J.R. Baird Collection
Transcribed by: Wanda Ray
Transcription Date: 2/10/2006
*This is also proper Crawfordville Miss
March 2nd/60
My Dear Boy
Yours of 4 and 5th Feb with bill of (words?) came whilst I way in Mobile and yours of the 26th to your Mother this morning.
That of the 5th is a good better and yours is much better and gave us much satisfaction, making us still prouder (if possible), of our dear boy, but that of the 26th rather threw a damper over my bright hopes and calculations of the (word?) of my darling son. What talk of backing down! Of not succeeding and not being able to do all that any boy under all you disadvantages could do! Never, and surely the faculty will make allowances for things you could not prevail or control. Knowing, or I hope they do know that you have been a studious good boy and done your duty- Those officially will they do so, if you promise still to rectify and make up any deficiency. I don’t think of anything but going ahead and (word?) in the end. I send you $20 and will send $20 more in a week or 10 days. I’ve just returned from Mobile and don’t feel like writing. I have so many things (word?) on me at this moment. You mother did not go with me as she expected. She will close the sheet with a few words. God Help My Boy!
Your father
JW Baird
Your Circular says:
Merit-roll 31
Absent from exercises 74
Demerit for Misconduct – none
General character for scholarship Respectable
General Character for Deportment Respectable
On side of page: “Letter was written while J.R. Baird was at college I Bethany, Va.
Page Two March 2nd /60
Dear John
Your Pa is quite full just now and your letter this morning seemed to throw quite a damper over him. Occasionally he examines the boys Will and Jr. and you know how it is with him, he has no patience and thinks they never will know anything, and all his hopes and expectations seem to be centered in you. I told him that perhaps I was some what to blame for the spirit of your letter. That I thought I wrote you rather a dull gloomy letter and course it had its affect with you. To be honest with you my dear Son, I have not been myself this whole year. There has been a shade over thing with me. It does seem to me I have lost all my philosophy, all my fortitude and every thing else. It requires a constant effort on my part to keep up appearances. I can’t write and I have only attempted it twice once to Mary and yourself and I had a great mind not to send either. If business could divert my mind from sadness it would surely be done. I have thirteen boarders and then a large family of my own. Gardening and everything else to do. Your Sister Kitty has been with us all week. Mr. Richards will be down for her in the morning. I do not think you very extravagant and see no reason why you should hesitate to say so when you need money. As long as you do not waste it on cigars and liquor, I am satisfied. And I do sincerely hope you never will touch either. May the good Lord give you grace to resist temptation. Your affectionate Mother.