J.R. Baird Collection
Transcribed by: Emily Weaver
Transcription Date: 2.7.2006
February the 15th 1853
Mr. B. M Terrell
Dear Sir,
After my best respects, I desire you to do me a small favour if you please. In so doing you will oblige your friend. I wish you to select if you can find them in mobile a skillet lid and an oven lid one to be 12 3/8th inches across, the other to be 11 ½ inches across where they fit down in the vessel. The rim at the edge of the lids to stick up about one inch to hold on the fire in baking. Get them of good heavy ware and send them to Martins Bluff and I will pay you for them when you come home. I have tried to get lids in Aberdeen and elsewhere and cant find none and I thought probably you could them at the foundry in Mobile if nowhere else and if you will get them for me if you can. I will take it as a particular favour [if you will] send them up by I. W. Moore if you get this before he leaves.
Yours with respect
George Gray
P.S. the measure above is the inside of the vessels
“The letter is addressed on the outside of the envelope to Col. B. M. Terrell, Mobile, Alabama, and the postage appears to be 5 cents”