January 2006
Cleveland Collects
Monday, Jan. 2 – Mid February
The Capps Archives & Museum will be asking members of the community to share their personal collections with Delta State and Cleveland. Each contributor will have access to a secure display case with set up in the main gallery of the museum. The “Cleveland Collects” event will commence with an opening, at which time the public will be asked to vote on its “Viewer’s Choice” of collections.
February 2006
“From a Different Point of View”
The art exhibit will feature a photography show of elementary kids’ artwork in celebration of the 80 year relationship shared between Delta State and the Cleveland community. The Delta State art department will provide the elementary students with proper equipment and lessons. The students will then be asked to photograph their view of Cleveland on a specific day. Several venues in Cleveland are being considered to house the exhibit, including the elementary schools, the Wright Art Gallery on the Delta State campus, the old social security building, the Library and the Courthouse.
Essay Contest
The Delta State English department will sponsor an essay contest for high school students in grades 10-12. Students will be asked to submit pieces relating to Cleveland and their relationship with the community. The Division of Language and Literature will be responsible for guidelines, publicity, contact with the schools and permission from the superintendent.
The World’s Best Party
The Delta State College of Education is planning a special party with books and fun activities for the community’s elementary children. More details to follow…
March 2006
Viking Cooking School
Proposed Date: Last Weekend in March
To showcase the new Ada Swindle Mitchell Viking Foods Laboratory, a chef with the Viking Cooking School will be invited to do a demonstration in the Delta Room. Quantity Foods and other Foods students will prepare food to serve ahead of time. Expected attendance would range from 100-150 guests. Foods typical to the Delta would seem appropriate, mainly heavy hors d’oeuvres. Another reception could follow as to open the event to a wider audience, while also allowing tours of the facility, with intentions to showcase all the Family Consumer Sciences facilities on the Ewing first floor.
April 2006
Easter Egg Hunt
An Easter Egg Hunt will be held for children ages 3-5. It will be held on a weekday with the date to be determined.
Tree for Downtown
More details to follow.
Crosstie Arts Festival
More details to follow.
May 2006
Rally Day/Community Picnic
Delta State University will host the Cleveland-Bolivar County Chamber of Commerce board and its membership, as a way to say thank you for the numerous annual events the Chamber hosts for the Delta State University faculty and staff.
Ongoing Events
Cleveland & Delta State: A History of the Town and Gown Relationship
This exhibit will be staged in the two side galleries of the museum in the Capps Building. A brief history of the establishment of Delta State Teachers College in Cleveland and its evolution into the University of 2006 will be exhibited through manuscripts, visual arts and museum objects held by the University Archives. Without the city of Cleveland, and its citizens, there would not have been a school, college or university; therefore, this exhibit also focuses on the close relationship that began in 1924 between DSU and Cleveland.
Oral History Interviews and Testimonials
The Archives plans to conduct interviews with people who attended DSU (either as college students or as part of the Hill Demonstration School) and remained in the community to make Cleveland their life-long home. We hope to find personal stories that show what DSU and Cleveland have meant to each person individually. Portions of these interviews will be incorporated into the Archives web pages as well as becoming permanent parts of the oral history collection.
October 2005
Friday, Oct. 14 – Saturday, Oct. 15
At Octoberfest, DSU will have a booth in recognition of the successful town/gown relationship with Cleveland. It will include recruitment materials, photos with local merchants and children with the wooden statesman. Okra recipe forms will be available for the community to submit their favorite okra recipes. Children can stop by and play Ring Around the Okra to win DSU door prizes.
Fireworks Celebration
Saturday, Oct. 22
Dynamic. Thrilling. Awesome. Spectacular. An outstanding fireworks show will be held at the conclusion of the football game. There will be a professional, custom-designed display of fireworks to commemorate DSU’s 80th Anniversary as the Year of Cleveland.
Delta State Homecoming
Saturday, Oct. 29
Paint the Town Green & White – The Student Government Association will sponsor a window display in downtown Cleveland celebrating Homecoming and the Year of Cleveland.
Born to Read
The children’s literature class and the Instructional Resources Center are co-joining to produce the Born to Read, a program for babies and toddlers up to age three. Born to Read is armed with a mission to promote literacy, the love of language and to spotlight for parents and caregivers the value and necessity of singing, speaking and reading to babies. The program, scheduled to run each Wednesday from October 5 – November 30, will be held at 10:00 a.m. in the Instructional Resources Center, located on the first floor of the Roberts-LaForge Library.
November 2005
Community Recognition Luncheon
Thursday, Nov. 10
A community appreciation luncheon will be hosted by DSU during which special recognition will be given to selected individuals and organizations who have contributed significantly to the community.
Veteran’s Day Celebration
Friday, Nov. 11
The Archives and Museum would like to partner with the History Department to help us all remember the veterans who serve our country, communities and towns. Delta State had many students who pulled out of classes in order to serve during World War II and many of our permanent collections are from veterans. We propose to display portions of the Archives and then on November 11, Veteran’s Day, have a short recognition ceremony in the Capps followed by light breakfast foods and coffee. We propose that the ceremony begin at 7:30 a.m. to allow members of the Cleveland community and DSU community to attend without conflicting with work or classes. We would like to have the confirmed support of some of our veterans and the clubs.
Tree for Downtown
A sunset red maple will be purchased and planted by Delta State University to commemorate the Year of Cleveland celebration.
December 2005
Festival of Trees
Thursday, Dec. 1
Student groups from campus will decorate eight trees on the downtown walking trail, which will be lit for the first time immediately following Cleveland’s Christmas parade.