching lessons of the day, then work on their own by following the step-by-step instruction manual to work on their builds. The program will work through Google Classroom to receive communication and photos from the campers of their progress and builds throughout the week.
Grades 2-4 will have builds focused on engineering. Grades 5-8 will build an MBit Robot and follow coding instructions to execute robotic movement and activities.
To register online for the Virtual Lego Camp, visit www.deltastate.edu/conedsummercamps. For questions, contact Continuing Education at ejoel@deltastate.edu or by phone at 662-846-4871.