October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and Delta State University through its Center for Community and Economic Development and Breast Education and Early-Detection Program (BEEP) have a host of events planned for the month.
Bolivar County municipalities and community members are invited to join in the awareness campaign events.
October 1: Kick-Off Day/ Paint the County Pink
10 a.m. – Delta State Quadrangle (Located on Delta State University across from H. L. Nowell Student Union).
Elected officials, community leaders and citizens will come out to celebrate the commencement of BEEP’s October events. Communities will be asked to purchase, wear, and display pink ribbons and bows. Ribbons and Bows should be placed throughout all municipalities in Bolivar County. Businesses will display pink ribbons bows and paint store windows.
October 2: National Denim Day
All local businesses, schools and other community groups are being asked to permit employees and students to wear blue jeans to work and school for a $5 donation. All funds will be used to pay for examinations for uninsured or underinsured participants in the Breast Education and Early-
Detection Project (BEEP).
October 6: Wear Pink Day
In recognition of breast cancer awareness everyone is asked to wear a pink apparel, ribbon or etc., on this day.
October 16: A Day for You
BEEP in conjunction with Bolivar Medical Center will offer a one day breast educational outreach program. It will be a one day event where participants will learn about earlier detection methods, will be taught self-breast examination, will receive free clinical breast examinations and free mammograms. All participants must qualify for BEEP program prior to the event. To request an application, call (662) 846-4008. The event will be held at the Bolivar Medical Center.
October 23: BEEP Walk/ Lunch and Learn
10 a.m. BEEP Walk, Delta State University Green Mile (The walk will start in front of the H. L. Nowell Union). Participants will be walking in recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness, followed by a lunch and learn in The State Room of the H. L. Nowell Union. Lunch will be provided.
October 24: Paint the Stadium Pink
The Delta State University Athletic Department will have activities scheduled in support of breast cancer awareness at Delta State vs. Southern Arkansas University football game at 3 p.m. inside Parker Field-McCool Stadium. All cancer survivors will be recognized during half-time. Individuals who wear pink to the game will get in free. The Stadium will be painted pink with signs and ribbons. The players will wear pink ribbons on their helmets. Athletic staff, Cheerleaders, grid-iron girls, and band members will wear pink lapel pins.
October 28; Breast Cancer Awareness Forum
10 a.m. Delta State University, Alumni House, Simmons Room
Dr. Roger Blake, Blake Surgical Association will be the guest speaker, offering professional advice. Survivors and family members will tell their stories. Health care providers will be on hand to answer questions. Other fun activities will be available. Door prizes and refreshments will be provided.
Breast Cancer t-shirts will be available for purchase Oct. 1, at the Community Development Center located at 1417 College Street across from Cleveland State Bank.
For more information on these events, call (662) 846-4008.