The Division of Biological and Physical Sciences at Delta State University recently made changes to its Environmental Science B.S. degree program.
This past spring semester significant course requirement changes was made to the General Concentration program in Environmental Science. The new curriculum has more flexibility. Students now can choose from a wider array of 200, 300 and 400 level courses in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics and can decide whether they want to focus on a field or laboratory based career.
Also incorporated into the program are social science electives and a course in Geographical Information Systems. In the past, the curriculum was more stringent and students were forced to select from courses that fulfilled specific categories: Earth Science, Environmental Biology, Animal Taxonomy, Plant Taxonomy, and Chemistry. Having more flexibility, help students meet graduating requirements more readily.
Students are heavily sought after once they complete a B.S. degree in Environmental Science and can expect to have starting salaries around $45,000 or more. Industries and agencies that hire environmental science students include the Mississippi Department of Energy Quality, Natural Resources Conservation Society, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, US Army Core of Engineers, Environmental Protection Energy, U.S. Geological Survey, waste water treatment facilities, and other assorted private agencies that work with water, soil, and air quality.
Many of these agencies are pleased with the skills and knowledge that Delta State University students have obtained when entering the job market. As a result, students get promotions and move up quickly once they are employed.
For more information about this degree program, please contact Dr. Nina L. Baghai-Riding at (662) 846-4797 or visit the following website: http://www/docs/bio_phy_sci/env-science-general.html.