CLEVELAND, Miss.—Delta State University’s Department of Continuing Education has scheduled two summer camps for children in the surrounding area this summer—Kid’s College and LEGO Robotics.
Kid’s College is an interactive and educational camp that offers learning in various areas around the college campus. Participants have the ability to choose the classes they want to attend during the four-day camp and will use the university labs and classrooms on campus for interactive learning. Classes for different age groups may include Space Explorers, Pottery, Junior Chefs, Find your Guitar Voice, Growing with Technology, Math Olympics, STEM Building, Kid’s on the Move, and First Aid/Nursing Skills.
Kid’s College will be held July 12-15. Children that have completed grades K5-2nd will attend the camp from 8 a.m. to noon. Children that have completed 3rd-6th grade will attend from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. The camp cost for K5-2nd grades is $125 which includes all supplies, camp bag and t-shirt. The camp cost for 3rd-6th grades is $225 which covers the cost of lunch, all supplies, camp bag and t-shirt. Registration is currently open for Kid’s College through Wednesday, June 9.
LEGO Robotics has evolved through technology from basic LEGO building structures to robotic building and coding. Participants will follow step by step guides to build multiple robots. Computer programs will be used to code the robots to complete certain tasks. Participants will use STEM building creativity throughout this course.
LEGO Robotics will be held June 28 – July 1 for children entering 2nd-8th grades. Participants grades 2nd-4th will attend from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m., and 5th-8th graders will attend from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. The cost of the camp is $150 (materials included). Registration will close on June 4.
Registration is available ONLINE for both camps offered through DSU Continuing Education. Please visit www.deltastate.edu/conedsummercamps to complete a registration form for your child. Space is strictly limited in each age group, and early registration is recommended.
For questions, please contact Continuing Education Coordinator Elizabeth Joel at (662) 846-4871 or ejoel@deltastate.edu.