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Delta State presents academic success workshops

By July 23, 2010General

Dr. Greg Hospodor, assistant professor of history at Delta State, engages students to make the connection between individual, stand-alone facts and the role they play in the make-up of the whole picture, while also encouraging critical thinking and intellectual analysis. Hospodor’s address, “Making the Connection,” was the first of three Academic Success Workshops designed to provide students with the skills and attitudes necessary for the achievement of their academic, career, and life goals.

On Feb. 28, Dr Beverly Moon, assistant professor of English, will conduct “The Engaged Learner” workshop from 6 p.m. – 7 p.m. Clint Wood, professor of business law, will present his workshop “The Alpo Alternative” on March 27, from 6 p.m.-7 p.m. Both workshops will be held in the Henry Jacob Conference Center in Ewing Hall on the Delta State campus.


The workshops are being sponsored by the Delta State University Academic Support Lab.