J.R. Baird Collection
Transcribed by: Emily Weaver
Transcription Date: 2.7.2006
Mobile 5 July 1849
Col B. M. Terrell
Dear Sir,
Yours of the 23 June came yesterday with half of $100 note. I have written you two or three times – once warning you of the rest of $100 from curry on the 26 June. Thomas has quit. His prospect with Henry Stodden Co. young ones fell through & he has now bought out Stewart (his late partner). Col. Duncan, the celebrated U.S. artilary officer who was second in command under Ringgold at Palo Alto, died day before yesterday at the Mansion House. His disease was pronounced ‘yellow fever’. He had been traversing the lone Mississippi & the Bayons at and about New Orleans carried him sick about 10 days before his death. It is a melancholy occurrence in having risen from great abscurity to very high distinction by the force of talents that {word?} a young man. Our city is very healthy…..{can’t read the next few words} We are collecting nothing – selling nothing. Stewart has got mules. Coly talks of going to Europe. Lynn is in New York.
Collect from Maurkchulk [spelling?] $10.91. buy some of his candy if you can’t do better.
I got our books straight very soon – am at mark at Coly & C.S.M. Cotton is selling at 7 ½ – very little on hand [or might be handle]. The 2 July has passed very quietly over. I [word?] on the Buy & Winther at 12 at night.
I will attend to the Bloise case.
Your Reply,
Moor & Lyne
Outside of folder letter states “Col. B. M. Terrell, Quincy, Mis”