The Delta State University Alumni Association had the opportunity to speak at the annual graduation practice hosted by the university’s Registrar Office on Friday, May 3 at Walter Sillers Coliseum. Jeffrey Farris, director of alumni affairs, spoke to the graduating class about the Alumni Association. He encouraged them to stay connected to Delta State and come back to campus and the Cleveland community every chance they could.
“The Hugh Ellis Walker Alumni & Foundation office is your home away from home when you visit campus,” said Farris.
Farris, along with Assistant Director of Alumni Affairs Jordan Thomas gave the students information about programs and services that the Alumni Association offers. The graduates were encouraged to get involved in their local chapter, wherever that may be, to support the program’s affinity programs, and to attend the association’s signature events such as Pig Pickin’ (September 28) and Homecoming (November 1).
For more information on the Alumni Association, call 662-846-4660 or visit the website www.deltastate.edu/alumni. Visit the Alumni Association on our social media sites – Facebook: Statesmen Graduates; Twitter: @DSU_Alumni; Tumblr: www.dsualumni.tumblr.com; LinkedIn: DSU alumni; and You Tube: dsualumni1.