The Quality Enhancement Plan (QEP), a reaffirmation and accreditation requirement that addresses some aspect of student learning, is currently in the early planning stages at Delta State University. Results from a recent student survey will help the university determine the next steps for the plan. Katrese Williams, a graduate counseling major from Shaw, won an iPad for participating in the survey and assisting the QEP Team.
Over the past several months, the university’s QEP Team considered and evaluated several worthy topics, ultimately choosing Improving Cultural Competence as its primary focus with the belief that understanding and respecting the differences of others plays a necessary role for students who live and work in a global society. This topic will challenge what students know about their own culture as well as others, and it will also help highlight the Delta’s significance to the state, the nation, and the world.
To help craft the plan, the QEP Team has sought the advice and input of the Delta State University campus community every step of the way through focus groups, surveys, and other volunteer efforts. Most recently, students, including iPad winner Katrese Williams, completed a survey asking for their opinions on how cultural competence can be incorporated on campus. Below are a few of the survey highlights:
• In general, students’ experiences with people who are different than them have increased while they have been at Delta State.
• Over 80% of respondents connected culture to language and/or religion.
• Students believe that DSU could do more to encourage cross-cultural communication and to prepare students to understand diverse people and cultures.
• Taking courses specifically on cultural studies and attending events focusing on multiculturalism are the two most popular ways that students think cultural studies can be incorporated on campus.
While work continues on incorporating cultural competence at Delta State University, please visit the SACS 2014 Reaffirmation page at for more information on the QEP project and the reaffirmation process.