Interview with Jane Dunlap 7.12.07 OH# 372

Interviewed by Emily Weaver and Cam McMillen

Transcribed by W. Ray


Side A

EW:    This is Emily Weaver and I am with Dr. Cameron McMillen and Mrs. Jane Dunlap on Thursday the 11th – 12th of July, 2007, in the Capps Archives Building and we are discussing the Historic Neighborhood in downtown Cleveland, aspects of that.  Mrs. Dunlap are you okay with sharing these stories with us and the general public?

JD:                  I’ll be glad to give you any information I possibly can.

EW:    Great.  Thank you very much.  Well Dr. McMillen I’ll let you get started.

CM:    Okay.  How did you get involved with the Beautification Project downtown?

JD:                  Back in 1969 I believe it was, there were a group of Cleveland that organized a Rose Society.  And it was a very active Rose Society.  And I was involved in the Rose Society and my husband also.  And we grew a lot of roses at home and I would say in about 1984 or 5, I had planted some roses in the parking lot of the First Baptist Church. And we had such good luck with those roses until I thought, well now wouldn’t it be nice to plant a few roses downtown.  So I go to the mayor and I asked him about planting a bed or two of roses down along the railroad.  And he said, “Oh, you don’t want to do this.”  And I said, “Why not?”  And he said, “Well people won’t leave them alone.”  And I said, “Well just let me try.”  So he gave me permission to do whatever I wanted to do down there.  So probably there were about maybe three or four Rose Society members that assisted in planting probably the first bed on the north end of the green strip.  And we planted a bed there and we planted two beds down there.  And then later on we were so successful with that, that we just came on down.  We gradually added some beds and this was all done without the expense of the city.  This was all volunteer work.  Also I had gotten a friend of mine who was a member of this local Rose Society, but worked in Jackson at the Ag Museum.  Told me how to go about contacting different people about making donations of roses.  So I did that.  And we just got plenty of roses.

CM:    Had they already been declared a green space at that point?

JD:                  Oh it was a green space originally even when the railroad was there it was a green space.  And in fact, it was more than today’s green space almost.  There was a row of hedge on the east side of the railroad.  And in that row of hedge there was honeysuckle and poison ivy and that sort of thing growing in that row of hedge.  And occasionally they would come along and trim that hedge a little bit, but it was a very unkept looking row of hedge.  And – I’m getting off the track about that –

CM:    No you’re not.

JD:                  about getting the roses.  I made contact with Jackson Perkin’s Nursery.  And (inaudible).  And they supplied us with the roses that we needed.  Not the roses we wanted, but the roses we needed.  I would always, I would select certain varieties.  And they wouldn’t send me those particular varieties unless they had plenty of them.  They would send us what they had an oversupply of.   Which we were glad to get.  Goodness gracious, saved us a lot of money.  And we took care of those roses and as we, as the success of those beds grew, we just began to add more roses.  Then one day the mayor said, “When are you going to plant some roses by the City Hall?”  And his favorite rose was yellow.  So I did my best to plant some yellow roses at City Hall. Didn’t have many, but I made a request for yellow roses anyway.  So of course that bed has changed somewhat during the growing period.  And we planted those.  And then we planted the roses, the bed at the corner of Sharpe and Court Street.  That sort of took care.  Oh no, we went on down below that.  The big bed that is in front of the Depot, we don’t know who did it, but we have a pretty good idea.  At one time that big bed had iris, just unkept iris, and some kind of trees in there.  And one night they were in there, and the next morning they were not there.  That bed was just cleaned out.  So, we thought, well we’ll just do something with that bed.  And that carried us on across Court Street.  We were getting a pretty good array of beds up and down the green strip. Now this is still while the railroad was there.  And basically, George Harrison who was a member of the Rose Society, and at one time Wilburn Wilson helped us by spraying the roses, and Mrs. Dorothy Bacon, and I am sorry you didn’t get to interview that sweet lady.  She lived in this town all her life and she was Nott Wheeler’s aunt.  And she passed away at 99 years old.  And she still worked in her garden.  I learned more about gardening from that lady than anybody.

