CLEVELAND, Miss.— A free screening of “Blurring the Color Line,” a documentary examining racial issues in the Chinese-American community, is scheduled for March 30 at 6:00 p.m. in the Recital Hall of the Bologna Performing Arts Center (BPAC). The film breaks racial barriers by going beyond the narratives of black & white, inviting critical conversations around today’s racial tensions by addressing a connective past.
“Blurring the Color Line” is inspired by Crystal Kwok’s grandmother’s story about her family’s grocery store in Augusta, Georgia. The family grew up in a Black neighborhood and they share stories about their personal experiences that expose the problematic, racialized system.
The film decenters existing narratives and showcases perspectives from both the Chinese and Black community, opening necessary but uncomfortable discussions between marginalized groups. “Blurring the Color Line” is presented as a step towards cross-racial solidarity by having a better understanding of the past in efforts of changing the future.
Cade Holder, Director of Marketing and Patron Services at the BPAC said, “We are excited to welcome members from the Mississippi Delta Chinese Heritage Museum, a close campus affiliate to a screening of a film that addresses issues that they have faced.”
A Q&A with the filmmakers will follow the screening.
“Blurring the Color Line” has received awards including the Courage Award at DisOrient Film Festival, Mira Nair Rising Female Filmmaker Award at the Harlem International Film Festival, Best Documentary Award from JXN Film Festival, Viewers Choice Award & Best Documentary Award from Black Cat Picture Show in Augusta. W. Kamau Bell, Lisa Ling and Daniel Wu are Executive Producers and the film is supported by CAAM and NextShark.
The Southern Circuit Tour of Independent Filmmakers connects documentary filmmakers and their impactful work with audiences throughout the South. The Bologna Performing Arts Center (BPAC) is proud to be one of 12 selected Southern communities and the only Mississippi Screening Partner for the 2023 Spring Southern Circuit Tour.
The Mississippi Delta Chinese Heritage Museum will provide light refreshments at 5 p.m. before the screening.
For more information, visit www.bolognapac.com or contact the BPAC Ticket Office at 662-846-4626.
Southern Circuit screenings are funded in part by a grant from South Arts, a regional arts organization, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. For more information about Southern Circuit and South Arts please visit http://www.southarts.org/southerncircuit