Delta State University’s College of Education and Human Sciences is hosting the 11th Literacy Across the Curriculum: Institute for Teachers of Grades 6-12 (LACI) June 1-26 this year. The Institute is designed to enable teachers in middle and secondary schools to effectively incorporate the teaching of literacy skills in their respective content areas.
LACI’s curriculum will be rigorous and broad in scope to enable both new and experienced teachers to attain highly qualified status according to the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. Participants will gain skills regarding the Mississippi Curriculum Frameworks, test blueprints provided by the Mississippi Department of Education, College and Career Readiness Standards, national standards, MSTAR, data driven instruction and performance based assessments.
Teachers from across the state of Mississippi will attend the 22-day institute, which is provided through the support of the No Child Left Behind Act: Improving Teacher Quality State Grant.
The administrative staff for 2015-2016 includes Dr. Merideth Van Namen, director, Dr. Levenia Barnes, instructor, and Pat Kirkpatrick, instructor. Please contact Namen at or 846-4412 for more information.