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Sign of the future

By January 22, 2009General

Motorists passing Delta State University on West Sunflower Road may have noticed the absence of informative messages scrolling across the Delta State marquee located on the north side of the road next to the entrance to Kent Wyatt Hall and Walter Sillers Coliseum.

Recent bad weather damaged the marquee and rendered it inoperable.   But change is on the way.  A new and improved marquee is scheduled to be in place in the coming months.
“We ask the public to bear with us,” said Dr. Wayne Blansett, Delta State Vice President for Student Affairs. “Repair to the current marquee is too costly… particularly with a new one on the way.  Instead, we will focus our efforts on getting our new sign up and running as soon as possible.”
According to Delta State Athletic Director, Jeremy McClain, the new marquee should be in place soon.
“Bids will go out as soon as possible, and we anticipate having the sign in place in six to eight weeks,” McClain said.
The marquee will be the final piece of the scoreboard and signage project that has replaced scoreboards at Parker Field-McCool Stadium, Walter Sillers Coliseum, Dave “Boo” Ferriss Field and University Field.
 “Thanks to the support of business leaders in Cleveland and the surrounding communities, we have been able to replace our outdated equipment,” McClain said. “The new marquee will be an improved message center allowing Delta State to better serve the campus and the community.”