Delta State will celebrate its annual Homecoming weekend with a full slate of activities scheduled,
beginning Friday, Nov. 6, – Sunday, Nov. 8.
9:30 – 11:00 am Alumni Board of Directors Executive Committee Meeting, H.L. Nowell Union
10:00 – Noon Foundation Board of Directors Meeting, Alumni House
12:30 pm Awards and Business Luncheon: Outstanding Alumnus of the Year and Service
Awards, H.L. Nowell Union, State Room
2:00 – 4:00 pm Alumni Board of Directors Meeting, Alumni House
4:00 pm Delta State’s Homecoming Parade
6:00 pm Student Pep Rally, Statesmen Park
5:30 – 6:30 pm Golden Circle (classes ’28 –’59)Social and Reunion, Cleveland Country Club
7:00 pm Class of ’59 Induction and Dinner, Cleveland Country Club
7:30 pm Swimming and diving alumni reunion, The Warehouse Restaurant
9:00 – 11:00 am Homecoming registration, H.L. Nowell Union, First Floor
9:00 – 10:00 am Athletic Alumni Meeting, H.L. Nowell Union, Room 302
10:00 – Noon “Backyards and Beyond, Mississippians and Their Stories” Exhibit,
University Archives and Museum
9:00 – 11:00 am Delta Music Institute Open House
10:00 – 10:45 am Dialogue with University Officials, Alumni House
10:00 am Veterans exhibit and refreshments, Jobe Hall
9:00 am – 2:00 pm Wright Art Center Gallery Faculty Open House
11:00 am Ceremony for Veterans Atrium, Jobe Hall
11:00 am Organizations, Constituent group meetings, and Open Houses.
Noon College of Education Awards Luncheon, H.L. Nowell Union, State Room
Noon Lunch, Young-Mauldin Delta State Dining Hall
7:00 pm Kappa Alpha Order 45th Reunion, Cleveland Country Club
· The Student Government Association will ask all Delta State Alums to stand
and be recognized at halftime of the football game.
· Jimmy R. Williams Bookstore open from 9 am – 2 pm, H.L. Nowell Union
(10% discount with presentation of alumni membership card)
· Downtown Merchant window displays, Downtown Cleveland
· Homecoming T-Shirts for sale, H.L. Nowell Student Union
Statesmen Park Homecoming Festivities:
Noon Tailgating, tent parties, cheerleaders and band
Noon – 3:00 pm Reunions, Open Houses, Tents, Statesmen Park, North Field
1:30 pm Football team Walk-through
4:00 pm Delta State vs. the University of West Georgia
Queen and court presentation at half-time
· Ol’ Skool Revue, TBA, Statesmen Park
9:00 am Golden Circle and Class of ’59 Brunch, Alumni House
For more information, please contact the Alumni Association at (662) 846-4660 or visit the Delta State
website at www.deltastate.edu. Click on “Alumni and Guests,” followed by “Alumni Happenings.”