J.R. Baird Collection
Transcribed by: Emily Weaver
Transcription Date: 2.7.2006
“Beauty’s Retreat”
March 27th 1866
Dear Nannie:
You are perfectly correct, nothing inconvenient to you would give me the least satisfaction. Nannie, I’ll tell you when next I see you, the true cause of my positive assertion about not being willing to engage myself for one year – You noticed after your reply to it, I gave my consent for you to keep my letters – So while twas not meant to simply to hurry you, yet I’m heartily glad it had such an effect only.
Am pleased to know you are so well entertained by friends. Hope you may never lack pleasure or contentment. The swamp soil has my attention right well occupied and everything has to be hurried thro’ with, even my love letters, tho worst of all. Read Byron, Longfellow and the Bible when the sun gets too hot for me, to look after my planting &c.
Today comes more gloomy feelings, (mixed with the joy of hearing from you). All leave me this evening, alone & desolate, without a treasure save your dear, sweet letters. I’m called to write every order or receipt & pack my trunk. They are trying to swindle me out of this short note, but I will not neglect my sweetheart. Be sure & send the photo & retain a copy of your dream for me to expatiate on when I come.
Please be satisfied with this note & the assurance of more love than ever. Remember me to the F-
With all my heart
I am yours
John R. Baird
Pa says: “now go sir, you can write to your Nannie until I finish my dinning” – Sister Mary has measles & is very sick, she also expected to leave this evening, but unable. All of Mr. M’s family sick. My health is of little importance, but say good. Vicki as well as the rest seems sad at quitting the old spot of protection during the war. A letter from Will this morning inquires very particularly of Miss N. He’s well pleased with “Summerville Institute”. Am too much confused to write. Will go to dinner – Due affection to all &c.
Goodbye J.R.B.