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Delta State Leads in Energy Savings

By July 2, 2013General



Photo: To help reduce energy costs, lighting across campus is activated by the amount of natural light provided or only set to come on at night.


Delta State is number one in reducing energy consumption and costs in the Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning (IHL) system. Responsible energy behavior and awareness helped Delta State reduce energy consumption by 50 percent since 2006. Lower consumption led to more than $4.2 million in realized cumulative savings.

Vice President for Finance and Administration and Chief Financial Officer Greg Redlin prepares and monitors the University budget, which includes energy expenses. To combat increasing unit prices of natural gas and electricity, Redlin encourages faculty and staff to power off all electrical devices at the end of each day. He reminds the campus that saving energy saves jobs.

“It’s been a signature achievement at Delta State, “said Redlin.  “We’ve led the system in reducing energy consumption and saved faculty and staff jobs.”

The cumulative cost avoided by Mississippi’s entire IHL system between fiscal years 2006 and 2012 is more than $42 million. Delta State has participated in IHL’s energy management efficiency plan by performing activities that include reducing energy-use over holidays, identifying high priority energy conservation capital projects, developing and monitoring a self-evaluation checklist, and implementing a high-level energy management plan.

Saving energy not only saves money but shows environmental responsibility. Delta State has numerous earth-friendly initiatives including recycling, campus cleanups and Wiley Community Garden.

For more information on Delta State’s energy awareness or budgeting, please visit or call 662-846-4004.