CM:    To get off the subject, can I ask you a little bit about her?

JD:                  Oh okay.

CM:    She owned the house that I live in.  I’m not sure whether she lived there or what.  On Victoria?

JD:                  On Victoria.  She did own a house on Victoria. Yes.  But she sold that house.

CM:    And she rented it to Dr. Rango for some time, but did she ever live in that house?

JD:                  You know I’m not sure whether she ever lived in that house.  She may have for a short period of time.  But she grew up in the house that Nott Wheeler lives in now.  In the big two story house on Pearman.  And then she lived in the house, the second house, she just lived down the street from that two story house. It’s the second house on the right before you get to College Street.  And that little lady had lots of roses in her garden.  Lots of flowers.  She was a flower lover.  And she just, even in her 90’s she worked in the yard, generally with a stick to support her.  Just to give her some good support while she was in the garden.  But she had lots of stories to tell and she knew an awful lot about flowers.  As I said, she taught me an awful lot about gardening.

CM:    Do you have pictures of the roses through the years in the green space?

JD:                  You know I’m not sure that I have.  I have some newspaper clippings that had –that showed us when we- and I don’t have dates on those, I wish we did.  But I tried to think when we did the bed at the corner of Sharpe and Court St.  I had a store where the Pawn Shop is now.  I had a store there, and I know that we did that bed there.

EW:    What store?

JD:                  It was Dunlap’s Housewares and Gifts.  And I closed that store in ’94.

EW:    A year before I got here.

JD:                  So we had done that bed before we closed the store.  And we also planted the parking lot.  All that parking lot was landscaped by me and Gerald Finley.  He kind of told me the plants to select.  And I did that and he and I laid those plants out and we planted all the plants on that  parking lot that’s right there at that corner, on the north corner of Sharpe and Court.

EW:    Oh I see.

JD:                  It used to be just a gravel parking lot.

EW:    Looks much better now.

JD:                  With those iron pipes, just a little fence of iron pipes and iron posts used to be there.  That was a real improvement there on that parking lot.

EW:    I agree.  It’s beautiful downtown.

JD:                  And as we went along the city realized that we meant what we said that we wanted to do something about the green strip.  And of course my idea always was – the city had given me so much that it was my idea to give back. And I think that is what we ought to do anyway is to give back to where we live.  That’s the only way we can keep things going to me.

CM:    What do you think makes Cleveland such a special place to live?

JD:                  Oh my goodness, it’s the people and really how well we get along with each other I think.  It’s the, well you just have so many benefits and you don’t have to go out of town to do much of anything except now you have to go out of town to go to the movies.  Which is just terrible that you have to go out of town to go to the movies in a college town.

EW:    And we used to have what three…

JD:                  We used to have three.  There used to be two on Sharpe St.  Now when I was in college those were the movies that I went to.

CM:    What were the names of those theatres?

JD:                  One was the Regent, and one was the Ellis I believe.  And then the Ellis moved to now what is the Arts Building.  So back to – now then I got off the track about the hedge that really separated the two streets in town.  If you were on one street, you could not see what was going on, on the other street.

EW:    Was that done purposely, or did that (inaudible)?

JD:                  I don’t know, it just happened that way you know.  That row of hedges was there when I came.

EW:    Had to do something about that.

JD:                  Though it might be old as dirt.

EW:    Well you know, I mean if it may have been on one side of the track it may have been for sound.

JD:                  It could have been.  It could easily have been.  But anyway, after we did that.  I thought well, if they could pull up those trees down in front of the Depot, I don’t know why they would object if we pulled up that row of hedge (inaudible).  So we sort of did that in piecemeals.  We dug up a little portion of the row just to see what it looked like.  And we did that from North Street to Sharpe to Court Street.  We dug up that first and the city helped us do that.  We couldn’t dig up that much hedge.  And it was an old holly hedge.  Just a terrible old holly hedge.  And it just looked great.  It just opened the two streets and you could see what was going on, on both sides.  So it was no time until we had gotten rid of the entire row of hedge that separated the two streets.

EW:    You said the city had given you so much, what did you mean by that?

