A Delta State University professor recently created 50 learning activities for students in grades K-8 for the Mississippi Department of Education, Office of Healthy Schools, and Health In Action program.
Dr. Jerry Robinson, Jr., Delta State Professor Emeritus, and author of the learning exercises, says, “The goal of this program is to promote wellness and safety among school children and teachers as they engage in learning exercises and activities that promote wellness and safety while at school and as they travel to and from school.” Earlier in his career, Robinson authored books for adults and children on wellness and traffic safety.
With gas prices being so high, Mississippi is participating in a national program titled “Safe Routes to School.” This program encourages parents to walk or bike to and from school with their children. Examples of lesson plans are “The Tortoise and the Hare-Learning from Aesop’s Fable,” grades K-6; How to organize a “Walking School Bus,” grades K-8, in your neighborhood; guidelines for organizing and conducting community-wide “Bicycle Rodeos” that teach safe biking skills for students in grades 5-6 and 7-8; and step-by-step methods for “Establishing a Safe Routes to School Coalition” in a community.
The Office of Healthy Schools has posted the lesson plans on the web. Anyone can access the plans by going to www.healthyschoolsms.org and (1) by clicking on the “Health In Action” heading; (2) signing in; (3) clicking on the grade level of interest; and, (4) scrolling down and clicking on the activity of interest.
Community leaders who are interested in obtaining funding from the Mississippi Department of Transportation to begin creating a local Safe Routes to School Program can contact, Ms. Cookie Lefler, Coordinator, Safe Routes to School, by calling (601) 359-1828 or e-mail cleffler@mdot.state..ms.us.
Information about the National Center for Safe Routes to School can be found at www.saferoutesinfo.org.
For more information about the Office of Healthy Schools contact, Mr. Shane McNeill, Director, Mississippi Office of Healthy Schools, P. O. Box 771, Jackson, MS 39205—0771.