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Delta Italians to be discussed at archives

The Roberts-LaForge Library at Delta State University is hosting "The Delta Italians" presented by Dr. Paul V. Canonici on April 13 at 7 p.m. in the Howorth Room of Capps Archives and Museum.

In celebration of National Library Week, the Roberts-LaForge Library at Delta State University is hosting “The Delta Italians” presented by Dr. Paul V. Canonici on April 13 at 7 p.m. in the Howorth Room of Capps Archives and Museum.

Canonici, a Mississippi Delta native and author, will read from his books “The Delta Italians” and “The Delta Italians Volume II.”

In his first book, Canonici tells the story of his people — Italians recruited for cotton plantations of the Arkansas and Mississippi Delta. Volume II supplements his first book but includes the immigration experiences of Italians other than those recruited for cotton plantations, especially Sicilian Italians.

“The Roberts-LaForge Library is delighted to have Dr. Canonici join us for National Library Week,” said Nacole Adams, reference librarian. “His books ‘The Delta Italians’ and ‘The Delta Italians Volume II’ lend insight into the rich history of the Delta by providing an in-depth account of the lives of the Italian immigrants, their children and grandchildren in the Delta regions of Arkansas and Mississippi.”

For more information on the Roberts-LaForge Library, visit