JD:                  Well of course the city and the college gave me my education.  It gave me my husband.  It gave me a livelihood. It gave me friends.  It gave me customers.  And you know, just on and on.  Just gave me what I needed.

CM:    When did you open the store?

JD:                  I did not open the store.  My husband had the store.  It started out as a hardware store and it was on North Street.  And in 1946 it moved to Sharpe Street.  And it remained a hardware store.  Then we, well back then the biggest business that the hardware store had was the dairy business.  There were if I am not mistaken, I remember Dunlap saying that there were fourteen dairies in the county.  And he said that the dairy needed supplies every day.  Every day.  So he handled a lot of dairy products.  Then the dairies began to vanish and I came along and as I got involved in the store we began to have a few gifts and a few housewares.  And that progressed into more housewares and gifts.  Up in housewares and gourmet type cooking, that sort of type thing, plus gifts.

CM:    I wish you were still open.

JD:                  Huh?

CM:    I wish you were still open.

EW:    Um hmm.

JD:                  I have people even today saying, “Oh, I just miss that store so much.”

EW:    So you stayed here and raised your family?

JD:                  Pardon?

EW:    You stayed in Cleveland…

JD:                  I stayed in Cleveland, yes.

EW:    and raised your family.

JD:                  Uh huh.

EW:    Okay.

JD:                  I stayed in Cleveland.  Mr. Dunlap had one daughter and she was a senior at Rhodes which was Southwestern, which is now Rhodes.  And I, well I’m really getting off on other things, but she was, they had a maid that did everything for them.  She did not know how to do anything.  So I feel like I raised her.

EW:    Absolutely.

JD:                  Her first teaching job was in Atlanta.  And she was scared to death because she was rooming with three other girls who were classmates of hers at Southwestern.  And she did not know how to boil water.  So from Cleveland to Atlanta, I taught and she wrote.  You know, how to cook an egg, how to cook bacon.

EW:    Bless her heart!

JD:                  I know it!  She’ll hate me for telling this.

EW:    No, not at all.

JD:                  But anyway, she turned out to be a very good cook.

EW:    Well there you go. You were a very good influence on her.

JD:                  She turned out to be a very good cook.

EW:    Now where did ya’ll live when you were here in town?   When you first got married?

JD:                  Well, right where I am.  Where I am.

EW:    I know it, I do the same thing.

JD:                  Right where I am now.

EW:    Okay. And just for the recording where is that?

JD:                  Oh 1410 Maple Street.

EW:    So you didn’t get the benefit of the maid at home?

JD:                  (inaudible) for a period of time.  A period of time.  I taught school.  I taught school in Shaw.  I left when I graduated from Delta State.  I taught in Shaw.  And I was in Shaw when integration came along and there were a group of people in Indianola that came to me and asked me to help them organize a school.  So I left Shaw and went to Indianola and we organized Indianola Academy.  And I stayed there driving back and forth until 1972.  So that period of time I had my maid.  After that I sort of did things the way I wanted to do.

EW:    So if we were to go to your yard now would it look, with all the roses and things?

JD:                  I have a yard full of roses.  I do have a yard full of roses.  I do.

EW:    Do you think that space downtown as an extended yard?  Your own personal or..?

JD:                  It’s my own personal yard.  I feel like it’s my own personal yard.  And still George Harrison and I still maintain all the roses – all the plantings downtown.  We’ve planted all around the gazebo and as I said, you know, I had a hand in the parking lot.

CM:    Did you plant that little spot by Region’s Bank?

JD:                  Where?

CM:    By Region’s Bank, it’s right at the end of Court?

JD:                  No, I did not.  But I shamed them into doing that.

EW:    Very good.

JD:                  I did!

EW:    You were a very good influence.

JD:                  They didn’t know they even owned that little plot of land there when I first went to them and asked them to please clean it up.  They said, “Well, that doesn’t belong to us.”  And I said, “Well, yes it does.”

EW:    It’s yours, you take care of it.

JD:                  That’s right.  So I went to the courthouse to see who paid the taxes on that.  And they pay the taxes so I said, “You must own it because you pay the taxes on it.”  Anyway, I was not responsible for that.

