Delta State University Continuing Education Department will offer a Drivers Education course to the community this summer.
Drivers Education will be available for ages 14-18. Participants must be age 14 or older before June 6 to be eligible for the class this summer. Students will have two hours of classroom time daily and several hours of drive time on the driving course and on the road to complete and pass Drivers Education. Everyone will be required to secure a Drivers Education Permit (age 14) or Drivers Permit (age 15 and older) during the three-week class to complete their on-road driving skills for Drivers Education.
There are several benefits to taking Drivers Education such as discounts on automobile insurance for a teenage driver and possible high school credit to go towards graduation credit hours.
The course, taught by Joyce Aycock, will be held June 6-24. Class times are 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. with driving times scheduled in the hours before and after class time. The cost of Drivers Education will be $270.
Pre-registration is required online with Delta State University at Check-in and Registration to complete payment will be held on June 1 from 11am to 2pm on the 2nd floor of the Chadwick-Dickson Athletic Building. Once a family completes online registration they will receive an email with full class details, June 1 registration details and the driving permit application.
Please visit for more information. For questions, please contact Elizabeth Joel, coordinator for Continuing Education, at