Treatments continued Thursday for Merve Terzigolu and Regan Niemann at the Elvis Presley Trauma Center in Memphis, Tenn., while Caitlin Dudley’s care continued at University Medical Center in Jackson. All three were injured Saturday, March 29 in an auto accident on Highway 61 north of Cleveland.
Regan Niemann, a junior from Oveido, Fla., has continued to progress and is scheduled to undergo a procedure on Friday, April 4. No additional information on the procedure.
Terzigolu, a freshman from Istanbul, Turkey, and Dudley, a freshman from Huntsville, Ala., both remain in critical condition. No procedures were scheduled for Terzigolu or Dudley on Friday.
An account, named in honor of Molly Bates who lost her life in the accident, has been established to help defray medical expenses for Dudley, Niemann, and Terzigolu. Checks should be made payable to “Molly’s Mile Fund” and mailed to: DSU Athletics, ATTN: Molly’s Mile Fund, DSU Box A-3, Cleveland, Miss. 38733. For more information about “Molly’s Mile Fund,” please contact Dana George with DSU Athletics at (662) 846-4289.