EW:    Well you obviously branched out from roses around the gazebo.

JD:                  I really and truly did.  Well you know I plant other things.

EW:    Sure.

JD:                  And then as it, you know things just started snowballing.

EW:    I imagine.

JD:                  And then here comes the railroad museum and Martin said, he sees me one day, and he says, “Are you going to plant me some roses down around the museum?”  And I said, “Well if you want me to.”  So I go down there and I look to see sort of what I could do and where we could do it.  And then I had another partner involved in that.  Mark Ponder who is the Mosquito Control man.  Who takes care of plantings you know in off seasons. He doesn’t fight mosquitos year around.

EW:    Although he probably could.

JD:                  He’s a city employee year around.  He got involved in tree planting and that sort of thing.  So then here come the planters on the sidewalk and the planters on the street, plus when Martin said he wanted some roses around the museum, I sort of went crazy and decided I’d just use the whole space and that’s how – I just said, “Well, I’m going to plant a rose garden down here.” And that’s when Mark Ponder got involved – really got involved in that.  And he helped and then we – when the building was built there was nothing, nothing in the budget for any kind of planting around the museum. No planting at all by the museum.  So it fell upon us to landscape the museum. Which we did.

EW:    And you did a wonderful job.

JD:                  And it turned out – I was really pleased with that.  But this was with the help of George Harrison and Mark Ponder.

EW:    Well you’ve created, by beautifying downtown, a really nice space for the family to gather and for the community to gather.

JD:                  Right. We have – one day I happened to be in the rose garden at the museum and this tour bus drives up to see the museum, to go inside and see the train exhibition.  But Cheryl Line who was in charge of that tour bus said she couldn’t keep them inside for coming outside.  And Chery said, “I’m so glad you were there because they had so many questions.  They wanted to know the name of this rose and this rose and that rose and what do you do, and so forth and so on.  So, anyway.

EW:    Do you see yards that you wish you could stop and pull over and the people would let you in there just for a minute, just to clean them up?

JD:                  Do you want to know what my project is now?

EW:    Yes I do.  Would it happen to be my house?

JD:                  No unfortunately.  I went to the city board meeting during the month of June.  Not this last month, the month before.  And talked to them.  It bothers me, and I’m also on City Beautification and Tree Board.  And it bothers us as committee about the way Cleveland as you drive through Cleveland, coming down 61.  Even going on Number 8.  So our little project right now is to try to get businesses that open onto the highway to landscape their entrance and maintain those entrances.  That’s our project right now.

CM:    That’s a big project.

JD:                  It’s a big project.  It’s a really big project.  I’ve been trying to work with Walmart.  I have been really disappointed in what they have done so far.  Other businesses on the highway on the highway have just done well. The new businesses.  Look at the banks.  They’ve just done wonderfully.  And Kroger, when they redid and had a reopening, they came and did landscaping at their entrances and it looks very nice.  But Walmart unfortunately the city code states, well at one time it was – all a business had to do was to have 10% green space on the property they were going to build on.  And recently the city increased it to 20% green space.  With no, with no guidelines as to what to do with that green space.  So as far as I’m concerned they could take part of that greenspace and put it around their garbage cans. See?  Which is not what we wanted.  So that’s why I went to the city about that to try to get it pinpointed as to what we would like to see happen.

EW:    Well you know how we love our shade trees, shade would be great!

JD:                  You’re exactly right. And unfortunately for the city, back in 1994, you know that’s when the – when we had the ice storm. And it just destroyed so many of our beautiful trees.  And really from that time on, we’ve been trying to plant trees everywhere we can.  And as many as we can.  People may not realize that we are constantly planting trees, but we are.  After the ice storm in 1994 we planted the first 54 crepe myrtles downtown.  As you know, the majority of them are white.   They were planted by Jo Beth Janoush and me.  In fact, we got a long trailer and went to Winona and picked those trees from a tree farm out from Winona.  Thse tress were paid for by the downtown merchants with the promise that a tree would be planted in from of his or her business.  Those first 54 trees were planted from Sharpe Street Station north.  Billy Perry is responsible for all the crepe myrtles planted south of Sharpe Street.  Our plan has always been to plant crepe myrtles from Court Street all the way down to Fifth Avenue.  That is something that I still plan to do.  And also the tree board and the city, give away trees every year.  And we have pretty good success with that.  Usually we give those trees away in February.  Now I don’t mean they are six foot trees you know, but they are nice three foot trees you know.  And there’s a pretty good supply.  A pretty good variety of trees that we give away.  Usually there are several varieties of oak trees and we sort of shy away from pine trees, because those were the trees that we just completely lost in the city during the ice storm.  And we give away red buds, dogwood, cypress trees.

