Joining President LaForge is Dr. Temika Simmons, co-chair of the Winning the Race conference.
Winning the Race — Delta State’s Conference on race relations — is in its sixth year, and is one of our premier events on campus each year. This year’s topic is “Millennials in Motion: Channeling the Winner Within.” Here are some numbers on one of President LaForge’s favorite events of the year.
•The millennial generation, born between 1981 and 1996, make up nearly a quarter of the total U.S. population, 30 percent of the voting age population, and almost two-fifths of the working-age population.
•Millennials, totaling more than 75 million, comprise the largest portion of America’s population — eclipsing the postwar baby boom generation.
•The millennial generation, now 44 percent minority, is the most diverse adult generation in American history.
•More than 500 people attended the Winning the Race conference last year, including students from six local high schools.
In other news on campus, the Delta State University Colloquia – Distinguished Speakers Lecture Series continues tonight. Mr. Steve Forbes, chairman and editor-in-chief of Forbes Media, will deliver a lecture focusing on, “In Money We Trust? The American Dollar and Your Everyday Life,” at 6 PM in Jobe Hall.
This month’s Café Scientifique features Dr. AHM Reza, associate professor of biology, and will take place on Wednesday from noon to 1 PM at the GIT Center in Keathley Hall. He will discuss study abroad fieldwork in Bangladesh.
In athletic news, the softball team will host West Georgia this weekend with a doubleheader starting at 2 PM on Saturday and a single game starting at noon on Sunday. Baseball also hosts West Georgia this weekend. Their doubleheader on Saturday is scheduled to begin at 1 PM and the single game on Sunday at 1 PM.
To keep up with all of our news, events, and activities, visit our website at deltastate.edu.