J.R. Baird Collection
Transcribed by: Wanda Ray
Transcription Date: 2.9.2006
Dec. 21, 1865
Miss Nannie
Dearest friend:
This is my third attempt to hear from you and should it fail my (word?), I hope t’will be some proof of my inevitable love. I am nicer when I say I dislike to tantalize you so often, but tis a dictation of my heart, the mind will not refuse. Forever you said t’would always be pleasant to peruse them, so if, you are worried, blame yourself only.
My visit to Columbus was so very brief that I can not communicate any news from “my Crawfordville attraction” which Miss Mary has had me to deny so many times. Rather strange to say, but I did not visit a single young lady, not even an “old flame” in two hundred yards of me for three days. Thus now I’ve the good fortune of being so complete monopolized by another. Honestly I could see no pleasure in visiting one I would scarcely think of during my stay. Joe with me to C paid Miss Alice of Crawford a visit before I left. One old lady friend of John that’s flattering, she has a beautiful young daughter she promised me when I was but fifteen. (Word?) young lady sent me word she would wait on the strength of my promise but one year longer. Oh! She is very generous. Don’t you think? I am tormenting the Old lady of the house and will have to stop. Besides, I am very tired from my days ride. I only write because I think of and love you only. Will have a fine change to mail it tomorrow and cannot refrain. Will write more in extense next time. May angels protect you and make your happiness eternal, is my prayer.
With much love and respect remain
Yours &c