EW:    Those are big.

JD:                  Uh hmm.  And they are available to anybody that comes to pick them up.

EW:    Oh, that’s good to know.

CM:    Is it advertised in the paper?

JD:                  It’s advertised, uh hmm.

CM:    You talked about where Dorothy Bacon lived, do you remember any other people that lived on Pearman, Bolivar, Leflore, Victoria?

JD:                  Let me see.  Cherry Wheeler’s mother lived across the street from where Cherry and Nott Wheeler live now.

CM:    What was her name?

JD:                  Walker.  I believe it was Elizabeth Walker.  And then on the corner where the, what was their name, where the Russell’s, you know where the Russell’s live on the corner?  Across the street from the Wheeler House.  Jack Sawyer lived in that house and he was a very good photographer.  That’s what he did for a living.  That’s what I knew he did for a living.

EW:    Just to go fishing just a little bit…

JD:                  Huh?

EW:    Just to go fishing for a few stories here…

JD:                  Okay.

EW:    Do you remember attending parties or other events in any of these houses?

Any special occasions, Christmas parties?  Luncheons?

JD:                  Not – not long ago, they’d just be very recent.

EW:    I didn’t mean to stop you.

CM:    No.

EW:    With this project we are also trying to get an understanding of what life was life was like some of the homes in the area, the kinds of things that were going on, even decorations and what the homes looked like from the inside out, that sort of things.

JD:                  That’s just hard, that would be hard for me to try to, try to come up with, you know, that sort of information.

EW:    And that’s okay.

JD:                  Since I’ve been here, what we do now we did then.

EW:    Oh yeah, definitely.  You’re doing very well.

CM:    Was the swimming pool downtown closed when you got here?

JD:                  The swimming pool downtown?

CM:    Was where Denton’s.

JD:                  Yes it was closed.  I don’t remember the swimming pool. I sure don’t.

CM:    I’m not sure when it closed.  It may have been a long time before you got here.

JD:                  Yeah. Now I’ve heard some people talking about the swimming pool.

EW:    What do you think will happen, or what are your plans for the future of the green space downtown and all the roses?

JD:                  Well I just hope that there will be somebody that will come along.  We can’t do this forever.  I’m not going to say on the, on the news, my age.

EW:    No, we’re not going to announce it.

JD:                  But the man that helps me is not really in good health and he says every year, “I hope I can do it one more year.”  So it’s just our desire to have somebody to come along to have as much interest as we have in maintaining things.  Today it’s awful hard to get younger people interested in something like this.  And I can understand if young families, if they have children, it’s run here, yonder, everywhere.  Morning, afternoon and night.  Saturday and Sunday.   You know, all of those things take away from the family unit.  And they just don’t have time to do little frivolous things like volunteer for something.  So it’s going to have to be as a general rule, it’s going to have to be a retired person who will have an interest in helping to maintain all of this.  And it’s not really difficult to do.  People ask us all the time. It’s – you know, growing roses is all the time.  You have to spray the, you have to water them, and you have to feed them, and you have to do all these things. Well you have to do that with a baby.

EW:    Yeah.

JD:                  You have to do that with a baby and you’re not going to throw the baby away just because it requires a little bit of care.  But once you get things, if you start off doing it right, building the beds right, getting the weeds under control, it’s very easy to maintain.  If you have the right equipment.  The city certainly provided us with the easiest way to take care of the roses.  You know the cooperation of the city has been absolutely wonderful. But also they, I think they recognized that it brings, it brings people to Cleveland.

