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Fireside Chat – January 14, 2019 – Starting the Semester Off Right

Joining President LaForge are Dr. Christy Riddle and Ms. Tricia Killebrew from the Student Success Center.

We are one week into the spring semester, and here are some interesting figures for students as they ramp up this term.

•A Hendrix College study observed the academic success of students with different sleep schedules and found that night owls average a 2.84 post-freshman year GPA, whereas morning people and students with regular sleeping patterns averaged a 3.18 post-freshman year GPA.
•It is recommended that students study for 30-50 minutes followed by a 10-minute break.
•The retention rate for information obtained in a lecture is 60% higher when information is reviewed within 24 hours of hearing it. So, students should review notes within one day of taking them.

In other news on campus, registration for the spring semester closes tomorrow. The first noontime luncheon lecture series of the College of Arts & Sciences’ Café Scientifique is Wednesday, Jan. 16 at noon in the GIT Center in Kethley Hall. Dr. Liza Bondurant and Dr. Lee Virden, professors of mathematics, will present their topic, Building K-12 Community Connection and Student Interest in DSU & STEM.

And, as always, to keep up with all of our news, events and activities, please visit our website at