J.R. Baird Collection
Transcribed by: Wanda Ray
Transcription Date: 2.9.2006
Mobile Sept 14th 1850
Mr. B.M. Terrell
Dear Sir,
In my last I believe there was an acknowledgement of you favor enclosing the remaining halves of bills amounting to $350. which appears on our Books to the credit of the accounts designated in your letter. At present we are on our oars very little demand as yet has sprung up. We shall however be well preferred for an early fall trade although our calculation is not to be at any time over stocked. Mr. (word?) will probably be here by Oct 1st he speaks of leaving about Sept 20th. If my letter to you of August 19th has not yet came to hand then is great probability of its being lost.
In haste Yours truly,
T.B. Lynes
Letter written on Merchants’ and Planters’ Price Sheet of Ports and ships destinations.
Letter folded as envelope and addressed to Col. B.M. Terrell
Quincy, Monroe Co. Miss. Postmarked Mobile Ala.