EW:    Oh definitely.

CM:    I think we are one of the few small towns that still has a viable downtown.

JD:                  You know.

CM:    And that’s part of the reason.

JD:                  You can’t come up with another town this size that still has a viable downtown.

CM:    Who was the mayor when you all started this?

JD:                  Martin King.  He’s been the mayor forever.  Well when I first came to Cleveland, Wattie Bishop was the mayor.  And the little rose garden that is over on the – you know we do have other rose gardens beside the green strip downtown. The one at the Library.   Wattie was a member of the Rose Society.  And he, excuse me, grew roses.  And when he died, his daughter asked us if we wanted – she didn’t want to take care of the roses, or she didn’t know how to take care of the roses.  So she asked if we wanted them.  So we took those roses and planted some of them down at the library and that’s the Wattie Bishop Rose Garden there.

CM:    Where did he live?

JD:                  Where did he live?  He lived on Fifth Avenue.  It’s – and they lived on the west side – the west side of Fifth Avenue, I believe it’s the corner of Fifth and Lamar.  In that house.

EW:    Is that where…

JD:                  Ann Rusco.

EW:    lives right now.

JD:                  Um hmm, lives right now.

EW:    Has a hedge all the way around it.

JD:                  Right. And you know, the first rose gardens were planted in the parking lot of the Baptist Church.  The old parking lot of the Baptist Church.

CM:    Where was the old parking lot?

JD:                  It’s where the present fellowship hall is now.  We had to move those.  We moved those roses around at the north end of the church. We maintain that rose garden today.  And George being a Methodist, wanted a rose garden at his church, so we planted a rose garden at his church.  Then we decided we’d plant a little rose garden out at the hospital. So we did that.

EW:    Would that be all of the rose garden spots then?

JD:                  I believe that’s it. The hospital, the two church’s, downtown, and the library.

EW:    That’s enough.

CM:    Where did the Baptist minister live?

JD:                  Where did the Baptist minister live?  On Leflore.  But the Baptist Church sold that house.  The Baptist’s owned that house where the minister lived.  And Mickey Hubbell was the minister when I – he’s the minister I remember.

EW:    Oh okay.

JD:                  And the Baptist’s sold that house two years ago to Lee Aylward and we bought Lee Aylward’s house which was across the street from the church.

CM:    Did First Baptist build that house that Lee lives in now?

JD:                  You know, I don’t know.  I know we made a lot of additions on that house.  But I don’t know that we actually built that house.  The Baptist’s also owed another house that we provided for the minister of music and education.

CM:    Where was this?

JD:                  It’s on – and we sold that house too – I believe it’s on Seventh.  And Seventh on the corner – do you know where Mark Koonce lives?

CM:    Um hmm.

JD:                  It’s across the street from Mark Koonce.  It’s the corner house.  That’s College isn’t it?  I believe it is Sixth and College.

EW:    I’m not that good, I don’t know.

JD:                  Yeah.  But anyway, the Baptist’s did own that house at that time.  We almost got out of the real estate business.

EW:    Well that was pretty typical of the Baptist’s to have homes.

JD:                  Right.  That’s right.  And the Presbyterian’s did too.

CM:    Well, all the church’s did.

JD:                  Uh hmm. All church’s owned – had a house for the minister.

EW:    Sure.  Had to take care of them.

JD:                  And that’s the only way you could get a minister is to provide a place for them to live.

EW:    Okay.

CM:     Have you seen changes in the neighborhood around the Baptist Church?  There’s a big vacant lot.

JD:                  Right.  There was a house on that.  We tore that house down. The Perry House.  T.E. and Clyde Perry.  And they had a daughter named Mildred.  Mr. Perry farmed in Merigold.  It was empty for a good long while.  And I will say this, there was a teacher out at Delta State, Jessie White, who was a Science and Biology teacher, and he had lived in Cleveland all his life.  He lived at the corner of, and this might be a part of your historical part – he lived where the little, it’s not a 7-11, service station.  The property behind the Methodist Church where the playground is now was formerly the home of the Kamien’s.   I.A. or Leon.

Side B

JD:                  He lived on the corner of North Bayou and Highway 8.

EW:    Is that the house that was torn down?

JD:                  That house was torn down.  That’s where he lived.  That’s where he lived.  And his family ran a little grocery store across the street.

EW:    My uncle used to work at that Pic-A-Bit when he went to Delta State.

JD:                  Okay. Well it was not a service station as such.  It was a little grocery store when Jessie was growing up.  And the reason I’m bring up Jessie White’ s name is that he – I remember him saying that the tree in that big parking lot – I mean the big empty lot by the Baptist Church – he thought was the oldest tree in town.  It’s a pretty big tree.

EW:    It’s still there?

JD:                  It’s still there.

EW:    I need to go look at that.

JD:                  Right.  But he said that was the oldest tree in town.

CM:     That’s interesting.

JD:                  I know we did a little work on that tree this summer, just to maintain it.

EW:    They all need it.

JD:                  Had some broken limbs in it.

CM:     There’s a tree in city park in front of my house that needs some work.  Is it the Tree Board people that I call?

JD:                  Well you know it has to be on city property.

CM:     It is on city property.

JD:                  It is on city property.  I don’t know if they’d come and maintain that tree.

CM:     It’s on city property.

JD:                  Uh hmm.  But I would say that I’m not real sure.  I know that there was a tree on the Methodist playground last year, there was a tree.  And I passed that tree one day and I noticed that tree leaning a little bit.  And it was a big tree.

EW:    Leaning toward Ned Mitchell?

JD:                  No, it wasn’t toward Ned Mitchell, it was toward the playground.

EW:    Oh no.

JD:                  So I said something to the city about that.  And they cut that tree down.

CM:     I didn’t want them to cut it down – just the top part of it.

JD:                  Yeah, I know it.  Well this was a pretty diseased tree, you no.  It had gone too far.

EW:    We need a tree doctor.  A resident tree doctor.

JD:                  Instead of that golf cart doctor.  Need a tree doctor.

EW:    Just somebody that walks around and makes sure our trees are good.

CM:     I noticed that some of the houses on that street by the Methodist Church and Baptist Church are newer.  Do you remember when those were vacant lots or were houses torn down?  How did we get new houses?

JD:                  There were houses that were houses originally where the playground is at the Methodist Church.  There were originally houses there and don’t hold me to this, but you could investigate this, Jo Beth Janoush could tell you this about whose houses those were.  I believe one of them belonged to the Kamien’s.

EW:    We have heard that.

JD:                  Uh hmm.  I think one of them belonged to the Kamien’s.

CM:     And there is two older houses.  One of them John Cox lives in now and John Thornell did live in.  And I’m not sure who lives next door but you probably know.

JD:                  No, I don’t know who lives in those.  It’s been you know, people have come and  out of those two houses for several years now.

CM:     And Mary McKay lives next door and – but then this next – the house on the corner is newer and then there’s a new brick house on the corner of – what is the name of that street – I live right by it.

EW:    But it’s right across from Dr. Steen’s house.

JD:                  Oh, a little brick house across from him.

CM:     And I’ve always wondered how did it get there.  What is that a vacant lot?

JD:                  I don’t know.  But if we are thinking about the same house, Teddy Kittle lives in that house.  You don’t know Teddy Kittle?

CM:     No.

EW:    Does he have a walker?

JD:                  He does.

EW:    Then that’s who lives there.

JD:                  I was trying to think how to describe him.

EW:    Because I used to live down there and every once in a while that front door would be wide open and then there would be no one there and then I would see him a little ways down the road – down the street.

JD:                  He is on a walker.  I taught him in the second grade.

EW:    Really?

JD:                  He was the – putting all of this on the table – you can take out whatever you want to take out – cause I’m telling things.  He was the first child that I taught that mirror read.  He would see things this way, instead of this way.  Sure did.

EW:    Oh.  Well Cam, do you have any other (inaudible) questions?

CM:     No, but you have been a treasure trove of information.

EW:    Yes.  We have enjoyed it.

JD:                  Well good.  It hasn’t been too bad.

EW:    Good.  Well we will end our interview right here then.

Tape Ends